My momma always said, "Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what your're gonna get."
~Forrest Gump~
Momma was right. You just never know.
The past weeks (and those yet to come) have certainly not been what I ever expected to happen in my life.
The stitches from my right eye have been removed, and the surgeon is pleased.
I cannot see clearly yet, so the amount of vision preserved is unknown. We are grateful for any amount.
Double vision remains, and will continue until all surgeries and healing are completed.
I am becoming fairly good at doing most things with just one eye.
Well, I have managed to run into a few walls, or miss the countertop when setting down a plate, but I could have easily done that with two good eyes. I just now have a valid excuse!
Surgery on the left eye is scheduled for next week, Wednesday, July 14.
Surgery and recovery will be a little more difficult, since I am so fresh from the first surgery. However, we decided it best to keep moving forward without hesitation.
Words can never express my gratitude for all the prayers offered and kindness bestowed upon me and my family. The cards, emails and surprises always arrived when I needed them most.
My body may ache, but my soul has never known such peace, warmth and love.
I am truly blessed.
The photographs are decadent artisan chocolates from some of my sweetest friends.
I only wish we could share them in person! They are deeeelicious!
And now for the winner of my Sew Serendipity give away!
Nancy of Nancy's Couture is the lucky recipient!
You may contact me at bessiemaryblog at gmail dot com, and provide a mailing address.
Congratulations and enjoy!