Showing posts with label Thyroid Disease. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thyroid Disease. Show all posts

Friday, March 18, 2011

The Better to See With

I recently received my new glasses from the Mayo Optical Shop!
My prescription changed drastically following the recent eye muscle surgeries, and I can really tell a difference with these.  They do not help with the dark blobs and spots I still experience with my left eye, but overall my vision is greatly improved!
I am also relieved the lenses are not nearly as thick as I feared.  It is amazing what can be accomplished with today's technology and resources.
They are made in France by Dilem.  Around the lenses, they are brushed copper. 
The really cool part are the temples which are interchangeable.
My first choices are rather subdued, except for one pair.
The pair on the glasses, in the photo above, is burgundy.
The second pair is black, with cross hatching in shades of camel and brown.
The third pair is bright turquoise with brown swirls.
The temples are very easy to snap on and off.  The first time was a little frightening.  I had visions of everything snapping into pieces.
I already have plans to select a few more patterns and colors.

Earlier this week, a reader left a comment inquiring about my eye problems.  Since I had no way to contact her directly, I will answer here and hope she reads it.
Approximately seven years ago, I was first diagnosed as hypothyroid.  My thyroid did not produce enough thyroid hormone, and I was placed on Synthroid.  For almost five years, I had absolutely no problems and my levels remained constant.  I was seen on a regular basis for check-ups and blood labs.
At some point between check-ups, my thyroid reverted and began producing too much hormone.  It happened gradually, and was not noticeable until the symptoms became quite severe.  I experienced heart palpitations, chest and jaw pain, tremors of the hands, feet and legs, shortness of breath and great fatigue.  At approximately the same time, my eyes began to ache and became very sensitive to light.
I was diagnosed with Graves Disease, the most common cause of hyperthyroidism.  There is no history of it in my family.  It is often caused by a viral infection or external factor.  In my case, they believe it could well have been stress.  My thyroid became enlarged and fibrous.  It was surgically removed, due to its size and concern over suspicious spots on the gland.
Following surgery, my eyes seemed to ache less, and my physicians were quite optimistic that I had escaped any severe vision problems.  The outward symptoms of Thyroid Eye Disease are swelling and bulging of the eyes.  I exhibited none of that. 
Approximately six months after the removal of my thyroid, I was diagnosed with Thyroid Eye Disease.
It is my understanding not all persons with Graves Disease will experience vision or eye problems.
Not all Thyroid Eye Disease patients experience the type of thyroid problems I did.
My best advise is to be seen by a competent endocrinologist and ophthamologist if you ever have any concerns.  I discounted some of my earliest symptoms as age or stress related, and did not seek medical care between scheduled check-ups as quickly as I should have.  None of us like to visit doctors -- and in particular specialists -- but sometimes it may be what saves your life or your vision.

On a sweeter note, have you heard about the banana pudding milkshakes at Chick Fil A?
Many of you already know I was a huge fan of the chocolate peppermint shakes.  Sadly, they are no longer served.  These are good, but I really miss the chocolate peppermint variety.  Perhaps it is for the best.  With the quickly approaching season for shorts and swimsuits, milkshakes may not be my figure's best friend!

Have a great Friday and weekend! 

A reader asked if I had prisms in my glasses.  I do not.  The type of double vision I have could not be corrected with prisms.  The muscle eye surgery that I underwent in December corrected the majority of the double vision.  I still have double vision when looking certain directions, or if I am tired.

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