
Showing posts with label Gay Agenda. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gay Agenda. Show all posts

Monday, July 31, 2017

Protesting TRUTH & A Frazier Knock-Out

It seems that the confusion over sex and sexuality continues at the intersection of sin and ungodliness.

It seems that gay advocacy is alive and well within the city of Chicago. Apparently, there was a rally against the Apostolic Church Of God over the weekend due to the church's faithfulness to scripture and traditional marriage.

It seems that a former member of the church, who evidently recently entered into a lesbian marriage, was dis-fellowshipped because of her marriage. While intricate details here are unknown, what is known is that the gay community, with the biblically illiterate in tow, is attempting to paint the picture that the bible somehow endorses the SIN of homosexuality and vicariously homosexual marriage.

Of certainty, we can say that they are wrong, have been wrong, and will not be right until such time as they repent of their sins and stop bullying the church by falsely accusing it of discrimination. Here's the video: 

The "pastor" of Lighthouse Church, Jamie Frazier,appears to be one of the apostate conduits for this argument against the church and traditional biblical truth. He raises some questions in effort to capture the attention of the community. Therefore, briefly, let's answer and address some of "pastor" Jamie Frazier's rambling and biblically confused assertions:

First, Frazier asserts: "The pulpit is not a weapon with which to silence, but rather it is a beacon from which to shine light," 

To that we all agree. The LIGHT is the light of Christ to the world. That light says that there is a difference between what is clean and what us unclean, and a difference between what is holy and unholy. That light says that we (the church and individual believers) are the "salt of the earth" and if we loose our savor, all we are good for is to be trodden under the foot of men. The LIGHT points men and women in the right direction and shows the world our "good works" so that God may be glorified. (read Mt. 5) The problem is, living in and endorsing sin is NOT a light, but is DARKNESS!

You see Mr. Frazier, the pulpit is not to be used to endorse, glorify or encourage SIN. The pulpit is not yours. It is not mine. It belongs to God and those of us who approach it are to do so faithfully as it pertains to HIS word, and HIS truth, not ours!

Frazier asks: "How could we say two men or two women in a committed god honoring relationship are sinning?"

First, "pastor", two men and or two women cannot be "married" to one another and that be considered "god honoring" relationship from a biblical perspective. We are not talking about secularism. You did not protest City Hall or the Statehouse. You protested a church. The church's first mission is faithfulness to the WORD of God, not adherence to political correctness or to moral relativism. 

The bible teaches that homosexuality is a dishonorable act. Rom. 1:24 ~ "Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:"

The very act of homosexuality (otherwise referred to as uncleanliness within the text) and consequently, within our society, homosexual marriage, is not anything that God "honors". Why would God honor something that dishonors men and mankind? It (homosexuality) is a behavioral sin like others and yet more. It is an encapsulated lifestyle contrary to biblical and scriptural truth, and is aggressive in nature. For example, one cannot find an adulterer or hardly a pedophile, (both behavioral sins) that believe that their sin should be embraced and accepted prima-facia by others. Many of them do not wish to be seen, yet alone known for their sin. However, the homosexual advocate seeks to gain acceptance of their homosexuality from everyone in their community, subjugating every institutional moral value to its acceptance. This is why they are saying (you are saying) that the church is "discriminating". This is name calling, shaming and out right bullying. Bullying in effort to "make" people accept your behavioral issue as an acceptable moral value.  

The sin of homosexuality, having gained acceptance within liberal facets of society due to political means, processes, bullying and other reasons is something that many of those who advocate for it attempt to present as an argument simply about "diversity" and equal rights, as opposed to moral truth. However, homosexuality is a behavior, and a product of existential thinking where man creates his own purpose as opposed to seeking the purpose of God for his existence. (Read HERE for more information on existentialism and what you are actually endorsing by endorsing this sin) 

Therefore your question is logically incoherent. Men cannot honor God in homosexual relationships because God views that relationships of the sort, are dishonoring to themselves and to humanity. So try that one again "pastor" and give us a question that makes sense so that we can address it!

Finally, Frazier says: "Show me how two men or two women loving one another diminishes their capacity to love god, to love themselves and to love other people,"

Let's start with the latter red-herring arguments...1- no one claims that homosexuals do not "love themselves" and cannot "love other people" neither of those are the arguments...2- the bible commands us to 'love one another" so that is not in question. 

What the homosexual does is lust with and or have sex with one another. In modern times this leads to what has been deemed "homosexual marriage". It is homosexual marriage and the normalization of the practice of homosexuality that the church correctly and properly stands against. Not the ability or inability of the homosexual to function, display love, care and concern for any and all individuals in life. 

