
Showing posts with label Black Conservative. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Black Conservative. Show all posts

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Conservative Clergy Of Color. Fighting FOR America

Thank God for this.
I am making a challenge to 1,000 clergy members to
be a part of this fight FOR America.


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Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Candace Owens & Dr. Marc Lamont Hill

Should George Floyd be seen as a Black hero? Should we be happy with alleged peaceful protests that ends in riots and looting of stores? How do we address the social unrest and change society positively?

This is a very good discussion that seeks to bring clarity to the current movement for social justice and American racial equity.


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Monday, October 9, 2017

Dog Whistles Pt. 1 The Genesis Of Distrust

I am proud to be a Black conservative. As I have written, it seems to be somewhat of an anomaly, as many people simply believe that a vocal Black person is automatically a liberal and in agreement with everything that liberals and especially liberal Blacks agree with. That is certainly not the case here. For example, I don't agree with big government, or the overhaul of the healthcare system by the government, I don't agree with abortion, the breakdown and redefinition of the family, or the imposition of penalties by taxation upon the rich for their success...I also don't believe that the public restroom open to my wife and daughter, should also be open to men who live as women...

With that said however, not only do I love Malcom X, but I DO agree with many of my liberal friends, both Black and White, that something more than a little bit is wrong with our current President. As I have seen and heard his discourse, he is more akin to a Hollywood personality or showman, than a political figure, and has displayed very much ignorance. He seems to have infected those around him with the same shoddy bias that he brings to the table and seems to demand as much to prove loyalty.

I held President Obama to a tough standard both terms. I did not pull any punches, and certainly did not agree with his agenda to push and proliferate homosexual marriage and some of the other more shameful values that he placed upon us as Americans. Be clear, I intend to do no less than speak with the same candor about this President. All Americans should seek to hold him accountable like anyone else, and if what we have all heard, seen and witnessed is any indication, he deserves more scrutiny than most.
Although the President is into publicly shaming his detractors, he is one of the most shameful persons I have seen in political office, and I have shaken hands with some that are currently in prison for one reason or another and find their presence more enjoyable.

I mean look at it, with his history of multiple marriage, insulting and demeaning rhetoric about women and nearly everyone, and name calling of anyone who disagrees with his political and social positions, he has displayed his own shame and has more than proven that he is anything BUT a true conservative. He is certainly not wise and is very ill-temperate...I mean his whole handling of Puerto Rico, and officials who were rightfully critical of his response, in my opinion, displays a person that has racial bias, loves to move the goalposts when he is loosing an argument or has been exposed, and wants everyone to believe that his bias is not "really" a bias or a prejudice... 

Although I give him kudos for making it a point early on in his term to provide more funding to HBCU's by Executive Order, and reversing some of the more intrusive Obama era rules and social regulations, our current President has said some of the more rather incredibly STUPID things and many within the Black community both conservative and liberal continue to distrust him and question his motives. 

I must admit, at first, I was saying that people just needed to give him a chance and that he would eventually "learn the job" and what he was supposed to do. I mean he was the same one that said that he could run the country and his businesses too, only to later come back and say that he made a mistake, and wasn't aware of how difficult the job of a President actually was???? But somewhere around his Charlottesville, VA assessment of "good people on both sides", I got off the sidelines and began to examine this______________(Loss for words here...although a phrase that he used for Colin Kaepernick does come to mind) for what he is and for the bias he stands for.

During that examination, I came across certain patterns that are unmistakable and not lost upon history. In this writing and the subsequent parts, I will attempt to share what I see as a calculated parallel between history our current President, and our condition of unrest. I only ask that even the critic will read objectively. Shall we proceed: 

"Dog Whistles"
One of the criticisms of this President, especially from those actively engaged in civil rights discourse, is that he uses and continues to use "dog whistles" to rally what he intends to be his base of support. Of course a dog whistle is literally only heard by the dog as opposed to the general public or crowd. This "whistle" inspires a dog to react without the one blowing the whistle, saying a word. What many Black leaders have said is that this President has issued some significant political "dog whistles" to activate his base and communicate his message. In Part 2 of this article I will explore this possibility directly by looking back at "dog whistle" politics. However, in Part 1 I will examine some of the circumstances and public perceptions that created the whistle itself and laid the foundation for what many Black and White leaders see and perceive as racism and racist behavior towards those protesting and fighting for liberation.  

