
Showing posts with label Biblical moral values. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Biblical moral values. Show all posts

Monday, August 7, 2023

Announcement & Invitation To Live Q & A Sessions On In Defense Of The Faith


For a limited time we will offer a weekly LIVE 1 Hour Question & Answer Session at In Defense Of The Faith ~1 Peter 3:15 Facebook forum.

Our focus will be on Old & New Testament Biblical difficulties, faith, dogmas, doctrines, science & faith, origin, novel speculations, morality and a host of other related topics and issues.

Due to time constraints, questions can be submitted in advance by email at OR by Facebook Messenger. You may also submit question in the comments to this post and I will address them in the live forum. In addition, if time allows, we will also answer real-time questions live also.


TIME: 6:00PM to 7:00PM CST

FORUM: Facebook LIVE

Submit those questions and difficulties TODAY!


Pastor H. Burnett
New Bethel COGIC 
The Dunamis Word
In Defense Of The Faith ~1 Peter 3:15

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Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Has God Ordained Donald Trump , Hillary Clinton or any Presidential Candidate to be President?

During almost every election cycle, someone invariably insists that their candidate has been "sent by God" to either lead the nation or be appointed to position. The same can be said of the current election cycle. 

The Arguments or should we say Rationalizations?

Some, such as David Hodges of 'The Common Sense Show Blog',  contend that similar to Jehosaphat that Trump has somehow been "chosen by God" to lead the nation even if he is unaware of it or not. Although he doesn't mention it like this, Trump is similar to the Babylonians who ransacked Israel at the behest of God as a fulfillment of prophecy and is destined to be President. Hodges, like many, are not disillusioned that Trump is godly, but contend that God is doing "something" within the nation that he would not do otherwise. 

Then there is Michelle Bachmann who, in an interview with CBN invoked what she thought was contained in the book of Daniel:

Ps. 75:6-7 ~ 6-For promotion cometh neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south. 7-But God is the judge: he putteth down one, and setteth up another.

I believe she was referring to Daniel 4:17, only that America is NOT a "Kingdom" as Daniel outlines. However, Bachmann indicated that out of the initial 17 Republican candidates and against all odds, Donald Trump was raised to the top  to be the Republican nominee, and by virtue of that his candidacy is surely of God and is something that she will support because she does not believe that "God sits things out" or is uncaring about the Presidency. Nevertheless, her interview can be found HERE

I am not saying that either person is wrong for their thinking and for examining the issue in light of truth and why we are here today doing what we are doing. But there are some problems with what I believe may be "linear thinking" on the issue, especially as it pertains to a God who does not necessarily think linearlly (sic) or for purposes that we can outline. 

The first problem I believe is a slippery slope problem.

Slippery Slope

Arguments like Hodges and Bachmann's could be froth full of problems for Christians to explain. In order to defeat contradiction, one should be able to apply the same or similar logic to many different things and even other leaders and leaderships and not exclusively "American" leaders or leadership, that is unless one thinks that God only cares about America and or Americans. 

Example, Adolph Hitler (1939-1945) was certainly "raised up" to lead the German people at a time in history. I am confident that there were some great things that happened under his leadership. However, we KNOW that some of the most horrific things in modern history also happened under his leadership as well. The murder of over 12 million primarily Jews and the ungodly racist hatred and anti-semitism that spewed from the nation as a result could hardly be said to be either "prophetic" or "ordained by God" under any circumstance. Yet it happened.

The leadership of Pol Pot(1975-1979) killed and destroyed over 1.7 million people, nearly a third of the Cambodia. Was he "raised up" by God or was he a part of "prophecy"? It cannot be argued that he led the people. 

There there is former Russian leader Jozef Stalin(1932-1939) who is said to have murdered over 7 million people or caused them to have been put to death.

How about Fidel Castro (1959-1999) of Cuba? Former leader of a nation that has gained new open relations with America. Fidel is said to have been responsible for killing over 30,000 Cubans for disagreeing with his leadership.   

So it is a very difficult argument to make that either Hitler, Pot, Stalin, or Castro were fulfillment of prophecy, especially when, like Trump, neither of their names were called by God. It is furthermore difficult to say that either of these people came to power because they were "ordained" or sanctioned by God to do what they did by virtue of their exaltation or ability to reach the heights of leadership. 