To what I believe the "point" of your challenge is: 
Jesus, speaking in the context of money, reveals that no man can serve 2 masters. They will either hate one and love the other. (Mt. 6:24) Our love leads to our service, allegiance, self-sacrifice and faithful adherence to HIS word.

If it can be demonstrated that our "love" or how we carry out our love, is either honoring or dishonoring to God, as I believe that it can, then we can firmly make the statement and set forth the truth that if our love is dishonoring to HIM by virtue of our actions, we cannot say that we love HIM, if the meaning of that is to live in a state and condition of submission to HIS truth and word. under those conditions, we can certainly say that we love ourselves, and possibly considerations for God, but we cannot truly say that we love HIM if we do not intend to forsake that which is dishonoring to HIM and that which HE does not honor. 

Therefore, by demonstration of what a man does by his actions, a revelation of the capacity of the individual to "love God" can be determined. When a person embraces homosexual activity, their capacity to "love God" is diminished, hindered and severely limited or restricted. In this ethos, self becomes greater than God and personal fulfillment of desire is central to the person and that person lives in union with self, rather than in union with God. 

Anything greater than God, HIS truth and HIS word in our life is an idol and is therefore "another" god, not the God of the bible!

Final Thought:

This attack has nothing to do with the "denomination" of the church. All churches faithful to traditional biblical values are targets. 

The church in general does not and cannot not prohibit anyone from simply attending. After all the church should be a place of healing to them who are spiritually sick and ailing. However the church has an obligation to restrict the ungodly from leadership. Without compromise, the church should not look like and act like the world...though it (the church in general) and those who lead people astray such as Mr. Frazier, will pay the price!


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Friday, January 6, 2017

Happy New Year...Kim Burrell & Ye Shall KNOW The Truth!!!

Well, Happy New Year readers of The Dunamis Word. I trust that God blessed and is blessing  each of you with comfort and joy in this New Year.

Evidently, the devil is stirred up once again to attack and take to task anyone who dare say that homosexuality is a SIN.

Pastor Kim Burrell in her New Year's Eve service preached that homosexuality is a perversion and that it is a sin..Now the liberal elite and others are jumping out of the woodwork to claim that Kim and what she teaches is wrong...

Now, I will say for sure, Kim is problematic. I have documented her love for the late "Prince", even having called him "anointed" and her lingerie posing on the video of her song "Sweeter" on THIS BLOG. I don't have too much confidence in Kim, but not too much more of a complaint either. She is somewhat like a broken clock, but with that said... even a broken clock is RIGHT twice a day!

Well, she is RIGHT about this one, and I certainly stand by her. Here is her video and the part that sent some up in arms and her recent public address regarding the issue:

Although I was busy doing many other things, I happened to read the commentary of a blogger on the Huffington Post (the most liberal news possible). He was stating and explaining away the biblical thought and teaching that homosexuality is a sin and wrong. He, like most, attempt to draw a sharp contrast between Old Testament and New Testament command and morality, assuming that New Testament morality somehow overlooks that homosexuality is wrong and or a sin and that all things, including the sin of homosexuality, can be chalked up to the "grace of God". 

Like most that hold his position, he has no clue as to what God was saying either in Corinthians or Romans and ultimately, if left to him and others with his views, homosexuality would be some sort of unregulated activity among men, that "God just doesn't care about one way or another"

In my opinion, sentiments such as the one's espoused display that there is simply no or very little understanding or truth or how we come to understand and define truth. If something can be wrong, as the critic readily points out to every one that speaks and preaches against homosexuality, then something can be right as well. The question is, how does the critic know that what they believe is right? In fact, how does the critic know that what Burrell, I and others like us, believe is wrong? What is the basis for their understanding of truth, right and wrong? 

Here is my response to the Article:
To the writer of the article: No, you can't get an amen from me because you are espousing GARBAGE!!!

The problem is that you don't believe that homosexuality is SIN. Well, IT IS!!! It is sin because as the pastor said, it is a perversion of truth.

The issue of truth, right and wrong are at issue here.