Some may think that I am writing to "blame" or create a "negative" them I ask, "Have you looked at the news lately? Not all of it is fake. How much more negative can things be in race relations within America?" However, the purpose of this writing is to inform as well as educate as to what many Blacks actually hear when racial equality is discussed by the current President and many "conservatives" that follow his path today, and why Blacks must continue to hold public officials accountable and make their case for racial equality and criminal justice reform, and for social change based on racial equality.

Ideas & Ideals Have Consequences
“A man may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on. Ideas have endurance without death.”The Late President John F. Kennedy
The Foundation Of The "Dog Whistle"

"Dog Whistles" are based on ideas, values, concepts and ideals. Some of these values are more or less worthy or healthy to society. One should be careful on what ideas and ultimately ideals are embraced. The bible calls this protecting the heart. It is from the heart that the "issues" of life proceed.

My contention here is that ideas and ideals, historically embraced, have such a deep rooted foundation that they continue to effect modern society. As we will see, some ideas last as a way of life, even if they are not taught in books.

The Incubation Of Bad Ideas 

Let's look at a mini-timeline of some (since the Civil War 1861-1865) historical events. Please note the length of time or the gaps here from when laws were formed in favor of Black equality to when equality was actually realized, if it were ever realized at all. Some have said that certainly equality has been achieved, and that the election of a Black President proves it. However I ask the truly objective to simply hear me out and follow the argument, then make your decision. What's more, show me how the assertions that I will make are wrong based on the evidence.

To begin: 
Jan. 1st 1863 ~ President Lincoln signed the second or final Emancipation
Proclamation (specifically freeing Blacks in the Southern states that were in rebellion against the Union.) According to Wickipedia, Kentucky, Maryland, Delaware, and Missouri—and those counties of Virginia soon to form the state of West Virginia, and also the three zones under Union occupation: the state of Tennessee, lower Louisiana and Southeast Virginia were excluded from the Emancipation Proclamation, therefore slaves in these states were not set free. The proclamation would only target to free approximately 3.1 million of the nations 4 million Black slaves at the time.
Next, over 2 and a half years later after Emancipation and after the Civil War was over:
June 19th, 1865 ~ On June 19, 1865, Major Gen. Gordon Granger came to Galveston, Texas, to inform a reluctant community that President Abraham Lincoln two years earlier had freed the slaves and to press locals to comply with his directive. There were approximately 250,000 slaves in TX at that time, most of which had migrated from the Eastern Southern Confederate States to escape the war and reestablish life in an area in which slavery was still allowed without restriction. The day (June 19th, 1865) became otherwise known as the day of true emancipation for Blacks from slavery. It is celebrated in approximately 45 States today as "Juneteenth".
Now, what is without historic dispute, is that the Emancipation Proclamation did not free all slaves or outlaw all slavery within the United States. It was primarily a "declaration" for civil unity. Also in 1865 the 13th Amendment sought to actually abolish slavery within the entire US which only worked to a degree.

Although TX had been a state since 1845, it had also been a part of the Confederacy and governed under a self-rule concept, until 2 years after the Emancipation. The State of TX continued in defiance of the Federal Law until after the war was over.   

Immediately, after the Civil War defeat however, Southern States sought to implement a new set of rules that governed the life and living of Blacks who were now technically free under the law. Although short-lived, these sets of regulations were adopted by varying degrees by all former Confederate States, and paved the way for what would later become known as Jim Crow Laws based and rooted on separate but equal doctrines which would be proliferated by the courts for nearly 100 years, in spite of efforts through Federal Regulation to eliminate inequality.