In fact the latter thought would give rise to a warped conclusion that no matter how a person acts in "office" or after being "raised up" that they are somehow "special" to God or similar to the Blues Brothers "on a mission from God".  This is confusing for many especially in light of NT admonitions saying that we, as Christians, should be "subject" to the authorities that rule because their rule is because of God or their office is sanctioned of God. (Rom. 13:1, Titus 3:0, 11, 1 Peter 2:13-17)

I think out of hat conclusions along these lines, that leaders are "of God" and are to be obeyed and or reverenced simply because they are in position, are equally as flawed.  

The Conclusion Of The Skeptic & Atheist

In the blog, "500 Questions about God & Christianity" the blog author, who describes himself as a "mild mannered former Christian" examines the issue regarding the 2012 Presidential election in which commentary was similar to what it is now regarding "God's plan for the Presidency". This is what the "former Christian" concludes:  
"So does God appoint evil leaders? According to the Bible, yes. 
This fact highlights many contradictions that exist in God’s behavior: he’s benevolent, yet gives rise to evil leaders; he leads his followers to vote for one leader, yet he appoints another; he guides the motives of all leaders, yet they still disagree; he orders his followers to do good, and then orders them to obey evil leaders; he punishes nations and people who are helpless, and grants victory to evil tyrants; and he insists he establishes all authority, and then denies establishing all authority. 
If the Bible is truly inspired by God, one wonders why such contradictions exist."
In short, the situation of "leaders being ordained of God" as "former Christian" suggests calls into question the character of God. If these are the only alternatives, I would agree. Thank God however, that none of what I have outlined is the only conclusion that can be drawn from the rise and fall of evil men and women to either secular or spiritual office. Please allow me to explain.

Alternate View

In this, I must lay a few layers of ideas and truths to set the stage for my ultimate conclusion. Please be patient and read through each section to see if my mini-conclusions are sound. I'll be glad to respond to feedback and modifications in the commentary section, so please don't hesitate...

The Sovereignty & Nature Of God
First, we know that God is sovereign. Sovereignty meaning that God can act in any manner that he wishes in accord with his nature, without question or being subject to any authority. However, we also know that God is good. A good God does not operate his sovereignty outside of the realm of his goodness. 

Now if this is to be accepted, we must reconcile how God is good. Is he good by nature or are his acts good simply because he says that they are good? If it is because he says or calls his acts good, then his goodness could be arbitrary. In other words, God could call even the most vile evil, "good". However, if his good or goodness is because his nature is good, then his good acts cannot be separated from his nature.  In fact, I would like to go further and state that if goodness exists at all, it is because HE (ie: God) is good. Now, I already hear the critic. They say well in that case, if evil exists it is because God is evil and that I cannot have it one way without the other. Well, I simply say that I side with Norm Giessler on this one who stated that God made evil possible, but man made evil actual by and according to his choice of evil!!!

With the free will contingency in mind, one of the greatest goodnesses(sic) of God would be the extension of free will to free moral agents. Individuals who both have the will and right to make a choice of God and or of evil. One could argue that was not God's original intent, as God did not allow Adam or eve to eat of the "Tree of the knowledge of good and evil"(Gen 2:9, 17), however God being God, knowing all, made a built in contingency in that Jesus was a propitiation for sin from the beginning of all creation. 

Free will that is made to do one thing or another is not free will. Being given overwhelming reasons to do something is still not a violation of free will, because in the end one could make a choice either to do or not to do. Being forced to do something is compulsion and possibly determinism. Although many individuals argue this regularly (that God compels both the righteous and unrighteous to act and do what he wants them to do) I will not deal with it in detail here. One thing that God has preserved among humanity is the ability of men to make choices. I believe that it would be a violation of God's "goodness" to strip men of that choice to implement either good or evil, make a good decision or a bad decision out of man's own mind. However, that choice can be directed by God and ultimately does not at any time escape the knowledge or preparation of God in any way. 

The Knowledge Of God
With that said, and backtracking on what I have already stated, we know that if God is God at all, then he is omniscient. This means that he has all knowledge, both past, present and future. There is nothing that has got by him or nothing that can catch him unaware or unprepared. This is where it gets sticky, God, because of his knowledge, has made certain determinations. Those determinations are based and rooted in his goodness. Those determinations are not merely "responsive", or not merely in response or as a result of what men and mankind does. If they are in response to man, then it seems that life, living and purpose are man centered as opposed to God centered or sovereignty inspired. However, it could be that what we 'think" is man centered or inspired is ultimately inspired by God, as nothing has happened that has caught God by surprise as stated. 