Now, I suspect that your idea of truth and what is true is flexible to the degree of what you "agree" to be truth or what makes sense in your mind. That is called subjectivism. Under subjectivism, or relativism, truth, right and wrong, is only stacked up to your opinion or the opinion of a group. Close examination of this paradigm reveals that relativism is the most confused way to understand the world. Why? Because noone creates their own world of truth. Truth exists whether outside or inside of your world. For example, gravity works in your house just like mine. With the exception of building an anti-gravity chamber, gravity exists everyplace and in every time frame here on earth. No matter how you attempt to avoid it, it simply is. So there are some overarching truth's that just are. Truth, whether your opinion of it is true or not, is called objective truth.

How one comes to know truth, right or wrong is called epistemology. Christians believe that the only way we can know truth is through God. We believe that God has imparted the ability to know and discern truth, right and wrong into man, as a part of his design. Truth can be "known" and or perceived. With that said, peole can be oblivious to that truth for an number of reasons including 1- self deception and 2- actual deception. Either way, this is what it means to be "blind" or blind to sin.

In your article, you take time to say that Kim Burrell's statements and worldview are wrong, because you interpret truth to mean something different than what she is saying. Only where is YOUR basis for what you believe to be true? Is that a product of your mind, or a declaration of God or something outside of yourself? If you are right, what is the basis for your view? The Christian has ours, but where is yours? Is it a convention of your mind or the mind of others? Then by what means and what is the determining factor if you or any who agree with you is right?

Now, this does not mean that you and others with your opinion cannot perceive truth as it pertains to sex. Both you and I would agree that any so called "love" that a pedophile has for a child is wrong and that acting out upon their inclinations, whether seemingly invited to do so or not, is vile and sick. There is nearly total agreement upon that. However, you are "blind" to the application of the same standard towards homosexuality because you are "blind" to that sin. In fact, from reading the article you would have to believe that homosexuality is simply a "diversity" or even an innate part of the being of them that are homosexuals. Again, where is the basis for any of that, IF that is what you would hold as true.

To the point: Your acceptance of homosexuality as right and or acceptable with God is not rooted in God's word, nor is it consistent with HIS grace as you contend. If we examine your premise, we find that your basis appears to come from your own mind. There is no more than what you feel and what others around you who accept what you feel and believe and aspire to. There are many people, who we perceive as "good" that are blind to sin to one degree or another and that is usually because they are either "deceived" into their actions or that they "love" their sin. A heterosexual adulterer or fornicator is in no better position. Most in this sin do it because they "love" the sin of adultery to some degree to continue to do it. No matter how many adulterers around them agree to say that it is OK, the adultery is still wrong, and it is still sin. Believe me, the adulterer feels "good" about his adultery while he is in it, considering it, and acting out upon it, but none of that makes his acts and or actions right.

The fact is that in the Christian worldview, GOD is the ultimate authority and truth giver. HE has delivered instructions regarding sex and sexuality establishing clear boundaries both according to his word and nature. He has also set up a standard whereby the world and humanity exists. This is called natural law. The world (that is biological life) could not exist with same-sexism.

In addition, we can study the correlation between health and sexuality to find that homosexuality has a physiological and psychological consequence that are undesirable to varying degrees.

God has defined sex, love and sexual activity as acceptable between men and women not to kill our joy, but to enhance and increase it.

Because what she and others faithful to truth teach, is contrary to homosexual desire does not make her wrong. Her preaching and the preaching of others is the greater display of LOVE because LOVE intervenes and does not allow wrong to continue to harm and defile.
Obviously, because the homosexual rite expanded so vastly under the last 4 years of the Obama administration, the assumption has been that anyone who defies this sin and those who promote this sort o sin is out of touch with reality. I beg to differ vastly.

While every homosexual has the right to liberty, life and the pursuit of happiness, every Christian and those who don;t agree with the homosexual lifestyle has that right as well. I will fight for the rights o all, including the homosexual, but I will not be subject to honor and or even endorse any lifestyle that is sinful and contrary to the Word of God. One does not have to be a homosexual to have an undesirable lifestyle. There are plenty of heterosexuals that live undesirably and in sin...but be clear, all sin and all sinner, those who practice sin, will NOT enter the Kingdom of God.

Don't hate the message or the messenger. Hate the sin. For every homosexual there is help and hope and it begins first with denying self and building a relationship with Christ. HE can set you or any sinner free from their sin. Jesus has come that we might LIVE, and he has no pleasure in our death and unhappiness.

Don't be deceived. God says LIVE and live according to HIS word!


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Monday, March 28, 2016

Running Scared: Gov. Nathan Deals Away Religious Protections In GA

"I do not think we have to discriminate against anyone to protect the faith-based community in Georgia of which my family and I are a part of for all of our lives,"..."Our actions ... are not just about protecting the faith-based community or providing a business-friendly climate for job growth in Georgia. This is about the character of our State and the character of its people."

