
Showing posts with label Jesus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jesus. Show all posts

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Sunday AM Exhortations ~ Supt. H Burnett

 How do YOU see men? 

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Wednesday, August 16, 2023



I don't know why, but in the last 3 months this blog has garnered over 250,000 page reads from Ukrainian citizens.

First, I would like to say, I AND WE ARE PRAYING FOR YOU. Even though this dreaded war is on American TV news regularly, I personally have no clue as to what you are experiencing or going through. I can only pray for your peace and safety and for the threat and reality of war to disappear and go away forever. No father, mother or child should have to endure such terror and do it perpetually...It seems that those who could end this complete fiasco and terror could also end it as immediately IF they only had a human heart. 

Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; 
nor for the arrow that flieth by day;
 ~ Ps. 91:5 ~

It seems that the Russia/Ukrainian war has been commercialized and turned into some sort of cult economic ploy to fund the war machines of countries such as China and The United States. Each of these countries and others are actively involved, not brokering for peace, neither serving or protecting Ukrainian citizens, as far as I can tell, but supplying weapons and trying to make a profit on every hand.  

To the politics, I have little additional commentary...Evil men will simply wax worse (2 Tim. 3:13)

To the people, the spirit of mankind....I have something to say...

(Hab. 2:4, Rom. 1:17, Gal. 3:11, Heb. 10:38)

We are prepared to partner with you in faith that God will intervene and that God will protect sons, daughters, families and individuals and work miracles even though the pernicious, dastardly and evil acts of men who are and will be condemned for their evil towards humanity!

I am sorry for all that have been orphaned, abused, raped, murdered, displaced and whatever evil has befallen on your country and home at the hand of evil men, thoughts and intentions. I pray that right where you are the miracle working power of the Lord will be seen, felt and experienced. I pray that as you go back and forth in the city and in the field, that you and your family will be blessed and see the Glory of the Lord. I pray for healing of the sick and restoration for what has been stolen and for restoration of the breech that has taken your hope and joy and pray that all will be restored!

I certainly don't understand the real issue, but I already know that the evil one is DEFEATED and yet GOD IS EXALTED!!!

I pray for blessing, healing and for the peace of the Ukrainian people...I do this, in JESUS NAME,,,The one who brought to an open shame all demonic powers and triumphed over them on the cross and proved his preeminence with a bodily resurrection from the dead wherein he took the sting out of death and victory from the grave...To HIM, be all power, majesty, dominion and power forever and may that power rest and reside with believers of this faith in Ukraine!


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Friday, January 28, 2022

Don't Let "IT", Change You

In the Catholic tradition and always displayed by either statues in their churches or by elegant drawings and depictions within their stained glass windows are what is called the "Stations Of The Cross" These rembrances are designed to cause individuals to consider the sufferings of Jesus to and through his passion on the Cross by which, and only by which, we are saved. 

The Stations Of The Cross are traditionally identified as follows:

(1) Jesus is condemned to death,
(2) he is made to bear his cross,
(3) he falls the first time,
(4) he meets his mother,
(5) Simon of Cyrene is made to bear the cross,
(6) Veronica wipes Jesus’ face,
(7) he falls the second time,
(8) the women of Jerusalem weep over Jesus,
(9) he falls the third time,
(10) he is stripped of his garments,
(11) he is nailed to the cross,
(12) he dies on the cross,
(13) he is taken down from the cross, and
(14) he is placed in the sepulchre.

As opposed to the 7 last words or sayings of Christ on the Cross, the "Stations of the Cross" point out what was done to Jesus or what he did. The 7 last words point out what Jesus said and what he willed. As recorded within scripture, the 7 last words are:

(1) Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do...
(2) To day shalt thou be with me in paradise. ...
(3) Woman, behold, thy son! ...
(4) My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? ...
(5) I thirst. ...
(6) It is finished. ...
(7) Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit

The Victory Of The Cross

Heb. 12: 2 ~ Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

Col. 2:15 ~ In this way, he disarmed the spiritual rulers and authorities. He shamed them publicly by his victory over them on the cross. (NLT)

Jesus's substitutionary atonment and victory on the cross gave us victory and SAVED us from the penalty of sin which is ultimately death or separation from God. He broke chains and bondage, giving us a new path and road to walk on and live. Through and by the Cross it is HE that has gotten us the victory and not we ourselves. 

Ps. 98:1 ~ O sing unto the LORD a new song; for he hath done marvellous things: his right hand, and his holy arm, hath gotten him the victory.

The Often Overlooked Foundation Of Our Victory 

"Father forgive them, for they know not what they do"

There is an aspect of the victory on the Cross that I would like to address even but briefly. Our victory centers around the first of Christ's last words on the Cross, after the 11th station and prior to his death and reveals that in spite of all the hate Jesus received, all the accusation, misinformation, disinformation, betrayal and all the negative that was placed on HIM, HE did not change from who he was! In other words, we are saved because his attitude towards us never changed even though I believe that was really what the suffering was all about from the enemies perspective. 

Could Jesus attitude towards us have changed without him entering into sin? 

Now, that is a question that is somewhat perplexing and to some degree oximoronic. First as God Jesus could not sin. He was without sin and no guile was found in his mouth. However, could his refusal to administer the grace of forgiveness of God upon man not been a sin? We'll examine that in a radio broadcast attached to this post. 

The fact is that Jesus was loving and kind from the beginning, he was/is full of grace and truth, came to complete the mission of the Father, and did not bow to retaliate the hate and anger that he received. Jesus did not become the unforgiving evil of the environment in which he was immersed. Through EVERY temptation, test and trial, and debate, Christ remained faithful and true untainted by the world in which he lived and ultimately saved.  This is the VICTORY on the Cross that makes all the difference and displays beyond a shadow of a doubt that Jesus received and will receive all the world's honor, without ever having to bow to it, its lusts or anything therein. 