At this point many simply say, "did God ordain it or did he not?" The only answer that can be given is that at times, he does and has "ordained"however at other times he has "permitted" something to be that he has not necessarily "ordained". 

For example, no one can hardly successfully argue that God "ordained" a husband to kill his wife and kids or for a mother to do the same. Or for a baby or a baby's mother to die in a drive by shooting or by a stray bullet. Or for a person to rape and or molest another. No one can say that Go has ordained these things, YET every man has a appointed time to live and to die, and every person on earth is subject to be touched as a result of crime or evil.  

Quickly. I use "ordain" here to mean something that God has "decreed" or declared that will happen without question or failure. 

The further question is "how does God ordain" or what is the "process" by which he has decreed something? ie: is the process open to change even if the purpose or ultimate aim is fixed? These are things that the bible is not clear on and where our faith in HIM his nature and HIS will for us is exercised. 

The King & His Heart
The bible constructs that the heart of the king is in the hand of the Lord and that the Lord directs or turns that heart in a manner that pleases him. (Prov. 21:1) 

What this does not say is that God controls the King as a "puppet". Although at times a "puppet" could be made out of a person that follows the whims and dictates of their own minds and hearts. However, it does affirm that even the King can do no more or less than what the Lord has instructed, allows, or permits. So God setting the boundaries or parameters in no wise hampers free will.  

A Word On Pharaoh
Some conclude that Pharaoh was inexplicably tied to his own destruction because God "hardened his heart". (Ex. 7:3, 9:12, 10:20,27, 11:10, 14:4) I have often taught that this view, that God made Pharaoh obstinate as a result of his holding his heart in that position is incorrect. Pharaoh, who had control over his own heart, chose his obstinance against God of his own free will. However the language is similar to the language that a man uses when he has committed the crime of abusing his wife or nearly every case the offender, in this case the man, will say that the wife or children "made" him do what he did. Of course we naturally know that no one took the hands of another and made them abuse them...however, the message is clear that the offender believes that the victims actions, however slight, caused the perpetrator of the crime to act. In any case, we all understand that the perpetrator is responsible for and had full control over their own actions unless they were working in self-defense.

Sisera & The Judges
One of the basic lessons of the Old Testament (OT) is that of the Judges and the "sin cycle" or the "cycle of restoration" that was displayed. We observe that like clockwork, when the people of God had a champion, they served the Lord, only to backslide when the Judge did not reign The people would indulge in sin, go through punishment for it, seek the Lord through calls for repentance and help, enjoy the blessings of restoration and renewal only to go back through the cycle again. 

During these times, it was clear that the Lord had allowed these things, even directing them clearly at times, for a purpose. In judges, it is clear that the purpose was to call men to prayer, fellowship and union with HIM. 

One such character that brought Israel to repentance and as such was a "servant" of God, was the character of Sisera. After judge Ehud died, the book of Judges records this:

Judges 4:1-3 ~ 1-And the children of Israel again did evil in the sight of the LORD, when Ehud was dead. 2-And the LORD sold them into the hand of Jabin king of Canaan, that reigned in Hazor; the captain of whose host was Sisera, which dwelt in Harosheth of the Gentiles.3-And the children of Israel cried unto the LORD: for he had nine hundred chariots of iron; and twenty years he mightily oppressed the children of Israel.

Jabin had Sisera as a general and appointed him over Israel. Sisera "oppressed" Israel for 20 years. Notice the purpose of God was to call Israel BACK to himself after they had backslid, but at the same time everyone acted out of their own free will. Jabin's appointment was his. Sisera's oppression was his. The people's repentance to God was their own. However, it was orchestrated and directed by God for his purpose without missing a beat. The ultimate purpose, following the story and the book, was to bring the people of God to a deeper, new and better relationship with HIM. 

So it is with the precision of a weaver or someone making intricate details to the smallest of things that God sewed together the tapestry of Israel's past and our present. Do we understand the why all the time? Absolutely not. We are not God and neither are we required to be. That is where faith in HIS character takes over.      

