Showing posts with label Dolls. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dolls. Show all posts

Monday, July 5, 2010

Different Dolly Stitching

Is your heart a puddle?
I was smittened the moment I laid eyes on her almost 20 years ago at a local fundraiser.
Needless to say, she came home with me!

I recently shared some stitching I did for dolls, here and here.
But this takes dolly stitching to a whole 'nuther level!
Have you ever seen such a cute little nose -- and it is all created with needle and thread.

Her big brown eyes, eyelashes and eyebrows are carefully hand embroidered.
Subtle coloring adds her sweet little pink lips and a rosy glow to her cheeks.

Even her little hand,

and ears are completely molded and shaped by stitching.

The only thing not stitched?
There was no sign of a label or artist signature.
It makes me sad that I do not know who to credit for this creation that has brought so many smiles to my face over the years.
 I realize that I do not always "sign" my creations, either.
Maybe this person, so talented with needle, thread and fabric, did not care as much about the recognition, but more about the joy shared with others.

One more thing is missing:  a name.
Any ideas?

**Surgery Update, July 5**
I wrote and scheduled this post prior to my recent surgery, but have received many inquiries for a health update. 
Thank you so much for wrapping me, my family, my surgeon and other caregivers in your thoughts and prayers.  They were very much felt and appreciated.
I am home, but must continue to refrain from most activities for a few more days.  I spend my days and nights on our family room sofa, as I must remain in an upright position.  Not sure I will know what to do when I can actually lie down to sleep!
Frozen pea compresses for my eye have become my best new friend, while TV and CDs occupy my mind and attempt to prevent boredom.  I would much rather be outside in the sun or stitching.
So, I hope some of you are doing that for me!
The past few months of limited and double vision prepared me well for these days of vision with mostly just one eye.
The swelling in my right eye is subsiding, and I know that some of my vision was preserved.  To what extent, and for how long, remains to be seen.
My right eye and side of head are still swollen, very discolored, sore and just downright ugly!  Although improving, I have a fairly constant headache. 
One other risk of the surgery was facial paralysis or numbness.  From the amount of pain I have felt, I think that risk is small.  In this case, pain was a blessing!
Stitches will be removed on Tuesday morning.  More information, including a schedule for surgery on the left eye may be learned at that time.
There are still many hurdles to clear, but I am grateful for the small steps thus far.
Thank you again for your care, concern and support. 

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