In other words, no matter what Jesus endured, 

It's Our Turn Now

To me, this thought was intimidating. Seemingly, over the last 5 to 10 years, as people and as a nation, we have gone through a seemingly insurmountable amount of "things" in the way of tests, trials and tribulations. Covid by itself has nearly ripped the foundations of the world and allegedly civilized society apart. The church has not ared well and in many cases have acted and responded to pressures similarly to the world. Due to this, many things and people have changed. At least so it appears...

It has been interesting to hear and see how people, some of whom who claimed the ability to be "good without God", have revealed their most evil and selfish nature. We have people that were allegedly committed to values such as humanism, freedom and liberty, now reverting to concepts such as invasion of privacy, segregation and classiscism.

In the medical profession, for example, there are people who were once allegedly committed to saving lives, who now wish evil on others because of their medical decision to not vaccinate with a vaccine that neither reduces the prevalence of the malady for which it was designed to address, nor reduces the malady's spread. Not to mention people have rightly rejected this vaccine because they were tested and developed using aborted fetal cells, which some don't care who died or were killed as long as they can live. 

Can you imagine the insensitivity of people saying "deny them treatment because they didn't vaccinate" or "they should suffer for not vaccinating"? Then what makes it worse, is that we have some so called Christians, who claim to read the bible and hold to its values who feel the same insensitive way and follow the same unenlightened and immoral path of thinking.

Think of this...

What if we only treat and heal people who agree with life decisions of some so called authority? Example, what if we refused to treat those with COPD or emphysema who had a smoking history? The Surgeon General's warning has been on cigarettes for decades. Do we deny treatment to those people who now suffer?

What if we refused to treat homosexuals who have acquired HIV and AIDS because we believe that homosexual sexual activity is the cause of such illness? After all male homosexuals die of AIDS or ARC more every year than any other demographic. What if we simply say, "don't treat them they knew the risk"?

In both those cases and more, we would be considered barbarians. We would be considered the least sophisticated and least caring people on Earth in the modern era. Modern ignormamous, hellish and immoral scumbags...However, that is exactly what IT, today's stress, has made many become.

Adversity, A Revealer Of Truth

In my opinion, adversity does something that nothing else can do. It revelas character and substance of a thing, situation and or person! Adversity also reveals relationships, allegiances and alliances, both positive and negative, which is essential when it comes to personal and even corporate growth.

In these times and during this adversity, many people have revealed exactly who they are when the right, or should I say "wrong" circumstance arises. This has been a revelation that modern man is no more sophisticated nor morally pure and centered than those whom we call the barbarians of history.

Adversity displays just how greedy a person can be when money runs out or runs thin. Adversity in your health allows some to prove how faithful, loving and kind they are when your health or personal standing diminishes. Like Job, you do not know the mind of your friends until there is adversity and winds of change.

With all of that said, the greatest victory we can experience, is the victory of not allowing our adversities, or the attitudes we face during adversity, shape and mold us into what IT wants us to be or become. 

See, it is the greatest victory for Jesus to have been beaten, accused, lied upon to his face and hung on a tree in cricifixtion, which was the ultimate public embarassment and rebuke, to still ask God to FORGIVE the very ones that had caused his pain and grief, even while they were in the very act of doing so. 

I'll be the FIRST to say, like the song, IT WASN'T (or it ain't) ME! I have no ability to do that. Only Christ could provide that victory for me and on my behlaf, because my strength, with all that I know fails in the ultimate degree and manner. To be so kind and pure to a person or a group of people who are determined to push their evil, their will, their hatred and do it with approval of their peers and all authority??? It is beyond me what the constraining factor is, BUT GOD HIMSELF!


But what about you? Have you allowed your pain to change you? 

Part of the societal issues we face today, stems from people, who have historically suffered pain, but have left the God that was able to heal and manage pain and by their own drifting have now seemingly opened new wounds and fresh sores causing a deep scaring effecting a new generation even if by proxy in an emotional manner. 

Just be truthful, some of those acting displaying the most violent behavior and the most dissonance, have never been under the whip. They have never been not free. We have White surbaban kids marching and violently protesting, some about issues that they know nothing of. The claim of solidarity falls by the way side because many of them displaying the most violent behavior have never been in union with those who they claim to be in solidarity with during peaceful times. In many cases it is similar to a glorified science project to see how far one can go in the name of a certain cause or perceived societal struggle. 

One thing is for sure however, all these violent and pain centered activists have been in or are in bondage in their hearts regardless of their mental prowess or physical or material ability.

Where Is Our Spiritual Foundation?

Ps. 11:3 asks, if the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do? We have a generation who has left God and the church, the foundation of our place within this society and the world, and gone to men through psychology and or self help ventures and aspirations and fallen way short of healing. Further, the isolation and realization of the limitations of man have driven a fierce anger and animus that has shown up in things such as Critical Race Theory (CRT), violent protests, destruction of property, murder and killing, thefts, lawlessness and other ill temperate acts, actions and ways. Killing and murder in most major cities are at all times highs, and lawlessness, both towards individuals and citizens, are at ever increasing proportions. 

All of these things and even more personal issues such as divorce and remarriage, school and kids related issues, financial pressures, material struggles and even issues within the church, are adversities that are ripe breeding grounds for change or revealing of attitude, heart and minds and how we approach those issues, and the results of those issues make all the difference in our hearts and minds. 


