Showing posts with label Sewing Room. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sewing Room. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Have Iron, Will Travel

Last week, I received a package from a sewing friend.
Upon first glance, I thought it was a very cute tote.
Then, I realized it had a specific purpose.

It is an iron caddy!
You know all those times that you need to take an iron to a sewing class, stitching retreat or
guild workshop?

Your iron fits safely inside the padded tote, when buttoned.
As each side is unbuttoned,

it becomes your own portable ironing pad!
The inside features silver heat resistant fabric.
Pretty darn nifty!

She used the pattern found here, which can also be ordered in sizes to accommodate smaller craft and travel irons. 

If your sewing area and iron share space in multi-purpose rooms, it would also be a great place to keep your iron safely tucked away. 
I think my friend may have known the colors of my sewing room, as this one coordinates so well.  I may let my iron live in it, even when not traveling!

The sweet ladybug buttons hold a special meaning to our friendship.
Sewing friends and surprises are such a blessing!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Where I Sew

My friend, Southern Matriarch, reminded me there were only a few days left to add our sewing spaces to the  inspiring tour over at Pink Chalk Studio.  I have really enjoyed peeking into the creative spots of fellow bloggers and stitchers.  I also had good intentions of cleaning up my own sewing room and sharing it.

Well, the month is almost over and there has not been a lot of cleaning or photographing going on in my little corner of the sewing world!
Instead, I will share some photographs taken a few years ago.  My room remains pretty much the same, as far as furniture and fixtures.  There is just more fabric, stacks of books, magazines, patterns, and unfinished projects.
Please tell me you can relate!

The photograph above is the door to my sewing room.
So, come on in!

It was important to have not only a space for sewing, but also a place where I could surround myself with the things I love.  Many are items which once belonged to family members and friends.  They hold a special place in my heart.  Maybe in future entries, I will share some of their stories in more detail.
The settee is covered with a family quilt.  There is a shawl, crocheted by my mother, which comes in handy during cool weather.  The cutwork pillowcase was made by my grandmother Bessie.  The basket-turned-coffee table is topped with a silver tray that belonged to my mother-in-law.
Photographs and other favorite belongings are displayed on the shelf, along with some of my mother's hats which I shared in an earlier entry here.
The mahogany bookshelf, to the right, was purchased by my parents for their first home.

This Elfa drawer unit provides much needed storage and work area.
I have since made a black and white gingham skirt which hides the drawers.
The drawers hold sewing notions and patterns.
I keep my lace shaping board and iron here for quick pressing jobs, while sewing.
The stool was used by my father in his garage workshop. 
I do not sit there much, as it usually is piled with various magazines or pieces of current projects!

My sewing table is also constructed with Elfa components.
I made the window valances and covered a bulletin board with black and white toile fabric.
The Swiss cuckoo clock was purchased by my mother on one of the last overseas jaunts she and Daddy were able to take.  It always provided entertainment for the grandchildren when they visited the grandparents.
It just makes me smile!

My sewing chair is not fancy schmancy.
It is probably terrible for my back and legs.
It is very special, though.
This was the chair that always sat at my grandmother's sewing machine.
I painted it black to better coordinate with my room.  I also adorned it with some of the larger vintage mother of pearl buttons from her collection.  There are also mother of pearl buttons hot glued to the bottom of the black hanging shelf.  I love to see them when I sit and sew.
Do not fret all ye lovers of mother of pearl buttons!
These that met their fate with the hot glue gun were not ones I would have sewn on sweet little heirloom gowns or frocks!

Prior to building our current home, we spent twelve years living in and restoring a home in one of the city's historic districts.  As with most older homes, closet space was non-existent.
We purchased this antique armoire to help store out-of-season clothing.
For some reason, neither my husband nor myself could muster the courage to leave it behind or sell it when we moved.  So, it came to live in my sewing room!  It does provide wonderful storage, but it takes up the majority of the room.
There are three sections.  Behind the door on the left, is a space for hanging clothes.  The larger center section contains shelves and drawers.  The right section has flat pullout drawers. 
It comes apart in numerous pieces for moving.  Our movers were not thrilled with putting all the puzzle pieces back together again!
The small pictures to the right of the armoire once hung in my mother's childhood bedroom.
They are silhouettes of children at play painted in reverse on glass.

This is the armoire section with the flat pullout drawers.
I have since removed many of my finer fabrics from this section.  I discovered some were becoming stained if they came in contact with the wood.  I always kept the shelves lined with paper, but the fabric folds sometimes touched the sides of the armoire.

And this is the section with space for hanging clothes.
I upholstered the interior of this space with the same toile fabric used elsewhere in the room.
I also covered the inside of the door with a roll of cork, creating another space to tack notes and information.

So, that is my little corner of the world!
I think these photographs have inspired me to try and return it to this state of cleanliness!
Thanks for visiting!  Now, hop on over to Pink Chalk Studio and visit even more charming creative spaces!

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