This set of what appears to be ad-hoc laws that continued to build upon racial injustice were called "The Black Codes" 

The "Black Codes" (1865-1866)
Although Lincoln was dead, Southern States, under President Johnson and the surviving, defeated, military leaders of the Confederacy, called for self-rule or what amounts to "States Rights" in constitutional conventions, demanding limitations and restrictions on Black rights. 

The mantra, "States Rights" therefore became an early rally cry in favor of racism and, over time, a theme song, not only against federal government "intrusion" but also a cry for self rule and ultimately the validation of classism and segregation.

1) The term "states rights" was a mantra repeated by racists over the years to encourage the power of the state over the power of federal government. The term has also carried the connotation of racism indicating a reversion back to a time when states decided how to engage their citizenry. Historically however, that engagement usually excluded Blacks and even made things worse for them in general. The term itself, "States Rights" was used later by segregationist and racist Alabama Governor and Presidential Candidate, George Wallace, who as a third party candidate received over 9 million votes for President. This phrase has rightfully been interpreted by many Blacks and Whites, both conservative and liberal, to be a "dog whistle".  

A New System Rooted Within Bias

After the Civil War, free public education was offered for the first time, with restrictions that persons of color could not qualify and were not allowed in the public system. The restriction of Blacks from public settings was called segregation. 

Additionally, according to most "Black Codes", Blacks could not vote, serve on juries, travel freely, or work in occupations of their choice. Even Black marriages were outside the law as the law focused on Whites and issues pertaining to Whites. 

Mississippi was the first State to implement a Black Code and their version was unusually harsh towards Blacks and condemning of Whites that partnered with Blacks for the cause of freedom and equality. 

During this and the subsequent Jim Crow era, the prevailing thought was that Blacks were not equal to Whites in any way and should not be introduced or provided for within society. Although the Civil rights Act of 1866 guaranteed equal rights for all people living in the US, many were unwilling to accept the rights and equalization of Blacks. Around 1867 the Georgia Daily Telegraph reported: 
"There is such a radical difference in the mental and moral [nature] of the white and black race, that it would be impossible to secure order in a mixed community by the same [law].”
Blacks, by far and large, did not see the local or State law or the legal system as anything that would work for their benefit. They depended upon the federal government which at this point was still not actively engaged.

The Criminal Justice System
Community Policing

Among many restrictions the Black Codes included vagrancy laws. A vagrant is considered to be a person without a "settled" home, job and one who appears to be living as a beggar. Of course anyone could see the problem here. Since a person would have just been freed from slavery, they certainly would not have any assets and would be seeking a job. 

In most circumstances the Police, specifically the County Sheriff's Dept., was used to enforce vagrancy laws. It was the police, who were to round up "vagrants" place them in jail and force them into servile work for who else? Rich or wealthy White people. 

South Carolina's Black Code laws on vagrancy facilitated the following actions:
  • Immense pressure on freedmen to sign labor contracts. 
  • South Carolina’s code did not limit these laws to unemployed persons, but included others such as peddlers and gamblers and those who otherwise were self sustainable. 
  • Vagrants could be arrested and imprisoned at hard labor.
  • Children of vagrants could be taken and forced into work through "apprenticeships" 
As stated, the codes allowed the County Sheriff (Law Enforcement) to “hire out” black vagrants to a white employer to work off their punishment. Many of the law enforcement personnel, especially in the South, were also former or active klansmen and or White Supremacists. So not only was the law unjust, but those who were to enforce the law were unjust and bias in many cases. 

2) This appears to be the genesis of the distrust among Blacks of law enforcement or the police in general. Certainly not a total or all inclusive reason, but the start of negative perceptions and reactions. These apprehensions would be compounded in the Jim Crow era at time in which the police would be out right used to take freedoms from Blacks.  

The Courts

Lynching: Defined as the killing of Blacks without a trial or proper due process. Between 1882 and 1892 it is estimated that over 900 Black persons primarily in the South, 
were lynched or executed in this manner.