Summary To The Point & Conclusion:
I've talked through many things, but here is a quick summary/snapshot of some of the things:

God is good
God is sovereign
God is omniscient
God acts in his sovereignty according to his nature
God has a plan according to his omniscience that will not be missed
God responds to man and mankind based on their response to HIM
God is active in the choices of man and not merely responsive
Man makes choices for which God cannot be blamed
God deals with man according to those free will responses
God ultimately uses whom he will to do his bidding. Those who do this do not necessarily always do honoring things, by their own freewill choices.
God's ultimate aim is to bring man into union and fellowship with HIM

The Question:
In light of these things, lets look back at the original or initial question:

Has God ordained Donald Trump , Hillary Clinton or any Presidential candidate to be President? 

I would contend that while God is certainly not indifferent, God's plan does not necessarily center around either the Trump or Clinton brand.  Neither candidate has a relationship with HIM to do "righteously" by the people of God. I contend that God's ultimate aim is to call  men and women of God to repentance, union and fellowship with HIM. Certainly a Trump presidency, similar to a Clinton presidency should call ALL men to repentance because we will be equally as jacked up, in my opinion and in many instances if not most, more jacked up with Clinton!

Just like when President Obama, Bush, Clinton and others were elected and throughout their Presidencies, God has placed America in a position in which it MUST pray and renew its relationship with God. Trump is not a man of "prophecy" in my opinion and I see no parallel to any biblical character with the exception of the admonitions of Solomon about the wealthy and boisterous. I certainly see no parallel of Clinton either and just because either of them has ascended to high political ranks, I see no special calling upon either of their lives other than that they, as well as all men, good or evil, are instruments in the hands of God.  

Trump is not a deliverer and certainly doesn't claim to be one. Clinton, is not a deliverer and does not make the claim either. So neither of them can be vessels in the sense that either of them have some ethereal call upon their lives to be President and to do righteously as in doing what the bible requires men and women to do.

Their policies and practices make it difficult for any bible believer to fully give themselves to support any. For example, Trump has no clue as to why men should not be allowed into women's bathrooms, and views gay rights as a matter of a business move, while Clinton thinks it is a benefit to continue to promote abortion as a choice greater than the life of the baby that is destroyed in the process.

So I will agree and disagree with both Hodges and Bachmann. If Trump is in prophecy he is in there by being a man that boasts and speaks great things, but as one who does not represent biblical values. Although neither of these candidates are Kings, although some may think they are, both are on the same footing. They are humans, seeking to lead a secular nation into secular ideals and values with a fascad that God is pleased. 

Personally, God could not possibly be pleased with either of the candidates. As stated, they both have serious issues. The lesser "issue" is not necessarily a "lesser evil". They are just different evils that should leave the true believer with the knowledge that God is at work by taking away any natural hope of our deliverance as a people, heed the call of God to prayer and seeking him diligently. If we were waiting for a natural deliverance we should be confident by now that such a deliverer is not coming through this or any new political or social process.

Jesus is Lord and remains Lord and is calling ALL of us to him for HIS leadership.This election cycle, I hope that people everywhere will be able to see that and know that no matter what, without God our nation is in trouble and will remain so. 


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Wednesday, December 30, 2015

The Restoration Of Marriage & Right Relationships Pt. 2 ~ Building The Family


In his book, "What I know For Sure, My story of growing up in America" author Tavis Smiley described scenarios that are all too familiar to many Black families, especially individuals in the early days of the Black church in America. He described a time when there was a church service and or a church function nearly every day of the week. He described at time when life in the Black community, was synonymous with church. There were only 2 conditions and possibly three of the average Black family and individual; going to church, coming home from church or going or coming home from work, getting ready to go to church.
In those days there was a different study, rehearsal, preparation or practice for something all the time and every day. If one wasn't in a study, then one was in prayer. You mother, father and the whole family was engaged in something. Church was certainly a lively place, and a place full of activity, but it was also one that made a generation of folk commit to themselves, that once they were free from being required to attend church, that they weren't looking back. Some of them grew, left home, left the church and made true on their promises. Some never came back, although many of them continue to send their children to church even if they stay home.

A Little Different, But A Little The Same

Although the church has changed in its core makeup and type of activities that it offers, many of its practices have not changed at all. One could spend weeks if not months simply traveling back and forth to church everyday, somewhere, someplace if one followed all of the outlined and regimented services that they are "required" to attend. As a District Supt, within the organization that I am a part of, if I were to attend all of the services asked of me, and give all the offering that I am asked to give ever year, not only would I be physically worn out, but I would have no time to pastor a church, yet alone be a husband to my wife or a father to my children, and on top of that I would be broke nearly all year round.