Georgia Governor Nathan Deal has backed down from a position of protecting religious freedoms vetoing a House Bill known as "The Free Exercise Protection Act", due to significant pressure from gay advocacy, media and the entertainment industry who have all converged to threaten all persons who believe that religious freedoms, and freedoms of corporate entities such as churches and church backed organizations, should be protected at all costs. 

>>Read Georgia's HB 757 As Proposed<<

Led by a group known as "Georgia Prospers" corporations from Comcast/NBC Universal, The NFL, Disney, Intel and Home depot to name a few, have arisen to to say that

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Saturday, June 6, 2015

What You Should Know About Gay Advocacy

From the proliferation of the gay agenda to transgenderism, various sexual proclivities are simply accepted within "pop culture" while opposition to those behaviors are ridiculed and or minimized. Watching TV shows can be particularly painful for anyone seeking the truth about the issues and seeking to understand that there is a staunch and distinct difference between abhorring the acts and actions of homosexuality and the people who perform such acts and actions. In this video Child Psychologist, Umar Johnson addresses the theme song of homosexual advocacy, that homosexual acts and actions are an innate part of human nature. To the world he may be controversial, but for those of us who have seen the political football of the homosexual agenda tossed around, he is exactly on point. Please listen to the entire message:

As recently as 1974 homosexuality was a registered mental illness,,,,,,why they change it? Find out

Posted by Black Love is Black Power on Sunday, May 31, 2015

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Thursday, April 2, 2015

When "Gay Day" Comes Your Way ~ Results Of The Homosexual Rite Being Law Pt. 3

Freedom Of Speech, Religion & The New Gay Rights

Aside from the NCAA final Four one of the most hotly contested situations in Indiana this weekend is the states position of the intersection of freedom of speech, free exercise of religion and values, and the implementation of gay rights as defined by gay advocacy groups including Lambda Legal, GLAAD, the HRC (Human Rights Campaign), and the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union).

In short, the Indiana legislature took it upon themselves to look back nearly 22 years into American history adopting their version of The Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) which reiterates policies that both political liberals and conservatives all agreed upon at a time in American history...that No one has a right to infringe on the closely held beliefs and religious freedoms of anyone else in America, nor does anyone have the right to force another, through law or otherwise, to set aside their religious freedoms and values in order to satisfy the whims of another group or class of people without "compelling interest".

Indiana Governor Mike Pence
Before the ink was dry, the Indiana law was was under attack. Indiana Governor Mike Pence was denigrated and the legislative efforts of Indiana Lawmakers was touted by gay advocacy groups as racist, discriminatory, archaic, and insulting to the gay community. The misrepresentation of the law was so fever pitched, that major corporations threatened to boycott the NCAA basketball tournament, (which has nothing to do with the laws of the State).

Governors of other states, in efforts to look good, cancelled state sponsored trips to Indiana for bona-fide business purposes, and major news organizations, whose correspondents I believe purposely misreported the law(1) as being bigoted, placed all their efforts on examining the law with over the top skepticism, un-objective journalism, and rank criticism. The governor of Indiana, looking like a rag doll caught by the cat, was overwhelmed trying to balance his political career with his moral values. At times seeming to explain that the law really meant nothing... In all, it seems that anyone, who voiced their opinion in support of the law, was met with public shame, wrath and indignation sparked by false reporting, misrepresentations and an absurd view of closely held American rights such as freedom of speech and freedom of religion. Due to this confusion, the State of Arkansas, before they could even roll out a similar law, began to backtrack and modify its position due to fear of continued media backlash, and because Arkansas corporate giant Walmart, said that they were displeased....WHAT???

