
Showing posts with label Bishop Macklin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bishop Macklin. Show all posts

Sunday, November 13, 2022

COGIC 114th Annual Holy Convocation...We Are ONE Church!

 About 12 years ago, I posed the question on this blog, "Is Yet Another Church Emerging Out Of The Church Of God In Christ?" due to the polar dynamics events, teaching and overall direction of the church. 

Today, some 12 years later, as the 114th Annual Holy Convocation of the Church Of God In Christ winds down, 2nd Assistant Presiding Bishop, Jerry Macklin, stated (certainly not in answer to my question):

"The Church Of God In Christ is ONE Church, united behind ONE leader, determined to accomplish ONE purpose, and that is to lift up the name of Jesus and move this agenda forward in the power of the Holy Ghost"

A Time Of Spiritual Renewal & Refreshing

It must be noted that this year's Holy Convocation has been one of the most spiritually powerful, moving and impacting gatherings in quite some time. Interrupted by covid, and a cautious approach by church leaders in dealing with it, especially in light of the damage done to COGIC leadership, the highly anticipated return to "Our Jerusalem" (COGIC Headquarters and birthplace of Memphis, TN) has not only seemingly energized the Saints, but has been the backdrop for a renewed sense of hope, urgency and necessity to both preach the Gospel, save souls and lead believers into the Holy Ghost baptismal experience with the evidence of speaking in tongues as the Spirit gives the utterance as the initial evidence of that indwelling. (as COGIC doctrine has been as taught by founding Bishop CH Mason himself.)  

With the exception of allowing and embracing the celebration of the "Greek system" (as that system  pertains and relates to education, through fraternities and sororities ~ which has always been taught against within most COGIC and holiness circles) COGIC leadership has definitely issued a call to renewal for the Saints around the world.

This call is bound to have a lasting impact upon people all over the world, in light of the moral and spiritual decay that we are witnessing, wherein people have intentionally confused women's healthcare with the right to kill babies through abortion, (and voted for the right to do so) reduced the identity of a woman to whatever a "man" thinks a woman is, and stood for an ungodly and perverted determination to mutilate children suffering sexual identity and body dysmorphia.  

Salt & Light

In the anticipated highlight message "The Challenge To Be A Witness" (Matthew 5:13 and Mark 16:15), Presiding Bishop J Drew Sheard took the time to talk about the Saint maintaining his/her position as the "salt of the Earth" against the moral decay and rudiments of the world through both corporate and personal struggle. 

A few notable sayings from the message:

"A sweet Gospel is what has everybody saying they serve God. A sweet Gospel has people doing what they wanna do and still saying they're saved"...

"We must all keep in mind that salt and sugar look alike, but there is a difference"...

"We are perfecting our pursuit of the things of God, and have lost sight of the God of things"...

"how many church folk are good for nothing?"...

" many instances the church has become no more than a social club, it has no authority to put the devil in his place..."

"...We've got people in position who haven't felt the anointing of God in years, they've lost their sense of righteousness, and they mistreat the people of God..."

"...We are do everything the world does, we say everything they say, we drink with them, we curse with them, and we do whatever else they wanna do..."

"...spiritual salt is of little value to the community as long as it is barreled up in our churches..."

Church leadership certainly shows and displays a sense of urgency in the ministry towards the world and to the members of the house of God. We certainly embrace the leadership of Presiding Bishop Sheard and the newly reconstituted General Board of Bishops and solicit your prayers as ministry begins to take shape and the church galvanizes herself under the direction of the Lord.  

Sexual Abuse & Victim's Advocacy

Finally, to answer the question, YES, you can believe that I AM My Brother's Keeper Christian Advocacy Council, is continuing her efforts in victims advocacy. Although the church has taken many steps to make and create a safer environment among all member churches, there is yet much work that needs to be done and we need you to continue to pray that our efforts get the attention and implementation that they are due. We will never be satisfied as long as perpetrators of sexual abuse and criminal sexual activity in any church, are treated with more caution and care than those who have been victimized. No, this isn't the only issue within a church who's membership appears to be growing again, by all accounts, but it is one that we dare not sacrifice and or look over. The health and wellbeing of our families and communities are at risk. 

I believe, through prayer and careful consideration of the word of the Lord, the best is yet to come!



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