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Saturday, March 7, 2015

National Emergency! The Urban Cure Standing In Defense Of Our Communities

Pastors Of The Urban Cure Pastors Network At The National Press Club Washington D.C. 2/26/2015
I was proud to be one of the pastors that recently heard and heeded the call of God joining others in Washington D.C., our nations capitol, to speak to this generation regarding our country's direction and treatment of Israel. 

As a part of this effort we discussed the many various ways that Black leadership, including that of the Congressional group called the Congressional Black Caucus, has let the Black community down. By far and large it is many of those "Black leaders" who have been nothing more than "on the take" from our communities while doing very little to nothing to change the conditions of the same communities in which they reside.

Don't get me wrong. I am not sophomoric as it pertains to what politics is. I know that successful politics always includes collaboration, negotiation and even compromise. So none of those things, within their proper order are at question. What is at question however, is the misdirection that many of these political leaders use when it comes to directing policy and even controlling the thoughts of the community in which they serve. 

You see, when a representative is able to "get dollars" for their community or sit on certain Congressional committees, many think they have arrived and that's all there is to it. 
"Let me give you what you need. Only the first one is free. Everything else costs." 
This is the legal tender that we have been fed in American politics and especially within the Black community. No matter how the President boasts that unemployment is down and poverty is low, the number of Black folk placed on food stamps, and the number of Black folk suffering from unemployment under his Presidency continues to increase at alarming rates.  

On Unemployment:
"When Obama entered office on January 20, 2009, U.S. unemployment stood at 7.8 percent. By April 2014, that Bureau of Labor Statistics figure had fallen to 6.3 percent — a modest improvement. Among blacks overall, joblessness dropped, though less significantly — from 12.7 to 11.6 percent. But for blacks aged 16 to 19, unemployment grew from 35.3 to 36.8 percent." ~ The National Review Online 5/16/2014 
On Poverty: 
"Poverty has increased under Obama. Overall, 14.3 percent of Americans were below the poverty line in January 2009, versus 15.0 percent in 2012, according to the latest available data from the Census Bureau’s Current Population Survey. Similarly, the share of black Americans living in poverty expanded from 25.8 to 27.2 percent." ~ The National Review Online 5/16/2014
On Food Assistance (aka: Stamps):
"America’s population of food-stamp recipients soared overall from 32,889,000 in 2009 to 46,022,000 in 2012, the latest Agriculture Department statistics show. For blacks, the analogous numbers are 7,393,000 when Obama arrived to 10,955,000 in 2012." The National Review Online 5/16/2014 
Also see Star Parker on Fox News posted 2/2015
Why Fight?

What is often misconstrued as a fight against our first Black President and against other political issues, is not really a fight against anything or anyone. It is a fight FOR the freedom and liberation of a people who have been used, battered, abused and subdued by political speech, failed promises, and fear of retribution. The retribution being:
"If you don't think like us, then you ain't Black!"
Listen, one thing is clear, on many issues, I SHO-NUFF (and that is deep country) don't think like them, and I am proud to say that. I don't think that folk should endorse abortions, look at the proliferation of liquor within the urban community as an "equal access" issue and SHO-NUFF (there it go again) don't believe that the advancement of the homosexual agenda and a redefinition of marriage is either right, a human rights issue or a matter of equality! 

I've been Black ALL my life but I DON'T THINK LIKE THEM AND NEVER WILL!

The Difference Between The House & Field Negro:
Malcom X delivered a speech in which he talked about the "House Negro" and the "Field Negro". He pointed out that the "House Negro" lived in relative comfort and enjoyed the "Master's house" even to the extent of calling it his own. He bought nothing, paid for nothing, but served the master faithfully because he received the benefits of the master's house differently than those of the field. While the "Field Negro" wished for a "strong wind" in a fire, or for the master to get sick and die, the "House Negro" would give his life to save the house, and empathized so in the master's sickness until he would ask, "What's the matter boss, WE sick?" 

Malcom was flirting with the ideas of Black Separatism at the time he delivered this riveting, comical and hard hitting speech that yet resonates today, but in our time, I am looking at these "House Negroes" that live in comfort, have their names on some political and church role, enjoying the benefits of the "house" (eg: the community) while the whole community goes to "H E (double tooth pick)" around them....THEN, they have the nerve to tell other Black folk how to think, what they should identify themselves with and by in effort to shape their identity...