I therefore contend that among all the VICTORY that we gained on the cross due to Jesus sacrifice, the VICTORY of forgiveness, even in our ignorance, is the highest victory obtainable. As I see it, that forgivness is the highest declaration of God towards a wicked and evil human condition. That is the light that the dark could not, did not, and can not put out!

Ooh my God! Without that...that love and kindness...that enduring faithfulness...that ability to truely look beyond ALL of our faults and see our needs, we have NOTHING!   

You may have to read this post a couple of times to really digest what I am attempting, in my feeble and inadequate manner, to communicate to you, but at the end of the day, and no matter what you are facing, and no matter the unfeeling and unloving(ness) of the world and even those within the church towards you...DON'T let IT...don't let THEM change YOU!

If you bend your character in response to their brokenness, evil and inadequacy, they win...However, the bible declares that WE ARE MORE THAN CONQUERORS, THROUGH CHRIST THAT LOVED US! (Rom. 8:37)

DON'T LET IT, your circumstance, the false accusation, the layoff, the broken family or any disadvantage, change you!!!

Remember, you have someone praying for you and most importantly, Jesus prayed for ALL of us that our strength and faith wouldn't fail. Why should WE change our character when WE have the VICTORY?


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Friday, May 10, 2013

Who Did The Leading Jewish Cleric Think The Messiah Is?

Revelation 22:12 ~ "And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be."

It's really no secret, nor has it ever been one. even Nicodemus came by night to Jesus because he had some questions and beliefs that he didn't want others to be aware of.

Before his death in 2006, the leading Jewish Cleric Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri claimed to have personally met the Messiah at age 108. Before he passed, he delivered a note to his sons to remain sealed for 12 months. 12 months later...Well, just watch the video:

 Ariel Sharon has been in a coma-like state since 2006. Here is the most current word on his condition:

One thing is for sure, we don't need notes, messages and the death of any individual to know that Jesus shall return, but it is interesting to note all of what is happening and what has been revealed to people even though it seems that they are kicking and screaming in denial of it.

Ready or not, believe him or not JESUS is coming back! Will you be ready?


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Monday, July 6, 2009

When The King Of Kings Calls

They Called Him "The King Of Pop"

On Tuesday July 7th 2009 the world gathers to say goodbye to what one could consider the most controversial and renowned entertainer and person in modern history. Michael Jackson (August 25th 1958 ~ June 25th 2009) is celebrated by many as the greatest performer that ever lived. The facts are that no one in history has sold more albums than Michael in his lifetime (estimated over 750 million) or has been so widely accepted all over the world for both his entertainment acumen, dedication to perfection in performance and his humanitarian efforts. In 1985 those humanitarian efforts brought together more entertainers and singers in one singular event "We Are The World", than any other effort in modern times raising over $50 Million in economic Aid to Africa.

Although there are many things that could be said about Michael, our intent in this article by addressing the issue of his life and death, is not to adore, worship or admire him as most of the world and even many Christians have done during this time. Neither is our intent to bash his character or his works as they speak for themselves both good and bad. Michael's works have gone before him as he has stood before his maker to give an account of himself and his deeds, whether they were for Christ and to HIS glory, or to the glory of self and humanity. One thing is for sure, eternity's stage will not be shared by Michael or anyone else; Jesus alone is the epitome of all worship and all eternity.

I thought to initiate conversation on at least 3 issues and addressing those issues to the church in general, hoping to ask the church, especially them that are hailing Michael's entertainment successes as God's gifts, to examine its position in light of what was obviously seen by all during this man's lifetime.

Evolution To Effeminence

Having been a child of the Michael Jackson era, I admired him since my early youth. "Rockin' Robin" and "Got To Be There" (early 70's){I was 7 to 8 years old} were songs fit for me and my understanding and were among the first hits that caught my attention. At that time Michael was clearly a black youth like me: brown, smiley, lots of potential and seemingly loving life to the fullest. I had no idea that some 36 to 37 years later, that that brown complexion would be nearly white, that smile would become strained, that expression would be exhausted, and all that potential would be restricted to a stage presence and performances. Aside from all those changes, I find that one of the most disturbing things about Michael was his development into what appears to be a feminine character.

The theories on this evolution from male to female appearance range from Michael's trying to avoid looking like his father, to Michael trying to appeal to the greatest range of audience possible to radical plastic surgery gone bad. Now, whatever the reason, that was Michael's choice to make. However, I cannot fathom any religious leader exhibiting praise for Michael without also noting and reaffirming that if at all medically possible, a man should look like and remain a man all of his life and not only for a portion of it.

Now, the word effeminate {Gk. malakov}as used in 1 Cor. 6:9 {Discussed HERE}comes into effect IF Michael was trying to appeal to those who either were trying to take advantage of him sexually or those whom he wished to appeal to that preferred men with feminine looks. It's hard to imagine that a man would prefer to look like a woman without some motivating factor. That leads into our next observation:

Extensive Verbal & Psychological Abuse
Does The End Justify The Means?

As we have both seen and read, Mr. Joseph Jackson, the head of the family, was an intense and shrewed business man when it came to music. According to available records and statements some that even Michael made himself, Mr. Jackson was not only a disciplinarian, but he also, at times, crossed into the area of verbal and borderline physical abuse. I think Michael made his thoughts known regarding his father over the years by wresting management of his brand away from Mr. Jackson almost as soon as he possibly could, and also placing what many thought was damaging information in the screen production mini-series "The Jacksons, The American Dream", Some say that a strong indicator of how Michael thought about his father is found in his father's exclusion from his will. To be fair, noone has any idea of who controls trust assets and by law those records cannot be made to become public. So Mr. Jackson could very well be included in much that we don't know.