The courts (aka: the criminal justice system) customarily waived punishments and sentencing for white vagrants, allowing them to take an oath of poverty instead. Crimes that whites believed freedmen might commit, such as rebellion, arson, burglary, and assaulting a white woman, carried harsh penalties. Most of these crimes carried the death penalty for blacks, but not for whites. 

3) Racial bias in a "justice is blind" setting was undeniably a part of the genesis of distrust in the courts as well. The design of the courts facilitated protection for the White man, not Blacks. Things would eventually get worse under Jim Crow laws and in spite of Civil Rights Acts and Constitutional Amendments 13 and 14, adopted at the federal level, the courts would be used to negatively affect the Black family in a very significant manner.   

Black Education

Black orphans and children of vagrants, could become "apprentices" for Whites. This "apprenticeship" was against the will of the worker, and created a "Master/apprentice" relationship which allowed the "employer" to even "inflict moderate punishment" on "unruly" apprentices as long as the employer or "master" agreed to provide food and clothing, and teach their apprentices a trade, and send them to school in exchange for their "service" (in this case SUBJUGATION). 

4) From a historical perspective we observe that it was not an unusual concept for the White, empowered, elite, to provide education to Blacks or support education for those who were otherwise "slaves" without being called such. As long as the education was separate from Whites there was generally no disagreement and the White "masters" felt a sense of obligation to do so.

Conclusion Pt. 1

In this section, we have observed the following issues from a historical perspective:
  • Immediately after the Civil War both the law and the police were used to enforce unfair and unjust rules towards recently liberated Blacks and Black families. 
  • The Black Codes and rules were implemented to replace slavery by creating classism and bias within the law based on race.
  • The Civil Rights Acts of 1866 proved to be ineffective and was disregarded by former Confederate States in lieu of the doctrine of "States Rights". 
  • The genesis of "dog whistles" were laid immediately after the Civil War in the following doctrines: States Rights, police injustice, court injustice and inaction, separate but equal doctrines which allowed Whites to fund Black education while making sure that it remained separate from White education.  
How does what happened in the late 1800's effect us today?

Although repealed by federal law, the Black Codes would eventually give way to Jim Crow laws rooted in separate but equal treatment of Blacks. These laws would go on to be the basis for understanding and teaching for white Americans for nearly 100 years. Rooted in the doctrine of "States Rights", segregation and a call to less government intrusion took shape over time creating and exposing some ridiculously painful relationships based on race.

If President Kennedy is to be believed, that "ideas have endurance without death", then it is very easy to see how the foundation of the treatment of Blacks within this country has an effect on all of us today. Without going back to the clear injustice of slavery and bondage itself upon which the nation was founded, each of us can point back to a time, when the banner that flew in effort to display our freedom, failed certain groups based on race, while securing the future of others, based on color.

Ideas and philosophies, all the way from what makes the country great, to how we protest for a better country and life, are rooted in our genesis. It is that point, that the foundation of what we believe is right and wrong, has been challenged and exposed in this time some 150 years later.

In the next segment, we will look at some of the "politics" that makes the best association towards the arguments that have been made in recent days. As we draw further away from the foundation of this country, we are forced to ask, are we actually more close to those foundations than we believed?

We will see.


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Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Black Conservative Leadership Summit June 15-17, 2017

As I have stated before, the term "Black Conservative" is nearly an anomaly. Especially in light of the leadership of one of the most liberal Black leaders that history has ever seen in the person of former President Barack Obama. It was the nonobjective and unhampered lean to the liberal left that lost the bid for Democratic reelection and that continues to stun TV liberal talk shows such as "The View" and others. It seems no matter how they try to inundate the airwaves with inconsistent moral value statements and most times incoherent philosophical ramblings, that they still come up short, and conclude by telling people to "wake up" or calling them, I mean US, "deplorables". 