I agree that "States Rights" in the manner that the republican party adopted it early on, and in some cases espouse today, is problematic and was not intended to help or serve the needs of Black people and the Black community in general. It is true that some folk wanted the State to have the right to stop integration, in spite of federal law...BUT...with that said, the modern and current Democratic Party solution of removing God from their party platform and endorsing just about every political and social ideology that the bible and good preachers and community leaders stand against almost every day, is not exactly a rational alternative or a way to fight back against an misused or misapplied political strategy. 

In other words, the arguments are not equal. The most staunch Democrat can be (and more likely is) a racist, like a radical right winger can be as well. Racism across party lines will exist until Jesus comes back. However, there is more to life than racism, and when I do the old "Benjamin Franklin" and separate fact from fiction, I find that I would personally much rather live by the edicts and moral constructs of God as revealed through and by biblical moral value standards than placate the populous by endorsing the rudiments of sin, wickedness and evil while worshiping at the alter of flesh and in the same breath destroying the community by redefining morality and values.

Pastors Stand

Pastor Harvey Burnett on Israel
Our stand FOR our communities and FOR the nation of Israel and FOR the endorsement of national allies, was one that WE, the entire country can be proud of. When the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) seeks to redefine what it means to be Black by way of its political operatives, (or what kids call OPs) I certainly think, and even know, that it is in order to combat such elitism and the disease of self exaltation. 

To the critic, might I remind you that we are not a "Kingdom", and President Obama is not the "King Of America", he is the President Of America. In addition, we have a system of government that is built upon many of the practices and policies contained within the Bible, the same Bible that records the history of our greatest ally in the Mid-East, Israel. 

We decided that we will no longer be silent as the "House Negroes" enjoy the benefits of our labor and election rallies without ever once heeding attention to our issues. i refuse to be controlled by the so called "talented 10th" endorsed by W.E.B. Dubois, because they have shown themselves to be "on the take", seeking associations, endorsements, and grant funding at all costs, while the community be damned!

In addition, I am tired of sick, twisted, and spaghetti-backed preachers, taking advantages of the churches, living in opulence while the people can barely feed themselves or stay the way, has anyone seen "Preachers Of Detroit"? Have you experienced the economy of Detroit? I have and I am SICK!!!!

A National Emergency

Yes, I believe that this is a national emergency. We, the People, have been taken advantage of far too long. We have been fed a line of status quo, remain the same, "we care", within the church fight for position, and personal popularity over anything that pertains to the well being of the community and the endorsement of God. 

We have delivered a scheme of control that says, "you are not a part of us until you believe what we want you to believe" as I recorded in THIS ARTICLE

Well, as an infamous homosexual judge once said..."That Time Has Passed!"

CBC and all those endorsers of indecency, and those needing to control mass opion of Blacks within the community, please be served notice that we are coming. We are coming to the voting booth, we are coming to your streets, and we are coming to your neighborhoods, with a new message. A message of TRUE freedom. The message first demands that we rid ourselves of is taskmasters like you and your friends in leadership over us.
  • It demands that we rid ourselves of policies that you've endorsed that only keep us broke and impoverished.
  • It demands that we rid ourselves of unions (many of which fund your activities) who endorse failure and deliver very little value to the institutions in which they serve. 
  • It demands that we march and protest, not just against erroneous police policies, but against policies that you endorse that keep all of us broke!
  • It demands that we take the blinders off and see that the biggest problem that we face are not spawned by people who are not like us, but by people who ARE like us and pretend to have our best interest at heart. By OPs like you!
  • It demands that we change our address from the "field" in which you want us to reside, to the field that WE construct and build ourselves founded upon the values that WE cherish and hold high.
  • It demands that WE educate our children again in morality, values, and what it means to be a family. 
  • It demands that we construct systems that will truly lift up them that are bowed down, and heal them that are broken hearted instead of getting them strung out on promises to "fund" their excess solidifying their excuses.     
The Urban Cure Solution

The National Press Conference was just one sort of event that the Urban Cure is doing to make a difference in this country and in our communities. However, with that said, the Urban Cure needs your help. 