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Friday, January 13, 2012

In The Defense Of Marriage

American Catholics Call All To Defend Marriage And Reject Notions Of Bigotry

In a Jan 12th, 2011 release, the American Conference Of Catholic Bishops released a statement calling on all Christians and all people to defend the traditional views of marriage as being between one man and one woman as well as reject the notion commonly promoted by the homosexual extremists that those who oppose gay marriage are bigoted. Outlining the problem as being beyond the Catholic Church and its agenda, the latter part of the statement said:
"For example, in New Jersey, the state cancelled the tax-exempt status of a Methodist-run boardwalk pavilion used for religious services because the religious organization would not host a same-sex "wedding" there. San Francisco dropped its $3.5 million in social service contracts with the Salvation Army because it refused to recognize same-sex "domestic partnerships" in its employee benefits policies.Similarly, Portland, Maine, required Catholic Charities to extend spousal employee benefits to same-sex "domestic partners" as a condition of receiving city housing and community development funds. 
In short, the refusal of these religious organizations to treat a same-sex sexual relationship as if it were a marriage marked them and their members as bigots, subjecting them to the full arsenal of government punishments and pressures reserved for racists. These punishments will only grow more frequent and more severe if civil "marriage" is redefined in additional jurisdictions. For then, government will compel special recognition of relationships that we the undersigned religious leaders and the communities of faith that we represent cannot, in conscience, affirm. Because law and government not only coerce and incentivize but also teach, these sanctions would lend greater moral legitimacy to private efforts to punish those who defend marriage."
In essence the statement introduces the notion that the government, by redefining marriage, as President Obama has committed and vowed to do, vicariously become agents supporting religious discrimination. In

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Saturday, December 10, 2011

O Canada!

President Barack Obama &
Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper
This week President Barack Obama stated this about the Canadian Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, and the American relationship with Canada:
"...In Stephen, (Prime Minister Stephen Harper) I've got a trusted partner, and I think he’ll agree that perhaps no two nations match up more closely together, or are woven together more deeply, economically, culturally, than the United States and Canada.

And that deep sense of interconnection, our shared values, our shared interests, infused the work that we have done today -- from supporting a resolution to the eurozone crisis to moving ahead with the transition in Afghanistan, from deepening security cooperation here in the Americas to supporting reform and democratic transitions in the Middle East and North Africa." ~ President Barack Obama South Court Auditorium Washington, DC. 12/7/2011( parenthesis & emphasis added) 
Almost a year ago, we have featured Dr. Charles McVety on our blog in the post "When Canadian Freedom Meets Canadian Censorship". At the time we noted that Dr. McVety was speaking out against the proliferating gay agenda in Canada which seems to be growing at the direction and under the protection of the state and governmental authority. Dr. McVety has been censured by the Canadian broadcasters for speaking against a proposed new school based agenda claiming that there were six genders among humans. Dr. McVety said this:
"We spoke against a new proposed sex education curriculum that would teach gender identity, six genders, and sexual orientation to our children,...And I believe that this curriculum was for the purpose of teaching our children to be homosexuals." ~ Rev. McVety

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Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Imposition Of Homosexual Marital Morality & COGIC Silence

Psalms 11:3 ~ "If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do"
 Senator Dianne Feinstein
"Family law has traditionally been the preserve of state law. The single exception is the Defense of Marriage Act, (DOMA)""This is not a cause which we are going to drop. We are not faint hearts about this." ~ Senator Dianne Feinstein
Saying that "it's time to right a wrong" and that "This bill will ensure that all married couples in the United States enjoy equal protection of our laws." While the country is distracted by being on the brink of financial ruin, Senator Dianne Feinstein has spearheaded a congressional effort to repeal The Defense Of Marriage Act (DOMA) by introducing a bill designed to scrap it and the concept that it is constitutional to believe that marriage is solely and exclusively between one man and one woman all together.

Marriage, the first institution of God, has consistently been under attack. Inward pressure causes marriages of  all ethics, Christian and non Christian, to end in divorce at a rate of 50%. The current economy places additional and sincere stresses on the marital relationship in general creating financial rifts which is the number one cause of all divorce.

With all of that said, the external pressure against "traditional" marriage, marriage between one man and one woman, has seemingly never been greater. Gay marriage is being promoted as a human right by world councils, at least 6 states within the United States,   New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Iowa, Vermont, and New Hampshire and The District Of Columbia have made gay marriage the law, and in other states, such as Illinois, civil unions are now legal and the law of the land. On the other hand, at the time of this writing, 29 states have constitutional bans on gay marriage and 12 states have laws against it.

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Saturday, June 11, 2011

Is Smile...A Celebration Of Gay???

Now, could someone please tell me why this man is wearing pink lipstick? Is this camera sensitivity or a camera trick?
Then there's former gay, Donnie McClurkin and I stand corrected, this is T.J. Holmes another CNN anchor. I don't think he's gay however.
Question yet stands, what is this...a Gay festival?

 Then who is it that fell from heaven?

"A power from heaven that I can't explain, fell from heaven like a shower".  

By the way the background of this video matches the Gay Pride Flag colors that was designed by Gilbert Barker. Is Kirk simply sending a message that Gays have no reason to be discouraged, or is he sending a message of gay inclusion?

I think some answers are in order.


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