
Showing posts with label Prophets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Prophets. Show all posts

Saturday, June 6, 2015

The Rise Of The Prophetic Witch

1 Sam. 28:7 ~ Then said Saul unto his servants, Seek me a woman that hath a familiar spirit, that I may go to her, and inquire of her. And his servants said to him, Behold, there is a woman that hath a familiar spirit at Endor.

It is interesting that in 1 Samuel, when King Saul needed "direction" that everyone in his inner circle knew where the "witches" were. Although the diviners, sorcerers and seducers were thoroughly condemned by God's word, everyone seemed to know that at Endor, there was at least one practicing witch, and that witch, whether she knew it or not, was seen by God and would experience something that she had not experienced until this point in time.
After her divination was ended, she became a cook. Cooking Saul and his band a meal and sending them on their way as quickly as possible. Although Saul had promised not to condemn or convict her for her divination did she cease from her ungodliness? 

What we do know is that when we see a magician, called Simon in Acts 8, that he was thoroughly condemned by Peter for wanting the gift of God while continuing to hold on to his ungodliness and spiritual perversions.

"PREACH" The Divination Of Cleveland Revisited
"I would say judge nothing before its time. I've heard there are many who have been presumptuous regarding the show and they really don't know what the show is about," said Williams. "I would encourage people to watch and see because it's really not what most think." ~ Taketa Williams
L to R: Taketa Williams, Belinda Scott, Linda Roark, Kelly Crews  
Taketa, I would say this show is MUCH WORSE than what we thought it would be!!!!

Is this a mockery of God, his church and his people? Some time ago, I wrote an article regarding the false prophets and their gathering in Cleveland, OH and the over the top statements of the self proclaimed prophetess Belinda Scott. 

In this new TV expose, called "PREACH" It seems that Scott, also a self proclaimed "major prophet",(whatever that is) and at least three other like minded cohorts, exude their exaltation over the people of God by declaring that they are special and unique "instruments of God in the earth". 

At least one of them, Linda Roark, seems to be enamored with thoughts of being a Black woman, claiming to be a "blue eyed soul sister", while another, Taketa Williams, claims to be the "Beyonce of gospel". (I really don't know what significance that has to anything, or even how to interpret that association)

What makes it even worse, is that each of them have "proteges" whose functions range anywhere from a foot masseuse, a go-for, to a an unarmed security guard, or simply a personal servant. These "proteges", who readily admit very serious, deep and even traumatic, past personal experiences, are particularly vulnerable at the hands of these "prophets" who seem to manage their protege's feelings, attitudes and even thoughts on issues. In other words instead of gaining their freedom, the 'proteges" are ripe for seduction, misuse, misdirection and mishandling at the hands of the "PROFITS"  and boy
Proteges of the prophets
do they deliver.

The initial show was an hour of not only spiritual misdirection, but one of scriptural malpractice (in what little scripture was quoted), mental, and even at times, verbal abuse, self-exaltation, self-aggrandisement.

What Does The TRUE Church Do?

1 John 4:1 
 Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.

1- Be faithful to the word of God. A false prophet is not only known or exposed by what they "foretell" (because even secular magicians can do that), they are exposed by their lifestyle and the God that they preach and endorse. These women believe, like others in times past, that their "gift" places them in a specially exalted position in the church, and that they are "above" all us common folk, and, in essence, that we need to wash their feet and serve them. In other words, they have no concept of the words of Jesus that he who is greatest among us is servant of all. It is a reversal of true, biblical and godly roles all the way around. 

Then, us little folk dare not correct these self-exalted wonders...Remember it was Belinda Scott that stated that no one could correct her or even call her into question unless they had a "national platform" of ministry. In other words, according to her, not only do various preachers have a "rank", but the authentication of the gift of God is directly associated with that "rank" and the exposure of the individual within the modern corporate settings of the Christian church. This whole system and sentiment is sad, certainly unbiblical, but is unfortunately accepted by many in grass roots movements such as these.   

1 Pet. 3:15 
 But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:

2- Don't disassociate from engaging the error of the unrighteous. Many people say, "why watch this mess to begin with?" In my opinion the only reason to watch it is to address the confusion that arises from it. Neither Paul nor John nor any of the apostles backed down from false doctrines and false movements in their day. In fact, according to scripture, they were well aware of the false doctrines that were being taught and the false teachers who were teaching it. So burying one's head in the sand does not seem to be a technique that either Jesus, nor his apostles took. Why should we, with the truth, be so alienated from society because evil wants to rear its head? If we fulfill our mission to be like Jesus and "tread upon the serpent's head" then we will seek to stomp out the ungodly ideas, values and mission of the evil one every time we get a chance.  

Ephes. 6:11-13 
 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

3- Know the real enemy and be prepared. In many instances these women are misdirected. In some cases they intentionally deceive for their own gain. Whatever motivation there might be, there is a disconnect of the Spirit of God and their understanding. In fact, if you carefully notice, most of them only use scripture as a "springboard" to teach and do what they do. They do not go indepth in deciphering biblical principles, and do not use scripture as a final authority or direct individuals toward scripture to settle issues or to find guidance. It is the "feelings", "leading: or "impressions" that do the deciphering of truth, not the word of God. This is called spiritual subjectivism and as such is dangerous and unbiblical and more akin to gnosticism, than how we are taught biblically to discern truth. 