Nevertheless, stories have been told that Michael's father consistently criticized his son saying that his nose was "too big" or that he was deficient in some other way. In fact as a sign of an obvious disconnect, when Mr. Jackson was asked at the June 28th 2009 BET Awards for his feelings and comments regarding his son's death, he responded by saying, "We've just lost the biggest superstar in the world" then he went on to introduce his new music production joint venture. During that interview he never referred to Michael as his son, only a "star" and "superstar". This came across to me as being self-centerd.

These type of sentiments can cause an individual to lose or never come to their own identity. It was already problematic enough that Michael didn't have a true childhood. It would seem that the abuse of Joseph Jackson set the stage that no matter what was achieved by Michael, wouldn't be satisfactory or appeasing to his own conscience in any manner because his father had never taken the time to affirm him or his manhood.

Do the results of stardom justify the means of abuse? It seems that now is an opportune time for the church to set forth the difference between verbal abuse and biblical discipline. Wholesome discipline is essential in the life of growing children but abuse is an unacceptable reality that many of our children face daily and struggle to overcome. Being told that one is: too short, too fat, too stupid, ugly, too dark, incapable of learning, slow, mentally challenged etc. are all labels that tend to hurt and when combined with memory over a long period of time, create prisons within the mind that people sometimes grow and live in for a lifetime. Mr. Jackson seemed to have forged an inescapable prison for Michael by which death would be his only liberator.

Amazingly, this type of abuse occurs and many of us sit silently as we did with the Jackson family, while it happens. Sometimes it's from a coach, who crosses the line with personal attacks toward a student athlete. Sometimes it's from a teacher who mocks and criticizes the efforts of a student in front of the whole class. Other times it's from family member such as Joseph Jackson, who drives others to fulfill their vision of what they weren't able to achieve. Still other times it's from a Pastor or church member who excludes certain individuals from activities because they aren't the favored "family" or named individual within the church. The message should be that abuse of all kinds is not an acceptable standard and is not worthy to be praised. Some argue that the "abuse" made Michael rich. I would only say that "riches" aren't worth the value of a soul and that I am sorry that Michael had to endure such hardship in this life at any cost.

Issues Of Pedophilia

The worst time in the life of Michael was his 10 count indictment that was levied against him in Santa Barbara County, California in 2004. Going back to Mr. Joseph Jackson again, it must be said that Mr. Jackson was front and center with Michael every day during the worst time of his Michael's life.

Many continue to say that Michael was guilty of the charges of sexual molestation and abuse against the children at his Neverland Ranch. In addition to the jury finding and pronouncing him innocent, I find that there are additional very compelling reasons to believe that Michael was innocent of the charges against him in that indictment.

On his radio segment the week of June 30th 2009, talk show host Rush Limbaugh, when responding to the accusations of one of his callers against Michael, said that he had read the full indictment against Michael Jackson and heard the resulting testimony and concluded that the complete case was a waste of the courts time and was only brought about as an effort to simply extort money from Michael. He acknowledged, as most do, that Michael had a terrible disconnect of what was appropriate in adults sharing sentiments with children, but assured his audience, that there was never a case against Jackson, and what case that did exist was only driven by a frenzied media fishing for the worst and most sensational type of situation. (Similar to the current Debra Rowe encouragements to file for custody even against Michael's expressed wishes for the children within his will)

What makes Mr. Limbaugh's statements especially interesting and certainly worth considering is that Rev. Al Sharpton on his daily radio show, as late as Friday July 3rd, said the same thing. All week long Rev. Sharpton has stated his support for the remaining Jackson family and plainly noted that he was also at the Jackson trial in support of Michael daily, hearing the testimony for himself and finding that the case was a complete sham from the start. If anyone knows these two personalities, there has not been a lot historically over which they have agreed, and on Michael Jackson and the issue of pedophilia, especially as it pertains to a case that seemingly broke Michael's spirit, both of these men agree 100% that Michael was rightfully exonerated of all charges.

When The King Of Kings Calls

The ultra fundamentalist will read this post and think that it has nothing to do with the church. Quite the contrary is true. Michael was fed the false doctrine of a non Christian cult since his youth. The Jehova's Witness group as formulated by Charles Tays Russell was built on rejecting the biblical Christ and creating their own version of Christ who wasn't God and that didn't raise bodily from the grave. No doubt these false teachings were among the first religious concepts that began to shape Michael's mind and life as they were given by his mother whome he valued and honored greatly. Then there were others such as the Nation Of Islam, who entrapped Jermaine and are certainly not focused on Jesus as Lord and savior. In the end, it seemed that Michael was a universalist/humanist/pantheist seeking advice from mystics and non biblically centered teachers such as Deepak Chopra who holds to the pantheistic view of hinduism and the New Enlightenment. There was certainly no help for Michael in any of these teachings.

Even though Marvin Winan and The Winans sung with Michael on the song, "Man In The Mirror" which may have been an excellent opportunity to reach his soul, it seems that the true church was either too busy or too disconnected to really help Michael overcome the terrible hand that he was dealt in life. I don't assume that the Winans didn't try, but I simply believe that many more also had the opportunity. I simply wonder did they take it? Or did they only like the recognition of the worlds "superstar"?

Every King of this earth will be subject to the call of the King of Kings and will be without excuse as to thei spiritual position and place. As noted, I don't join the chorus of praisers as it pertains to Michael Jackson and his work, but neither do I join the crowd of cynics that seem to be happy that a soul has been lost. God certainly didn't make a mistake in the process so we can only praise HIM for HIS wisdom. I only stop to remember Michael for what he meant to me as I was growing up and respect and pray for his family that they will find the peace necessary to live a truly abundant life for Jesus, and turn from sin embracing truth and righteousness.

