
Showing posts with label Dr. George Tiller. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dr. George Tiller. Show all posts

Monday, June 8, 2009

Late Term Abortion, Is The ELCA Responsible For Dr. Tiller's Death?

"This is an area that we just don't know much about,"..."The information just isn't available." Stanley K. Henshaw, a senior fellow at the Guttmacher Institute, a reproductive health research group that has the best available data.

Since the death of Dr. George Tiller and his relationship with the church, one thing is clear, the church is conflicted over this issue as great as anyone. Why? I suppose it's because of the nature of abortion and especially late term abortion itself, and the seemingly inconsistent way that Dr. Tiller approached his profession over the course of his lifetime.

As recorded in This Doesn't Fulfill The Mission Of Christ, We decry abortion in all of it's forms. We believe that the unborn have a right to life. We also don't believe that Christians or otherwise should take the law in their hands and kill medical professionals who provide such services. However, and this is where it gets sticky, We believe that the already born have a right to life also.

In this article I intend to look at some of the facts that we should know regarding these procedures and the the thoughts of some of the medical professionals who perform such procedures? Are they whimsically recommending procedures based on their own thoughts and libertarian attitudes towards life? Are the women wantonly using late trimester abortions as another means of delayed birth control with the endorsement of the state? Most importantly, is the church, in particularly the Evangelical Lutheran Church In America (ELCA) responsible for Dr. Tiller's death in a vicariously strange manner? It's worth taking a look at and discussing so that those of us who oppose abortion will better understand the processes behind these types of actions and attitudes, and filter out some of the noise regarding the issues.

What We Do Know?

According to a 6/5/09 article by Rob Stein at The Washington Post, more than 88 percent of abortions are done in the first trimester, and most doctors will not perform them beyond 22 or 24 weeks because of moral qualms, social stigma, legal concerns, inadequate training or lack of experience. Barely 1 percent of procedures are done after 21 weeks. At 37 weeks, a baby is generally considered full-term. 2001 data from 15 states and New York City indicate that perhaps as many as 2,400 abortions were performed after 24 weeks in the United States that year, most of them probably in the 25th or 26th week. Late term abortions represent roughly about 1% of all types of abortions performed. It is estimated that 400 procedures per year beyond 24 weeks were performed at Tiller's clinic. Those figures would place Dr. Tiller's clinic at about 7.7 late term abortion procedures per week over the course of a year. The figures at his clinic represent about 16% of all annual late term abortions performed in the country.

Since proper records are not gathered as to the necessity of abortions, abortion rights advocates often contend that the only necessity for late term abortions are when the fetus is maldeveloped, in danger of suffering from a painful death itself or when the life of the mother is in danger or she is at risk from suffering a devastating health condition or problem. Under Kansas law, an abortion can be performed after a fetus is viable only IF the doctor performing the procedure and an independent physician agree that the woman's life is at risk or that continuing the pregnancy would cause "substantial and irreversible impairment of a major bodily function."

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Tuesday, June 2, 2009

This DOESN'T Fulfill The Mission Of Christ

The post modern culture has presented some pretty interesting and thought provoking issues. Whether it's issues of sexual practice, abortion or political issues, there seems to be more than a person can shake a stick at.

This year there have been no issues more polarizing than abortion and homosexuality. The outcry on both sides of the issue has been fantastic by itself not to mention the times that major discussions and situations hit and settles in the news.

For example, Sunday May 31st 2009 (Pentecost Sunday) late term abortion Dr., Dr. George Tiller (67) was tragically gunned down during Sunday services at Reformation Lutheran Church where he was serving as an usher. The suspect, a mentally ill man (Scott Roeder-51), who some say claimed to be a part of an activist, defunct, anti-government group called the Freemen, was responsible for taking the life of Dr. Tiller.

The Dunamis Word and New Bethel Ministries without equivocation, totally and fully decries the taking of life whether it be of the lives of the babies of abortion or the medical professionals who perform such operations and provide such services. We REJECT to the fullest any sentiments or extremists views that find it acceptable to engage in criminal practices against medical professionals who preform abortion services. Taking life at any stage of life in a senseless act like this is certainly not ordained or authorized by God in any manner. We further reject the notion that the best way to fight for the right to life is to be engaged in the intimidation and eventual murder of the innocent. We encourage love instead of hate and vigorous and peaceful debate in order to properly, fully and adequately address cultural issues such as abortion and the abortion industry.

While any term abortion is an unacceptable practice, there are certain complication that can occur late term which only a few doctors in the United States are equipped by training to deal with. The results here are tragic and are not without consequence for all the families involved.

Update 6/7/2009: Todd Friel at Wretched reports that Dr. Tiller had performed over 60,000 murders of childern through his profession over his career. Watch his report and response to this murder:
Thank God for Todd's assessment. Extremism, fundamentalism, and radical, vigilante interpretations of truth are NOT what the Lord is calling for in times like these. Abortion has created its share of problems for sure but how one reacts to abortion and the abortion industry can make the difference in helping to change mindsets and ridding ourselves of the bad decisions that lead to such acivity.

On November 22, 2006 Bill O' reported that Dr. Tiller was providing abortions late term to young rape and incest victims. Even if this was the case, there is yet no sanction for this sort of action. This event is greater than Dr. Tiller. This is about living socially, equitably and morally with all persons. A radical fundamentalist only sees one side of the issue and are not open to the fact that killing Dr. Tiller, was not only a criminal act, it was unsanctioned murder, opposed to God's plan to correct social wrong and morally wrong. This act also deprived children and grandchildren of their father and grandfather on in irrational and emotional whim. There are many disagreements that we have over the issue of abortion, but none of those disagreements should lead to bombings, shootings, murder or even physical threats.

How does one know if they espouse radical and fundamentalist views? Usually the mouth is a good indicator of the heart and some say statements like these:

1- You reap what you sew. If he hadn't been killing children he wouldn't have been killed.
2- If he was really in church or saved he wouldn't have been an abortion doctor anyway.
3- God showed him. God's judgement is real!
4- Well at least he won't kill another baby
5- Tiller was a baby killer anyway, good for him.
6- How could he be an abortion Dr. and be a Christian? His church wasn't teaching anything anyway.
7- Sad thing but what more could he expect, 'cause God's not pleased with that.

Some of these suggestions are more difficult than others but these are just some of the sayings that radical fundamentalists will espouse during a tragic times such as this. The true church should realize that we can best fight this battle through prayer, petetion, presenting our case in the public forum and most of all through living and exemplifying the love of Christ. Display love toward the women that seek abortions and the personel that preform them.
Abortion has done it's damage and is doing the damage everyday, but Christians SHOULD NOT add to the fire by killing people because of it and neither should they endorse, encourage or support those who do. As Todd states justice will be served by God himself.
Mt. 5:13-16 ~ "13-Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men. 14-Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. 15-Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. 16-Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven."


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