
Showing posts with label freedom of speech. Show all posts
Showing posts with label freedom of speech. Show all posts

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Forget The Politics...Why Every Religious Leader Should Stand Against What Trump Equivocates On

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Sunday, February 1, 2015

Is Same Sex Attraction (SSA) Compatible With Salvation?

The good news is that more and more people are realizing that a homosexual lifestyle, like any immoral lifestyle, is incompatible with faith. The bad news is that rather than call homosexual attraction what it is, men, who disavow that homosexuality as either good or right, would like to simply suppress their feelings, and call what they are experiencing, Same Sex Attraction (SSA) rather than homosexuality. 

On Jan. 11th, 2015 TLC aired a show called, "My Husband's Not Gay" against the raging complaints of gay advocacy groups and others interested in normalizing the perversion of homosexuality and the homosexual lifestyle.

GLAAD President and CEO Sarah Kate Ellis said this of TLC's desire to present the show and the messages contained within the show:
Sarah Kate Ellis
"Downright irresponsible"..."No one can change who they love, and, more importantly, no one should have to,"..."By investing in this dangerous programming, TLC is putting countless young LGBT people in harm’s way.”
An online petition, aimed at forcing TLC to drop and not air the show, was started by so called "Christian" and gay advocate, Josh Sanders, who said that the show was damaging because it:
"promotes the false and dangerous idea that gay people can and should choose to be straight in order to be part of their faith communities." 
In addition to being outraged at what TLC wanted to do, gay Sanders claims to have started the online petition:
"because these men (gays) deserve compassion and acceptance. Instead TLC is presenting their lives as entertainment and sending the dangerous message that being gay is something that can and ought to be changed. or that you should reject your sexual orientation by marrying someone of the opposite sex"

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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

When Canadian Freedom Meets Canadian Censorship

Trouble North of the boarder:
Canadian Anti-Free Speech Logo
"Broadcasters should endeavour to make available to the community adequate opportunity for presentation of religious messages and should also endeavour to assist in all ways open to them the furtherance of religious activities in the community. Recognizing the purpose of the religious broadcast to be that of promoting the spiritual harmony and understanding of humanity and of administering broadly to the varied religious needs of the community, it shall be the responsibility of each broadcaster to ensure that its religious broadcasts, which reach persons of all creeds and races simultaneously, shall not be used to convey attacks upon another race or religion". ~ Canadian Association Of Broadcasters (CAB) Code of Ethics, Clause 8 – Religious Programming
Our friends North of the boarder, the Canadians, have never been more important to the future and well being of America. Not only do they participate in keeping the northern hemisphere safe and free from terrorists, but what goes on in Canada could well be an indicator of issues that Americans can expect to address or deal with in the future.  

Canada has a council to regulate offensive television material similar to the FCC in the United States. It is called the CRTC. In effort to police themselves however, Canada's private broadcasters created the Canadian Broadcasting Standards Council (CBSC). The following is directly from their website:
"The Canadian Broadcast Standards Council (CBSC) is an independent, non-governmental organization created by the Canadian Association of Broadcasters (CAB) to administer standards established by its members, Canada's private broadcasters. The Council's membership includes more than 730 private sector radio and television stations, specialty services and networks from across Canada, programming in English, French and third languages."
Meet Rev. Charles McVety President of Canada Christian College. Both he and his show, WORD TV were censured in June 2010 by the CBSC when, in the process of fighting the good fight of faith, he used his television platform to expose the erroneous teachings of an accepted school curriculum which claimed that children should embrace their built in "6 gender" personality. Yes, for some absurd reason this proposed "in school" teaching claimed  that everyone was born with 6 genders and really cannot find peace and happiness until they learn to embrace them all...The CBSC disagreed with everyone who was in opposition to the program claiming that the curriculum was designed to teach "tolerance". Their claim was that Rev. McVety "mischaracterized" the teaching and not only went on to censure Rev. McVety, but also Premiere Dalton McGuinty and the school board for agreeing to remove and modify the program.

"We spoke against a new proposed sex education curriculum that would teach gender Rev. McVety identity, six genders, and sexual orientation to our children,...And I believe that this curriculum was for the purpose of teaching our children to be homosexuals." ~
Thankfully Rev. McVety was successful in opening the eyes of the community and the school board in his province to the problems of this particular textbook and the curriculum was dropped. Under any other circumstance, that would be the end of the story and we'd all go on to the next battle except for the word "censured" as I stated above.

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Thursday, September 9, 2010

Islam, Submission With No Peace Pt. 5

"Burn Baby Burn!"
Acts 19:14-20 ~ "14- And there were seven sons of [one] Sceva, a Jew, [and] chief of the priests, which did so. 15- And the evil spirit answered and said, Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but who are ye? 16- And the man in whom the evil spirit was leaped on them, and overcame them, and prevailed against them, so that they fled out of that house naked and wounded. 17- And this was known to all the Jews and Greeks also dwelling at Ephesus; and fear fell on them all, and the name of the Lord Jesus was magnified. 18- And many that believed came, and confessed, and shewed their deeds. 19- Many of them also which used curious arts brought their books together, and burned them before all [men]: and they counted the price of them, and found [it] fifty thousand [pieces] of silver. 20- So mightily grew the word of God and prevailed.

Pastor Terry Jones of Dove World Outreach Center in Gainesville, FL. has called for a Quran burning service to take place this Saturday Sept. 11th 2010 and has come under fire by everyone from the Pope to the President himself.
The top General in the war on terror in Afghanistan, Gen. David Patraeus, believes that the actions of the Pastor will incite an Islamic uprising against the soldiers on the ground. Still, others such as conservative Sean Hannity further believe that this effort will not only endanger the troops, but will also be a waste of effort, lumping the "good" Muslims in together with "radical" Muslims, insulting all, and creating larger problems and anti-Islamic hysteria. 
Pastor Jones, not having any regard for the Quran as being a "holy book", or at least a book inspired by the true and living God, concludes that the Quran, at best, is simply good fuel for a bonfire and seems is using his proposed actions as tool and negotiating piece and wedge to offset a planned Mosque proposed to be built close to the World Trade Center site or what we call "Ground Zero".

One thing that has been consistent is that the media suggests that since the Pastor only has "fewer than 50 members" in his congregation that his voice is not worth listening to, but yet they listen. FYI the number of followers of a pastor or leader has has NOTHING to do with their authenticity and use of and by God. God does not speak or use leaders "more" because they amass a crowd. Neither is a greater or more sizeable crowd an indicator that the leader has more dynamic insights than others. Some of America's most dynamic and powerful leaders have had small congregations. In addition, not every leader resides in areas where they can attract large followings; are these leaders less significant, less profound or less important because of where they live? It was the heretic gnostic Cerenthus who was able to amass a large crowd and congregation while preaching a false gospel and a false Christ during the apostolic age. Apostle John confronted Cerenthus regarding his heresy and knew of it, but that did not dissuade followers. The number of followers in no way validates nether does it invalidate the voice of the servant of God nor the message.

Should the book be burned?
(See the end of the article for updates)

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