At the end of the day, we can travel the whole world and everyone everyplace can adore us, but there is none greater than God and ONLY what's done for Jesus Christ will last. All the material benefits and popularity amassed in this life cannot replace meeting God in peace.

Mark 8:34-38 ~"34-And when he had called the people unto him with his disciples also, he said unto them, Whosoever will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. 35-For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel’s, the same shall save it. 36-For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? 37-Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? 38-Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation; of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he cometh in the glory of his Father with the holy angels."

If I wish anything, I only wish that there could have been a better end to the life of Michael Jackson. As a church we should be challenged to do even more to win souls and not be enamoured with names, titles, recognition and money. There is a world that is lost and suffering no matter how much money fame and accolades that they have, they yet need the Gospel of Jesus Christ to set them free from their sins and their sometimes terrible past. Church we have a great mission and a great responsibility.


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Saturday, September 27, 2008

The Raging Battle For The Jesus Of History

Of a certainty there has been no more controversial subject in historical studies than that of the person of Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus is the head and the Chief Cornerstone of the Christian faith. In Christianity almost every word recorded within the pages of holy writ refer ultimately to Jesus. For the skeptic, and agnostic this poseses a problem of epic proportions. For the question is asked how can we truely know this Jesus of history?

This sort of conundrum has led to a host of various interpretations of history and faith as it pertains to the discovery of the "real" Jesus. It was during the 18th Century Enlightenment that German, Deist scholar Dr. Hermann S. Reimarus (1694-1768) set forth a totally different and radical view of who Jesus was. He set forth the idea that Jesus was a political and social idealist who never intended to start a religion and failed in his mission to liberate the Jews politically. He gave no creedence to the Jesus of faith or miracles for that matter. (Please Go Here To See Why He Was Wrong)

Partially due to the era of Enlightenment, there have been countless individuals who have set out to define, shape and reevaluate who Jesus was. To display how heated and contentious this subject can be Albert Schweitzer (1875-1965) reviving thoughts set forth by German Professor G. Wobbermin tried to solidify the idea that the "historical" Jesus was even different from the "historic" Jesus. The distinction, he claimed, was that the "historic" Jesus was responsible for untold evil and repression of individuals down through the ages, while the "historical" Jesus was a person of meekness who truely sought to help individuals. In essence, in this argument, the "historic" Jesus is a product of what Christians and the church "believe" about Jesus and that "belief" is not necessarily patterened after the "historical" person.

Jesus very own words seems to negatively cap this argument in some way:

Mt. 10:34-36 ~ "Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. 35-For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. 36-And a man’s foes shall be they of his own household."

Again, there have been countless others such as E.P. Sanders and in more recent times apostates such as John Dominick Crossan, co-founder of the Jesus Seminar (The Who's Who Of Apostates), and a host of other agnostic professors some of which have been featured HERE, such as Elaine Pagels, Bart D. Ehrman and James D. Tabor and even atheists such as Robert Price and Richard Carrier that have set forth their own versions of the historical Jesus. So among scholars as we have noted, there is a battle for the historical Jesus.
Dr. John P. Meier, Professor of New Testament at the University Of Notre Dame, in his landmark works "A Marginal Jew- Rethinking The Historical Jesus" Volumes 1-3 Poses a question in Volume 1 of the Series as such:
  • "...what do we mean when we say that we are pursuing the "historical Jesus" or the "Jesus of history"?..."By the Jesus of history I mean a Jesus that we can "recover" and examine by using the scientific tools of modern historical research." ~ Dr. John P. Meier, A Marginal Jew, Rethinking The Historical Jesus Volume 1, (1991 Doubleday) pg. 25.
One of the primary influences within modern scholarship pronouncing the differences between the historic and historical Jesus was German Lutheran, New Testament professor and father of biblical form criticism, Rudolf Bultmann (1884-1976) He rejected the historical Jesus as a basis for faith and claimed the genre of the gospels to be kerygma which he described as a development of preaching, having taken a literary form. Regarding the person of Jesus however, he set forth the following:
  • "...we can know almost nothing concerning the life and personality of Jesus, since the early Christian sources show no interest in either, are moreover fragmentary and often legendary..." ~ Rudolf Bultmann "Jesus And The Word" pg. 14
One of the reasons this is so important and controversial is because we can't and don't necessarily know "everything" about the Jesus of history. For instance, we do NOT know his favorite colors, food, or shoes etc. Other even more significant historical information such as what Jesus did in his intermediate years is still a mystery to us. These are the things that we can only wonder about the Jesus of history, but yet we have received from him enough to evaluate and know the Jesus of our faith.

These thoughts and recent discoveries (1945) of alternate gospels at Nag Hammadi, Egypt have caused some scholars to proclaim that we now have the missing pieces necessary to help us find the "real" Jesus. These finds, however have been less than convincing and in many cases clearly legendary dated too late to shed any light on the person of the First Century Messiah and savior of the world, and contain messages more associated with gnosticism than Christianity in any era.

For the person who doesn't mind delving deeply into the epistemology of their faith and further past traditional biblical studies, these thoughts and this debate quite naturally lead to other questions that I pose and ask you to contemplate and respond:
  • Is the Jesus of history the same as the Jesus of faith?
  • Whom must the Christian know in order to gain salvation, the historical Jesus or the Jesus of faith?
  • Are we required biblically to know the Jesus of history in order to come to saving faith?
As you may tell this is and can be a rather complicated study. We know from scipture that we must believe God in order to receive:

Heb.11:6 ~ "But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him."

However this verse addresses a matter of faith and not necessarily history.