Well, ultra liberals such as Whoopie and Joy, and all these other late night pundits, have you ever considered that WE ARE AWAKE? We are awake to moral relativism, the destruction of the family, the disintegration and redefinition of marriage, the inconsistent ramblings that babies, in the womb, don;t have rights, the rise in opiod use among suburban families and individuals, the confusion over what constitutes gender, and the strong desire to make being a woman, along with woman's rights, a myth, while at the same time saying that you are fighting for a woman's rights????

We are awake to the fact that we need a CURE and that CURE should begin within every family and every home and each individual should be educated on where our values comes from and why they exist, and what it means if we allow them to slip. We need help from the ground up and I am committed to doing my part, whether in the church or community to make it a reality. And we have some good friends that are doing their part too. 

May I present, once again, my friend Star Parker and some very serious associates

From The Urban Cure Network

Star Parker, Walter Hoye, Dr. Alveda King, Dr. Eric Wallace, Bishop Harry Jackson and others will meet June 15-17 in Washington D.C., to discuss the Moynihan Report’s predictions about the black family, current research on black families, and why black families matter. 

Fifty-two years ago, the late Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan issued a warning to America in the The Negro Family: The Case For National Action about how the rising rate of illegitimacy in the black community would have devastating social consequences. 

His predictions have come to pass. Black conservatives will gather in the nation’s capital as part of the Black Conservative Summit Leadership Initiative to discuss the consequences of fatherless households and offer solutions.

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Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Omarosa Bakes Behar & Her Supporters Pointing The View In The Right Direction

Loved this and loved Omarosa's responses and no fear to go into the cauldron of what I consider to be the most intolerant and least insightful critic in the world at times.

The praise for the Women's March, which is a topic that I will undertake shortly, was overwhelming here. The problem is that neither Behar or the liberal left critics see a problem with excluding women who disagree with their liberalism. See, conservative values were not praised. Pro-life women were restricted from the march. But in The View's world, that is normal...

Part 2 Blessed!

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Monday, August 22, 2016

Can The Black Community Handle The Truth?

It seems that our community/my community/ the community I have served in ministry for nearly 30 years, can't handle the TRUTH about us!

While we are trying to disband the police (try that for a day and call me if you survive) we are THE MOST suffering people in a free nation than ever before...Face it...the PLANTATION ERA mentality has not helped us one bit...Seeking for someone to pay us back for what our ancestors suffered is not working...Seeking to be treated fairly, while we kill ourselves off slowly (CHICAGO, CHICAGO, CHICAGO) does NOTHING but makes us look crazy...

Ooh yes...Black exceptionalism always will...a few of us will make and do better for ourselves THANK GOD...but too many of us suffer, and our so called 'leaders" tell us to blame it on "the White man" for holding us down...Well YES he (the White man) has done his part...but THEY are not to blame for our blatant disrespect towards one another and for the ridiculous things that we do in our community...

Recently, when out with the family, we were on a rather peaceful drive, until we turned down one street to one particular gas that point the neighborhood looked like a THIRD WORLD COUNTRY...Folk hanging out on cars, in a parking lot, liquor out, 40 Oz's all over the place, cans thrown around and folk loud as they can be...It was GHETTO-FANTABULOUS,  As a Black man, I wasn't afraid, but there was not one White person around and I thought how scared one would be to be there at that time...Why, the CULTURE was totally different, different enough that me as a Black community activist, known by most Blacks where I live, had reservations because this was new!!!

What did I see, people acting out POVERTY! Poverty has a distinct look and fell...I was in one of the worst and most poverty stricken zones in America by the US Census data...

As one that has served the poor gladly for over 20 years in pastoral ministry, and will happily do so as long as I live, I can say that WE NEED CHANGE, yes, spiritually, but in our natural choices and things that we do and entertain us...Poverty is ripe grounds for addiction, dysfunction, and hatred on all levels...

For Donald Trump to ask us, what do we have to lose if we change is the right question even if the wrong person is asking (and that is arguable)...once thing is for sure, the liberal politician, as much as he claims a "bleeding heart" only wants more of the same, because it's big business for him....

