Showing posts with label Hundeunfälle/Dog's accidents. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hundeunfälle/Dog's accidents. Show all posts

Monday, August 17, 2009

Hundeunfälle/Dog's accidents #3

"Richard von der Kiefernaue -genannt "Klein Dicky"- wusste, dass er es nicht tuen sollte. Aber es war die einzigste Freude, die ihm geblieben war."


"Richard von der Kiefernaue -called "Little Dicky"- knew, that he shouldn't do it. But it was his only remaining joy in life."

For those, who read in english. There is a small language-term, which works only in German. "Klein Dicky" would be directly translated into "Little Fatty". But I thought, that fat would be to harsh, because the owner of Richard thinks, he is cute in his apperance. She would never call him fat. There are a bunch of people like that. So, i decided to let "Dicky" stay in the english translation. It does work also well as the short form of "Richard". And I've seen some hilarious meanings of "dicky" in the dictionary.

Hundeunfälle/Dog's accidents #2

"Rupert hatte immer geahnt, daß der komische Modegeschmack seines Frauchens einmal übele Konsequenzen haben würde."

Ein wenig spät, aber es war ein Höllenspass zu malen.


"Rupert had always the suspicion, that the odd fashiontaste of his owner would end up really bad."

A bit late, but it was the hell of fun painting this piece.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Hundeunfälle/Dog's accidents

"Barney war vielleicht nicht der Schlaueste. Aber er verlor nie das Ziel aus den Augen!!!"


"Barney may not have been the smartest one. But he never lost the target out of his eyes!!!"


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