In essence this post os for them that are into serious analysis of their faith and examination of Jesus. One thing I am confident of is that Jesus can stand any thorough examination that we require. He remains the only figure in history that invites us to emainine him and know his realness. Remember what Jesus said to Thomas:

John 20:24-29 ~ "24-But Thomas, one of the twelve, called Didymus, was not with them when Jesus came. 25-The other disciples therefore said unto him, We have seen the Lord. But he said unto them, Except I shall see in his hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and thrust my hand into his side, I will not believe. 26-And after eight days again his disciples were within, and Thomas with them: then came Jesus, the doors being shut, and stood in the midst, and said, Peace be unto you. 27-Then saith he to Thomas, Reach hither thy finger, and behold my hands; and reach hither thy hand, and thrust it into my side: and be not faithless, but believing. 28-And Thomas answered and said unto him, My Lord and my God. 29-Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed."

Thank God, Jesus can stand any examination whether one of history or one of faith.


Picture Courtesy of Greg Webb, Black Jesus Picture Collection

Recommended Resources:
The Case For The Real Jesus ~ Lee Strobel, 2007 Zondervan
Dethroning Jesus ~ Darrell Bock & Daniel B. Wallace, 2007 Thomas Nelson
Reinventing Jesus ~ Komoszewski, Sawyer & Wallace, 2006 Kregel
The Missing Gospels ~ Darrell Bock, 2006 Nelson Books
The Jesus Legend ~ Paul Eddy & Gregory Boyd, 2007 Baker Academic

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Monday, November 12, 2007

The Battle For The Church & Sexuality

On Sunday Nov. 11th 2007 BET aired the show "Meet The Faith". The topic was homosexuality within the black church. The panelists included Sherry Lee Ralph, Keith~Gay Blade~Boykin and Bishop E. Bernard Jordan.

Although I've not been too impressed with Bishop Jordan in the past, for reasons I won't go into here, I was hoping that he would be able to at least get a good, right, and well centered word across on what homosexuality is and why the church must preach against homo and lesbian lifestyles. Unfortunately, Bishop Jordan was in no way ready for this panel, or at least, when they GAVE HIM A CHANCE TO SPEAK.

Similarly, BET's show "Exalted" featured Bishop Carlton Pearson who has left every sound Biblical doctrine about the ministry of Jesus that he once knew, and entered into fantasy land with his doctrine of inclusion, which is a step even beyond what many Primitive Baptists believe, and ventures into flat out HERETICAL Biblical understanding promoting dogmas such as "Jesus didn't say he was God" (Which ANY BIBLE STUDENT KNOWS HE DID CLEARLY~ JOHN 8:58, JOHN 14:10-11, MATT. 9:5-6, MATT:28:18 and the list goes ON) and that "Jesus wasn't a Christian" and that he "didn't come to save Christians" the last 2 statements show his utter confusion because they make no sense.

From these shows and their content some things are very clear:

  • Homosexuals and Lesbians have a right to all protections under the law as anyone else in society, and sexual orientation SHOULD NOT be the determining factor for secular employment, housing and other norms. Before you ask, I DO NOT believe in extending spousal benefits of insurance to homosexual or heterosexual partners. Doing so undermines the concepts of family and commitment and is bad for society on a number of levels.
  • Both the church and the homosexual community often speak about this subject in a too highly of an emotional manner. So much so until neither really gets a good understanding without being emotionally riled up or offended.
  • The homosexual community DOES NOT feel that the Bible condemns their sexual orientation based on the traditional scriptures used. They feel that they were born or produced as a part of a diversity among mankind as Same Gender Loving individuals.
  • Many church leaders and ministers DO NOT know the scripture well enough to set forth a clear straight forward argument based on the Bible and the ability to reason.
  • Homosexuals cannot discern the topics of sexual orientation and its relationship to God and sin and consequently twist the Bible and history to serve their views.
  • The passions of the homosexual are unbridled. This DOES NOT mean that they are predators or out to only get sex, it means that they have no control over sincere feelings and emotions toward same gender individuals.
The Gay movement is led by vocal and visible "gender benders",bloggers and television personalities such as Ellen Degeneres, Keith Boykin, Jasmyn Cannick and countless others that promote homo agenda such as Tyra Banks. All of these have decided to move toward their primary objective. That objective is in part, to redefine family, the church, and ultimately steal the Glory Of God. Now, please don't think for a minute that I believe that they (within themselves) are that calculating. No, it's not a conspiracy after the flesh, although some of it may be well coordinated. In reality, it is the spirit that is controlling their actions.

An example of this is found when many of them repeatedly infer that the church was built upon homosexual participation and giving and further that it (the church)CANNOT make it without them and their ongoing support. As proof they often refer to the many pulpits that have been deceived into allowing homosexuals special functions in the church, while simultaneously preaching against the homosexual orientation and the homosexual lifestyle. To exacerbate the problem further, the homosexual declares that many, if not most, of the preachers in the pulpit are "In the closet" and that just about all of the church's musicians and gospel artists are gay or lesbian. This again, is an attempt to call into question the motivations, actions, and messages from some of the country's most influential ministries. More to the point, one of the greatest questions they pose toward any preacher that stands against them and meets their criteria of being homophobic is "Is He Gay?"