So don't tell me a THANG!!!! Until you've stood in the streets with over 50 families who loved ones have died of senseless violence in the streets...and sought to comfort them and call criminals into account and at the same time, take food and money off your own table to help folk...SHUT UP!!!!

Leave Donald alone on this one. The question is VALID!!!!


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Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Special Guest National Radio Appearance


Lion Chasers Radio is an in depth look at the effects of liberal ideology on the African American community. Our aim is to replace long-held lies and deception with sound Biblical principles that point our community back to a moral and free society. Rebuilding our foundation with Biblical principles and unwavering truth is essential if we hope to produce a prosperous community and strong families.

LISTEN LIVE - CHAT LIVE - CALL IN: Call in live at: 
Like us at Urban Family Talk on Facebook: Click HERE 

Listen and chat live here: Click HERE
You can also listen LIVE on your local stations in these areas: 

*98.3FM WDFX Cleveland, MS
*90.5FM WQVI Madison, MS
*91.7FM WAJS Tupelo, MS
*91.5FM WJGS Norwood, GA
*104.1FM WNKL Rossford/Toledo, OH
*1520AM WNWT Rossford/Toledo, OH
*88.3FM KARJ Boise, ID


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Sunday, May 17, 2015

Was Attorney Eric Guster Attacked By Black Conservatives?

This is a video regarding a Race in America dealing with 1st Lady Michelle Obama's recent comments and the overall condition of race relations and community policing. Attorney Eric Guster is claiming that he was attacked by "ultra right wing conservatives". Is that the case?

Take a look at this and comment if you care to. I certainly have my opinions which I will be glad to share.

First, one question: Why do White people interpret the commentary of Black people regarding these issues as "angry"? I'd like to know...

Stacey Dash & Hannity can't handle the truth about race in Ame...
Stacey Dash & Sean Hannity don't want to hear the truth about racism in America. Attorney Eric L. Welch Guster is attacked by 14 ultra-rightwing conservatives during a Race in America panel on The Hannity show. You won't believe the comments these people made...but Guster held his ground. OMG. #MyASU #Birmingham View and share.
Posted by Eric L. Welch Guster on Saturday, May 16, 2015

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Saturday, March 7, 2015

National Emergency! The Urban Cure Standing In Defense Of Our Communities

Pastors Of The Urban Cure Pastors Network At The National Press Club Washington D.C. 2/26/2015
I was proud to be one of the pastors that recently heard and heeded the call of God joining others in Washington D.C., our nations capitol, to speak to this generation regarding our country's direction and treatment of Israel. 

As a part of this effort we discussed the many various ways that Black leadership, including that of the Congressional group called the Congressional Black Caucus, has let the Black community down. By far and large it is many of those "Black leaders" who have been nothing more than "on the take" from our communities while doing very little to nothing to change the conditions of the same communities in which they reside.

Don't get me wrong. I am not sophomoric as it pertains to what politics is. I know that successful politics always includes collaboration, negotiation and even compromise. So none of those things, within their proper order are at question. What is at question however, is the misdirection that many of these political leaders use when it comes to directing policy and even controlling the thoughts of the community in which they serve. 

You see, when a representative is able to "get dollars" for their community or sit on certain Congressional committees, many think they have arrived and that's all there is to it. 
"Let me give you what you need. Only the first one is free. Everything else costs." 
This is the legal tender that we have been fed in American politics and especially within the Black community. No matter how the President boasts that unemployment is down and poverty is low, the number of Black folk placed on food stamps, and the number of Black folk suffering from unemployment under his Presidency continues to increase at alarming rates.  

