This week's pick:

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

ANIMAL MAN by Andy Kuhn

Hey ma, look at me, I'm twartin'!!!
Profuse apologies for my lack of twarts over the last few months.
I'm definitely gonna try to contribute more often in 2012.
Here's my version of Animal Man, an incredible comic both old and new.
Thanks for looking!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

ANIMALMAN by Mr. Hawthorne


Friday, January 27, 2012

Catch-up week Akira/Tetsuo by Rev. Dave

Derp a derppa derp. Does anybody read these anyway?

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Rocketeer Catch-Up post by Rev. Dave

Well, since I wasn't a member of Comic-Twart when this subject was chosen, I figured I'd make up for that fact with not one, but two Rocketeer sketches from the past.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

2nd Year by Evan Shaner

I said I wasn't going to do another one of these this year, but then I took my time and did a few faces here and there over the last week and a half or so. So here's the first two years of the Comic Twart in my way of catching up on the themes I missed. I recommend right-clicking and "viewing" the image instead of squinting.

Bucky by Nathan Fairbairn

For my annual Ketchup Twart, I wanted to do a Bucky piece, in honor of the great work done with that character by fellow Twartists Chris Samnee and Francesco Francavilla (okay -- I haven't actually read Francesco's issue, since it was sold out the day I went to pick it up, but come on, it's Francesco. It's money. Just look at this preview!)

So, yeah. Here it is. And for all of you continuity hounds out there, this takes place after Bucky died, and before he wasn't dead anymore.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Scooter Angst by Urbanbarbarian

2 years of Comic Twart?  I should feel happy about that but it's raining outside.  [ BTW, I don't own a scooter. ]

Monday, January 16, 2012


Couldn't resist the opportunity to do a Trek drawing. Someday I'm gonna do a big, epic Star Trek story. Just you wait and see.


Saturday, January 14, 2012

SPACE by Francesco Francavilla

Click on the image to see the BIGGER VIEW :)
SPACE 1999

Great pick, Chris!!! :D

When I hear the word SPACE the first thing that comes to mind is SPACE:1999, a show I used to watch when I was a kid and toally LOVED it :)
Starring Martin Landau, I didn't miss one episode of the saga of these guys stranded on the Moon which - kicked out by its orbit around the Earth - is now fluctuating in the deep space. Plus: EAGLES! (the ships, not the band ;))
Good, good stuff :)

Anyhow, decided to do my tribute in the same vintage sci-fi magazine style I did Jeff Hawke and Dan Dare previously. Hope you guys dig it :)


Friday, January 13, 2012

SPACE by Chris Samnee

This is just my li'l ode to the magic that Wally Wood did on the Spirit in Space stuff : )

And you can check out the (very rough) pencils for this HERE if you're so inclined.

Space Angel by Rev. Dave

Man, I loved this show (along with Clutch Cargo) when I was a kid growing up in the 60's. I didn't know who Alex Toth was at the time, but I dig the art just the same. Little known fact about the show and the human lips spliced in, was that the lips were one woman, who lip-synced the audio track by putting her mouth inside a tube that had lights and the camera. This kept the lip from moving around too much making it easier to use later. Unlike when Conan O'Brian does it where the actor tries (fails) to not move. The result is the lips travel all over the place on the photo of the celebrity that they're making fun of. But then, this makes it fun, so there's that.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

SPACE by Ron Salas

Stephen Hawking's birthday was this week so I felt it apt to draw him for this week's topic.
Whatever you think about the guy, he's an inspirational figure and made a huge difference in the way we think about the universe.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Monday, January 9, 2012

AKIRA by Nathan Fairbairn

I'm totally getting awesome at drawing dudes just standing around. That's pretty much all you ever need to draw, right?

Sunday, January 8, 2012

AKIRA by Evan Shaner

-Kurasowa that is.