There is no wonder or mystery to this strategy. The devil's name "satan" simply means accuser or one who brings an accusation to bear. This is why those of us who are truly spiritual know that they are doing no more than the spirit of the enemy is promoting them to do. Remember, our fight is not against flesh and blood. (Ephes. 6:12)

Now, as a church, we must admit that we have a problem. Too MANY PREACHERS, MUSICIANS, SINGERS, AND GOSPEL ARTISTS are IN THE CLOSET. It's a tragic shame but it's true. Then, still there are a lot of ministers and leaders who are on the DL and live double lives from the pulpits. What we must do is REPENT, allow God to purge his church and get back on our knees and on our faces ask the Lord to forgive our sins and lift our shame. (II Chron 7:14)

We must be affirmed in knowing that NONE of the church's failures excuses or affirms the homo, lesbian, adulterer, or fornicator in their ways of ungodliness. It only proves what we already know. The devil is the father of lies, SIN and is a killer. The devil's primary aim is to cause the church to bow down to him and steal the Glory Of God from it.

What did Jesus tell Peter?
  • Luke 22:31~32 "And the Lord said, Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat: But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren"
Thank God for the prayer of Jesus! This scripture points to the fact that Peter represented what would become, the ministry and revelation of the church. satan's desire was to get control of that ministry and leadership and replace the revelation of God with his own shoddy version of secularism and unfounded dogmas.

On a web site dedicated to the promotion of the gay agenda, a reader asked a question of the site owner/administrator (who by the way claims to be saved). The question was how did the site owner know that what they were doing and saying was ordained of God, and how were they sure that they were right?

The administrator went on to answer by saying that he/she walked by faith, and the belief that their life experiences had prepared them to answer these questions and basically promote the gay agenda. That same web site is actively soliciting Same Gender Loving (SGL) or HOMOSEXUAL churches to be a part of their church network. Their objective is to financially support and build up homosexual ministries, pastors, and leaders in an effort to provide an alternative to churches who preach and teach against homosexuality.


Biblical Exposition

Although the gay community says that they were born the way that they are as a complete, whole and diverse human being the church must first note the following:
  • God only created 2 types of individuals from the beginning and HE called them MALE and FEMALE. Any other type of individual born any other way or outside of one of those categories is a product or result of SIN that entered the world through Adam's disobedience. The homo or lesbian need not take the blame for what they feel, think and believe...SIN is to blame and it has placed those things there through the veil of the FLESH and through the tainting of the soul because of SIN. The answer to this dilemma is the same one that Jesus spoke to Nicodemus in John 3:7b "...Ye must be BORN AGAIN." No matter how or what you were born with the first time, a NEW BIRTH in Jesus will destroy the yoke and begin to set things in God's proper order. (I Peter 1:23) In addition, Paul points out to the Corinthians (who by the way had a significant homosexual population) in II Cor. 5:17~ "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new." Christ deals with our nature and essence NOT merely our feelings and emotions. He deals with who we are and what we are.

  • Jesus categorized ALL sexual impurity as SIN~ Matt: 15:19-"For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies: These are the things which defile a man:..." ref. Luke 7:20 Why would God punish me as a heterosexual for sexual impurity and incentivize and reward the homosexual for non biblical sexual desire? MAKES NO SENSE.

  • Paul reaffirms that all sexual impurity and inconsistency is a work of the FLESH~ Galations 5:19. In this passage Paul goes on to name 4 sexual categories of sins. Adultery, fornication, uncleanness and lasciviousness. These four categories define ALL types of sexual SINS and impurities known to mankind. The first 2 are plain and easily understood both by homo and heterosexual individuals as being sins. The latter, Uncleanness deals directly with homosexuality, lesbianism and cross gender desires and cultic sexual practices. The last one, Lasciviousness, deals with bisexuality, sexual contact with non human beings and fetishes. ALL OF THESE ARE SINS OF THE FLESH. It doesn't matter how you feel as it pertains to your desire for these things. The feelings themselves indicates the presence of a sin nature that MUST be submitted to God simply because HE said so.

People in general have a hard time reconciling the fact that SIN dwells within them even without a knowledge of it. ONE DOES NOT HAVE TO GAIN A WORKING KNOWLEDGE OF SIN TO BE IN SIN. The HOMOSEXUAL reconciles that they did not ask to be Same Gender Loving individuals therefore God does not and will not consider them sinners or in a condition of sin.

My questions and response to that is Mr./Ms Homosexual WHY DO YOU FEEL SO SPECIAL as to not have to wrestle with issues of sin and unrighteousness? Why do you feel that your birth into this world was somehow immaculate and that you BY NATURE were born holy and your desires are all inherently PURE? NO, you were born in SIN and INTO SIN JUST LIKE ME! Your sin is not my sin, but guess what IT'S STILL SIN, and it's all WORTHY OF DEATH!

Just in case you still want to play church and hold on to your SINS, please be reminded of this:

In I Samuel 5 the Philistines took the Glory of God or the Ark Of The Covenant after many years of struggle and after God had punished HIS people for their sins. The short of the long is that when God began to deal with them, (the Philistines) they were stricken with terrible disease and their god (dagon) was found broken and upon his face in their temple.

The Philistines moved to rid themselves of God's Glory because they soon realized that God was a terrible and All Mighty God and one that THEY could not handle or bend to meet their desires. Don't forget that God is the same God today!

Flesh CANNOT handle the Glory Of God.

All humanity WILL bow before the presence of HIS greatness (Philippians 2:10). Weak, strong, flawed, hetro and homo. Only them that love HIM enough to purify themselves at the CROSS will be seen by HIM in peace (I Jonh 3:3). No FLESH will glory or be justified in HIS sight (Romans 3:19).

Now, so far as the fight with the church and for the Glory of God, it's been tried before and every society, every person, every religion has failed through history. The battle is the Lord's and he wins all the time and every time and ONLY what HE does will last.

Heb. 4:11-16~ "For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do. Seeing then that we have a great high priest, that is passed into the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our profession. For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin. Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need."