On Unemployment:
"When Obama entered office on January 20, 2009, U.S. unemployment stood at 7.8 percent. By April 2014, that Bureau of Labor Statistics figure had fallen to 6.3 percent — a modest improvement. Among blacks overall, joblessness dropped, though less significantly — from 12.7 to 11.6 percent. But for blacks aged 16 to 19, unemployment grew from 35.3 to 36.8 percent." ~ The National Review Online 5/16/2014 
On Poverty: 
"Poverty has increased under Obama. Overall, 14.3 percent of Americans were below the poverty line in January 2009, versus 15.0 percent in 2012, according to the latest available data from the Census Bureau’s Current Population Survey. Similarly, the share of black Americans living in poverty expanded from 25.8 to 27.2 percent." ~ The National Review Online 5/16/2014
On Food Assistance (aka: Stamps):
"America’s population of food-stamp recipients soared overall from 32,889,000 in 2009 to 46,022,000 in 2012, the latest Agriculture Department statistics show. For blacks, the analogous numbers are 7,393,000 when Obama arrived to 10,955,000 in 2012." The National Review Online 5/16/2014 
Also see Star Parker on Fox News posted 2/2015
Why Fight?

What is often misconstrued as a fight against our first Black President and against other political issues, is not really a fight against anything or anyone. It is a fight FOR the freedom and liberation of a people who have been used, battered, abused and subdued by political speech, failed promises, and fear of retribution. The retribution being:
"If you don't think like us, then you ain't Black!"
Listen, one thing is clear, on many issues, I SHO-NUFF (and that is deep country) don't think like them, and I am proud to say that. I don't think that folk should endorse abortions, look at the proliferation of liquor within the urban community as an "equal access" issue and SHO-NUFF (there it go again) don't believe that the advancement of the homosexual agenda and a redefinition of marriage is either right, a human rights issue or a matter of equality! 

I've been Black ALL my life but I DON'T THINK LIKE THEM AND NEVER WILL!

The Difference Between The House & Field Negro:
Malcom X delivered a speech in which he talked about the "House Negro" and the "Field Negro". He pointed out that the "House Negro" lived in relative comfort and enjoyed the "Master's house" even to the extent of calling it his own. He bought nothing, paid for nothing, but served the master faithfully because he received the benefits of the master's house differently than those of the field. While the "Field Negro" wished for a "strong wind" in a fire, or for the master to get sick and die, the "House Negro" would give his life to save the house, and empathized so in the master's sickness until he would ask, "What's the matter boss, WE sick?" 

Malcom was flirting with the ideas of Black Separatism at the time he delivered this riveting, comical and hard hitting speech that yet resonates today, but in our time, I am looking at these "House Negroes" that live in comfort, have their names on some political and church role, enjoying the benefits of the "house" (eg: the community) while the whole community goes to "H E (double tooth pick)" around them....THEN, they have the nerve to tell other Black folk how to think, what they should identify themselves with and by in effort to shape their identity...


I agree that "States Rights" in the manner that the republican party adopted it early on, and in some cases espouse today, is problematic and was not intended to help or serve the needs of Black people and the Black community in general. It is true that some folk wanted the State to have the right to stop integration, in spite of federal law...BUT...with that said, the modern and current Democratic Party solution of removing God from their party platform and endorsing just about every political and social ideology that the bible and good preachers and community leaders stand against almost every day, is not exactly a rational alternative or a way to fight back against an misused or misapplied political strategy. 

In other words, the arguments are not equal. The most staunch Democrat can be (and more likely is) a racist, like a radical right winger can be as well. Racism across party lines will exist until Jesus comes back. However, there is more to life than racism, and when I do the old "Benjamin Franklin" and separate fact from fiction, I find that I would personally much rather live by the edicts and moral constructs of God as revealed through and by biblical moral value standards than placate the populous by endorsing the rudiments of sin, wickedness and evil while worshiping at the alter of flesh and in the same breath destroying the community by redefining morality and values.

Pastors Stand

Pastor Harvey Burnett on Israel
Our stand FOR our communities and FOR the nation of Israel and FOR the endorsement of national allies, was one that WE, the entire country can be proud of. When the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) seeks to redefine what it means to be Black by way of its political operatives, (or what kids call OPs) I certainly think, and even know, that it is in order to combat such elitism and the disease of self exaltation. 

