
Showing posts with label Dr. Zubin Damania. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dr. Zubin Damania. Show all posts

Friday, September 25, 2020

The TRUTH Behind The Politicization Of Covid-19. By Scientists Themselves.

 This is probably one of the only presentations on this blog where I don't attempt to provide a spiritual or biblical parallel. Not because there is not one, but because Covid-19 needs to be examined on its face for what it is and more importantly, our collective response needs to be evaluated, as I am sure what we have done because of Covid-19 will be examined forever. 

Example, for a disease that was known to kill older individuals with comorbid diseases, we (our political leaders) packed places that housed older individuals with comorbidities with others carrying the disease and have been responsible for what can nearly be called, the mass murder of our elders, while simultaneously claiming "success" in the fight against the disease. 

We (our political leaders) issued orders to lock up people, restricting travel, eliminating livelihoods based on communistic models of state and public policy, regardless of whether or not we are a free, democratically controlled State.

Finally, we (OUR LEADERS "potential leaders"), primarily at the State level, are considering and in many cases have implemented mandates that reduce, take away or even eliminate personal freedoms, mimic collectivist (aka: COMMUNIST) societies, and reduce the US Constitution to a flexible "handbook" on public policy, based on falsely, and never approached sero-viral rate of 3%{although the actual rate is .2 to .3% or POINT 2 to POINT 3 percent. {which means that based on the US actual experience out of 1,000 individuals infected with Covid-19, approximately 2 die and 998 recover. 

The Science

The science behind Covid-19 is POLITICAL to say the least. I'll go on record to say what many are saying, that if Joe Biden is elected Nov. 2nd, COVID-19 mandates and lockdowns will MYSTERIOUSLY disappear. The alleged doctors, especially many on liberal news media, are anything but scientists and doctors delivering full truth...Look at it, when is the last time ANY of the Board Certified doctors on CNN, MSNBC, ABC, or NBC have reported that a a PCP test with a Cycle Threshold or CT rate of 37 is said to be positive for Covid-19, when EVERYONE knows that Covid-19 cannot survive in an environment with a CT Rate over 33 to 34? This means at least HALF of the positive and so called asymptomatic cases reported are NOT actual cases of Covid-19. Have you heard that conversation? They will not tell you that the myocarditis and other illnesses and issues associated with the aftermath of covid-19 are exceptions and not normative conditions...No they report the most severe things as if they were normal.

Recently on the ZDOGG MD Show Dr. Jay Bhattacharya who is a Stanford physician and economist

and co-author of several seroprevalence studies on COVID-19, appeared to speak to and clear the air on many issues that have delivered confusion to the masses through and by the news media. This is a must listen interview and one which will clear up much of the confusion we are seeing over Covid-19 and the utter and sometimes deliberate confusion that has been delivered to the public in regards to this disease. Please click the above link.  

Yes, Covid is real. However personal freedoms and liberty is too. Mental health, sexual health and overall physical wellbeing is also real. Have we sacrificed everything over fear of this disease, and at the end of the day we should ask why and what are the long term implications of our actions. 


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