In addition, at the end of the day, satan opposes the church and all of them that do righteously and believe in righteousness. We can certainly expect that he will pull out all stops to get as many believers as he can off into mysticism and any sort of belief that exalts and worships man, as opposed to God. 


This show displays the depth and breadth of the idolatry that many within the church have embraced in modern times. There is a real cost to them that believe and follow these false prophets and their lifestyles. This was evident when one of the "proteges" came home and told her husband that she would be "fasting" immediately for her particular "prophet" and that he and the family would simply have to understand that her time was the Lord's and that they would have to make it the best way possible. 

Once again, this was not based on any biblical standards, but solely based on what the protege 'felt" was right and acceptable. Everything, including marriage was a sad second to what the "prophet" needed. This was certainly ungodly, unbiblical and not in accord with scripture. 

When will we learn and when will we truly be upset so much to make a change and put these prophets out of business? I don't know, but it remains to be seen. 


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Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Islam, Submission With No Peace Pt. 4

Galations 1:8 ~ "But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed."

In this post will will provide a basic biblical contrast to the essential claims made by Islam. As you can tell from parts 1, 2 and 3 there is much that can be said about Islam but we will seek to narrow this apologetic to 4 points:
1- Is  The Biblical God Transcendent?
2-The Biblically Affirmed Deity Of Jesus
3- God's Plan Of Salvation & The Problem Of Sin Original Sin
4- The Final Revelation Of God To Man

Section I: Is The Biblical God Transcendent? 

In a response to Pope Benedict XVI’s lecture at the University of Regensburg on Sept. 12th 2006, leading Islamic Scholars presented a document called "A Common Word Between Us And You". Within this document there were 8 points outlined to display the unique and supposedly similar relationship between Islam and Christianity. The object of the document was to correct statements that were supposedly erroneous and misrepresentative of Islam, and to expound upon those "misunderstandings" encouraging Christians to expand their views toward Islam and Islamic teachings of the Quran, and especially many of those that were set forth within the Pope's address.

One of the retorts presented within "A Common Word" concerned God's "absolute" transcendence. Transcendence meaning that God cannot be physically intermingled or touched with his creation and most specifically with that which is flesh. This was the Islamic rebuke regarding the Pope's exposition of this concept found within the Islamic faith:
"You also say that “for Muslim teaching, God is absolutely transcendent,” a simplification which can be misleading."~"A Common Word Between Us And You"
The Muslim Clerics then go on to invoke that in order for one to truely understand transcendence as taught within Islam, one should study the teachings of al-Ghazali (d.1111CE) as his teachings are more representative of Islamic belief regarding this issue than the scholar that the Pope referenced. This is what al-Ghazali has to say about the subject:
-"He [Allah Ta`ala] is not a body with a form, or a limited, quantitative substance, not resembling bodies in quantifiability or divisibility, or in being a substance or qualified by substance, or in being an accident or qualified by accidents. He does not resemble anything that exists, nor does anything that exists resemble Him. There is nothing whatsoever like unto Him, nor is He like unto anything. He is not delimited by magnitude, contained by places, encompassed by directions, or bounded by heavens or earth." (Qawa'id, 1.3)

-"He - the Most High - is not a body composed of different substances, since the body is that which is composed of substances. When His being a substance limited by place is refuted, His being a body is also refuted, because every body is limited by place and is composed of substances. But it is impossible for the substance to be free from division, composition, motion, rest, form, and quantity, all of which are characteristics of originated phenomena. And if it were possible to believe that the Maker of the world is a body, it would also be possible to believe in the divinity of the sun and the moon as well as other heavenly bodies. If, therefore, one should dare to call Allah a body but not meaning thereby a composition of substances, he would be wrong as far as the name is concerned, but not in negating the idea of body." (Risalah, 1.5)
While it is true that the Quran teaches that Allah (God) is the sustainer of all things, (therefore he has involvement with the world and creation) the Quran also clearly teaches that God is not mingled with or does not take on the limitations of his creation or humanity under any circumstance. To say that the extension of Allah(aka: khalifa or Allah's agent on earth) is God himself or God in the flesh is Shirk (blasphemy) within Islamic teaching and is worthy of the penalty of death. Angels, though representatives of Allah, are NOT to be considered equal to or with Allah under any circumstance. Specifically, StateMaster Online Encyclopedia says this of the Islamic concept of Transcendence:

"For a Muslim, divine transcendence must be protected, and all talk of incarnation or even attempts at figurative artistic representation of the divine, or even of holy persons, are regarded as culpable detractions from God's absolute unicity, supremacy and transcendence. A Muslim is a believer in or follower of Islam."
Therefore one of the first and most notable differences regarding the God of the Bible and Allah of the Quran comes in the manner of how God has revealed, communicated and interracted with humanity, especially as it pertains to the process of salvation. This information directly effects the message that God gave to Muhammad through the angel Gabriel, as it points to and reveals the actual source of the message. The message of the Quran is not authenticated by the scriptures that even the Quran holds in high esteem calling it "The Book" and the "Holy Injil" (the Old Testament)

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