We Ascribe To gay christian Movement Watch
Please See The Open Letter To Dr. Bobby Jones Asking For His Repentance

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Wednesday, November 7, 2007

In The Pulpit

Saints, I praise God for another opportunity to encourage and speak to you. Please don’t forget to visit the New Bethel Ministries page at I believe that you will continue to be blessed by even more personal and ministry specific information you’ll find there.

We are living in a day that is simply beyond belief. I am thoroughly convinced that the messages, allowances, and indulgences coming from many of our pulpits have helped turned our communities into hell.

Isaiah 9:15 ~ "For the leaders of this people cause them to err; and they that are led of them are destroyed."

As a minister, I know the importance of speaking the right words. Moreover, I know the necessity of LIVING the WORD first and foremost. As a minister (servant) you must keep in mind that you may be the only message or sermon that many people will ever SEE. This is why there is such a great weight of accountability laid at the ministers feet. To handle the ministry gift frivolously is to deny the power of and importation of God into this world through you. Since Jesus, the greatest gift that humanity can experience is the life of a holy child of God. When God moves through the lives of HIS children, mountains will move, burdens will roll away, and the community will be blessed.

As you read many of you are saying, "yea, I know that." But I would challenge you in this…If we all know that living the standard is such an important part of serving God, then why are we forced into asking questions about our leaders such as:
  • Is he or she a homosexual or lesbian?
  • Is he or she a molester?
  • Is the Pastor stealing from the church?
  • Do they have a girlfriend or boyfriend on the side?
  • Is the Pastor on drugs?
These are only some of the questions that our pulpits present to many in their congregations each and every service. Unfortunately, many aren’t interested in knowing the truth, and whatever the minister does is either overlooked or explained away as not being relevant. The reason is because, like the devil, some pastors have learned how to tap into the emotional make up or soulish realm of many people in their congregations. This will often lead to inordinate affections and excuses for erroneous and misbehavior. Many members of the church will often fight for a "wrong" minister and persecute a righteous one.

Conversely, those that are spiritual and desire deeper truths, want a level of satisfaction that the vessel they are receiving the fresh water of the Spirit from is a vessel worthy of honor and one that is able to deliver the full council of God.

There are ministers all over this country who have what they describe as "personal issues" and "private" matters to work out.

With all of what needs to be worked out, it’s a wonder that God has not judged our churches and leadership before now…by the way, just in case you didn’t know, judgement against unrighteousness and unrighteous leadership is in the land.

What I am about to say is common knowledge as to what is going on around the country. Let’s look at the anatomy of some of the "personal" problems we can see from many popular ministry figures:
  • Domestic abuse
  • Homosexual deviance~ Down Low relationships
  • Effeminent behavior~ Pastors with feminine ways
  • Lesbianism~ women leaders who only date other women of the church. This behavior usually ranges from extremely feminine acting women to butch (men acting) women
  • Fornication
  • Adultery
  • Bisexuality~ married and dating men/women on the side
  • Molestation~ ministers who prey on children
  • Seduction and Impregnation of 16 and 18 year old congregants~ there is currently a rash of pastors having children by young ladies whom they’ve seduced. They usually try to "work things out" with their wives before the relationship is made public.
  • Abject hedonism~ multiple women and relationships in the church
  • Crossdressing~ many of our Gospel singers/ministers are flat out guilty
  • Self Worship and Stardom
  • Heretical and non biblical teachings and inspirations
This is happening in many churches all across the country right now. How many pulpits must God uncover before we come to know that God is real?

How do we expect the gang member or thug to trust the church when the church can’t trust itself?

I challenge any minister that is homosexual, lesbian or that has any other deviant and non-biblical lifestyle…COME OUT OF THE CLOSET before GOD SETS THE CLOSET AND YOU ON FIRE!

If you believe that you can do what you do and yet maintain your anointing, relationship with God and Power of the Spirit and still be biblically centered, COME OUT WITH IT. The world needs to see and hear your doctrine. If you feel that you are right why be ashamed? But, before you do, Please read Leviticus 10.

Nadab and Abihu thought similar thoughts and they mixed their "stuff" with what God had instituted at the brazen altar. The next thing you know is that LIGHTNING or the fire of the Lord came from heaven and consumed them both. Only burnt up remains and ashes were left.

God IS NOT interested in our excuses as to why we can’t get it right. He is only interested in our repentance and humbling ourselves to HIS presence and will.
  • I don’t know about you, but I am tired of reading gut wrenching tell all blogs written by the so-called "lovers" of in the closet homosexual preachers and ministers…
  • I’m tired of watching ministers preach in too tight, gay clothing and cuss during their messages.
  • I grow tired of hearing the excuses as to why ministers are having sexual relationships and babies by the young ladies of their churches.
  • I grow tired of hearing how missionaries and evangelists struggle with their very own sexual identity as soon as they get out of the pulpit.
We can say it’s all just an attack of the enemy, continue to make our excuses while our communities are torn further apart or we can take responsibility, bow before the Lord and ask him to take out of us what is on the inside.

God Will Purge HIS Church

God must purge HIS church so that HIS name will be glorified among the heathen. God will not allow his church to be overtaken by the devil. HE yet has a place of righteousness for the Saints and holy men and women of God are yet calling HIS name. Thank God for the countless, righteous pulpits all across America. It is my hope that this will merely strengthen you and reconfirm your importance as we endeavor to win our communities, schools and churches back from the enemy that has lulled so many to sleep.

In conclusion, God knows that we are miserable without Christ and without HIM, we can do nothing. Let’s put the right thing in our pulpits and demand the right atmosphere be created so that we can restore this generation as Christ has called us to do.


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