Saturday, January 7, 2012


Saturday, December 24, 2011

CONDORMAN by Francesco Francavilla

Click on the image to see the BIGGER VIEW :)

Great pick, Ramon!!! :D

The feather costume was so campy that I decided to challange myself and try to make it look cool. Hope I succeded but you decide :)

HAve a wonderful Holiday, Xmas, and Happy New Year everyone :D


Friday, December 16, 2011

CONDORMAN by ramon perez

when i was a kid one of the first movie novelizations i read was condorman - funny thing was, i never saw the movie. the book contained a few movies stills - action sequences mainly, some villain shots, condorman fighting evil doers, and an awesome car....

my imagination ran wild!

i saw the movie probably 20 years later. it didn't hold a torch to my imagination... a little goofier than i had dream up, but fun. so in my eye, condorman's kinda cool, or at the very least - he's got potential. i'm a firm believer than any character no matter how lame can be made awesome, and be used to tell an exciting story.

so this is my take; a mashup of james bond and gatchaman. condorman, akin to batman, as a secret agent operative of the cia. condorman was a disney flick, and disney owns marvel, there are possibilities here....

due to time, i've put the piece up a little unfinished - there is an absent global skyline along the top, and the dash of colour i wanted to add... i'll try and tackle that later next week. but for now, i thought i'd share....

Thursday, December 15, 2011

CONDORMAN by Ron Salas

OK, I knew Ramon meant the Disney Condorman played by Michael Crawford but I just couldn't bring myself to draw the costume. Luckily, there's a Japanese Condorman that has a much cooler costume so I did that version instead.


Saturday, December 10, 2011

STREET FIGHTER [Ryu] by Urbanbarbarian

Had to go with Ryu on this one.  He is the Lyoto Machida of Streetfighter.  Yay Capcom!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


I've updated this post with my Cammy. She's probably one of my fave SF characters that doesn't get much play. She's got a cool design, especially when drawn by Kinu Nishimura.

This Chun Li an older one. I deliberately drew a similar pose for Cammy to see if I've gotten any better since then.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

JUDGE DREDD by Evan Shaner

Judge Dredd by Ramon Perez

missed out on this one due to workload, but dredd is a dude i love tackling - and have tackled in the past - so i thought i'd share an older warm up...

Saturday, December 3, 2011

JUDGE DREDD by Mr. Hawthorne

Who doesn't love Dredd? Well, besides your momma....

Also, sorry for quoting the old Stalone movie. But he looked like he needed something to say in this piece, and I didn't want to over use the "I AM THE LAW" line.

BOUNS DREDD! A piece I did a while back, for fun.

More on Judge Dredd here.


Friday, December 2, 2011

Judge Dredd by Reverend Dave Johnson


(more) JUDGE DREDD by Francesco Francavilla

Click on the images for the LARGER POSTERS! :)

As promised, here's something fresh (pencils and final art), from the oven done for this week's topic.
I wish I had more time to draw more Dredd - just such a fun character to play with :)

Hope you guys dig it.


Monday, November 28, 2011

JUDGE DREDD by Francesco Francavilla

Click on the image to see THE FLYING TOOTH! :)

AWESOME (and quite honestly overdue ;)) pick, Dan!!! :D

To start, here's IT'S THE LAW! starring Judge Dredd punching Mean Machine. :)
Stay tuned - will do another one soon - HUGE fan of Judge Dredd here and have been reading his adventures with 2000AD since I was a teenager.


Sunday, November 27, 2011

VAMPIRES (Salma Hayek) by Mr. Hawthorne

See the un-toned version on my blog.


Wednesday, November 23, 2011

USAGI YOJIMBO ~ VAMPIRES by Francesco Francavilla

Click on the image for the REVEAL
Usagi Yojimbo in ~VamPiReS~

Many thanks to Dave Johnson and Andy Kuhn for picking such cool subjects this past 2 weeks.

Since I was a little behind on Twarts, I thought to kill two birds with a stone ;)

What if, somewhere in a basement, someone finds this reel of an old japanese horror movie... :D


Tuesday, November 22, 2011

VAMPIRES by tom fowler

so vampires... not for me.

this is terrible.



colours by the lovely and talented jordie bellaire.

my colour notes to her: "van valkenburgh."