To the critic, might I remind you that we are not a "Kingdom", and President Obama is not the "King Of America", he is the President Of America. In addition, we have a system of government that is built upon many of the practices and policies contained within the Bible, the same Bible that records the history of our greatest ally in the Mid-East, Israel. 

We decided that we will no longer be silent as the "House Negroes" enjoy the benefits of our labor and election rallies without ever once heeding attention to our issues. i refuse to be controlled by the so called "talented 10th" endorsed by W.E.B. Dubois, because they have shown themselves to be "on the take", seeking associations, endorsements, and grant funding at all costs, while the community be damned!

In addition, I am tired of sick, twisted, and spaghetti-backed preachers, taking advantages of the churches, living in opulence while the people can barely feed themselves or stay the way, has anyone seen "Preachers Of Detroit"? Have you experienced the economy of Detroit? I have and I am SICK!!!!

A National Emergency

Yes, I believe that this is a national emergency. We, the People, have been taken advantage of far too long. We have been fed a line of status quo, remain the same, "we care", within the church fight for position, and personal popularity over anything that pertains to the well being of the community and the endorsement of God. 

We have delivered a scheme of control that says, "you are not a part of us until you believe what we want you to believe" as I recorded in THIS ARTICLE

Well, as an infamous homosexual judge once said..."That Time Has Passed!"

CBC and all those endorsers of indecency, and those needing to control mass opion of Blacks within the community, please be served notice that we are coming. We are coming to the voting booth, we are coming to your streets, and we are coming to your neighborhoods, with a new message. A message of TRUE freedom. The message first demands that we rid ourselves of is taskmasters like you and your friends in leadership over us.
  • It demands that we rid ourselves of policies that you've endorsed that only keep us broke and impoverished.
  • It demands that we rid ourselves of unions (many of which fund your activities) who endorse failure and deliver very little value to the institutions in which they serve. 
  • It demands that we march and protest, not just against erroneous police policies, but against policies that you endorse that keep all of us broke!
  • It demands that we take the blinders off and see that the biggest problem that we face are not spawned by people who are not like us, but by people who ARE like us and pretend to have our best interest at heart. By OPs like you!
  • It demands that we change our address from the "field" in which you want us to reside, to the field that WE construct and build ourselves founded upon the values that WE cherish and hold high.
  • It demands that WE educate our children again in morality, values, and what it means to be a family. 
  • It demands that we construct systems that will truly lift up them that are bowed down, and heal them that are broken hearted instead of getting them strung out on promises to "fund" their excess solidifying their excuses.     
The Urban Cure Solution

The National Press Conference was just one sort of event that the Urban Cure is doing to make a difference in this country and in our communities. However, with that said, the Urban Cure needs your help. 

Believe me, prior to our arrival in Washington D.C. no one had any inkling that there was an alternate voice emanating from the Black community, on the issues surrounding Benjamin Netanyahu's visit. It was nearly a forgone conclusion that all us "field Negroes" thought the same and were controlled by our "popular elite" "house Negro"...I believe part of the President's frustration was not only his total disrespect of our number one ally in the war against terror, but the fact that us little ole Black preachers, that are very active within our communities will not be silenced by either him or his OPs. 

Money Makes A Difference

Evil proliferates because people fund it. Good should receive the support of those who intend well rather than the mere "well wishes" that good spreads itself. Support that which is good. GIVE to the Urban Cure  to make sure that this message of liberation continues until we undo the mess that has been done by the endorsement of the liberal political agenda that our current regime espouses.  

I am not on Urban Cure payroll and I do not receive a percentage or commission of any of the proceeds it receives. Giving to THIS blog can be done at THIS LINK and gifts of any size are welcomed and used for the furtherance of ministry, not my personal kingdom...but the focus is to give to an organization that places their money where their mouth is and that is seeking to make a difference that we can all be proud of in this world. I believe that the Urban Cure is just that organization as I have seen them in operation and cannot praise them enough for their courage. 

This is what it will take to bring our people and our country back from the brink of destruction that it teeters on...COURAGE! Will you be one that makes and takes a stand along with us?


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