Believe me, prior to our arrival in Washington D.C. no one had any inkling that there was an alternate voice emanating from the Black community, on the issues surrounding Benjamin Netanyahu's visit. It was nearly a forgone conclusion that all us "field Negroes" thought the same and were controlled by our "popular elite" "house Negro"...I believe part of the President's frustration was not only his total disrespect of our number one ally in the war against terror, but the fact that us little ole Black preachers, that are very active within our communities will not be silenced by either him or his OPs. 

Money Makes A Difference

Evil proliferates because people fund it. Good should receive the support of those who intend well rather than the mere "well wishes" that good spreads itself. Support that which is good. GIVE to the Urban Cure  to make sure that this message of liberation continues until we undo the mess that has been done by the endorsement of the liberal political agenda that our current regime espouses.  

I am not on Urban Cure payroll and I do not receive a percentage or commission of any of the proceeds it receives. Giving to THIS blog can be done at THIS LINK and gifts of any size are welcomed and used for the furtherance of ministry, not my personal kingdom...but the focus is to give to an organization that places their money where their mouth is and that is seeking to make a difference that we can all be proud of in this world. I believe that the Urban Cure is just that organization as I have seen them in operation and cannot praise them enough for their courage. 

This is what it will take to bring our people and our country back from the brink of destruction that it teeters on...COURAGE! Will you be one that makes and takes a stand along with us?


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Monday, July 7, 2014

Not Just A Hobby Anymore...

"All Americans can be thankful that the Court reaffirmed that freedom of conscience is a long-held American tradition and that the government cannot impose a law on American men and women that forces them to violate their beliefs in order to hold a job, own a business, or purchase health insurance," ~ Tony Perkins, President Family Research Council.
Last week, in a landmark 5-4 decision (Roberts, Scalia, Thomas, Kennedy, & Alito), the United States Supreme Court upheld the argument made by Hobby Lobby and 2 other US corporations stating that the new health insurance law, the Affordable care Act (ACA), which carries an abortion coverage mandate, either by benefits or by premium, also carries an unconstitutional imposition on American's Freedom Of Religious rights which, in their opinion, extends to the owners of for profit corporations upon which this mandate was thrust. 

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Wednesday, August 7, 2013

"We Have Refused To Honor God..."

Thursday Aug. 1st Darrell Scott, the father of the first victim in the Columbine school shooting, Rachel Scott, testified before the House Judiciary subcommittee. If you didn't hear it reported on the news, that's OK. This is what he said:

"Since the dawn of creation there has been both good &evil in the hearts of men and women. We all contain the seeds of kindness or the seeds of violence. The death of my wonderful daughter, Rachel Joy Scott, and the deaths of that heroic teacher, and the other eleven children who died must not be in vain. Their blood cries out for answers. 
"The first recorded act of violence was when Cain slew his brother Abel out in the field. The villain was not the club he used.. Neither was it the NCA, the National Club Association. The true killer was Cain, and the reason for the murder could only be found in Cain's heart. 
"In the days that followed the Columbine tragedy, I was amazed at how quickly fingers began to be pointed at groups such as the NRA. I am not a member of the NRA. I am not a hunter. I do not even own a gun. I am not here to represent or defend the NRA - because I don't believe that they are responsible for my daughter's death. Therefore I do not believe that they need to be defended. If I believed they had anything to do with Rachel's murder I would be their strongest opponent. I am here today to declare that Columbine was not just a tragedy -- it was a spiritual event that should be forcing us to look at where the real blame lies! Much of the blame lies here in this room. Much of the blame lies behind the pointing fingers of the accusers themselves. I wrote a poem just four nights ago that expresses my feelings best.

Your laws ignore our deepest needs,
Your words are empty air.
You've stripped away our heritage,
You've outlawed simple prayer.
Now gunshots fill our classrooms,
And precious children die.
You seek for answers everywhere,
And ask the question "Why?"
You regulate restrictive laws,
Through legislative creed.
And yet you fail to understand,
That God is what we need! 
"Men and women are three-part beings. We all consist of body, mind, and spirit. When we refuse to acknowledge a third part of our make-up, we create a void that allows evil, prejudice, and hatred to rush in and wreak havoc. Spiritual presences were present within our educational systems for most of our nation's history. Many of our major colleges began as theological seminaries. This is a historical fact. 
What has happened to us as a nation? We have refused to honor God, and in so doing, we open the doors to hatred and violence. And when something as terrible as Columbine's tragedy occurs -- politicians immediately look for a scapegoat such as the NRA. They immediately seek to pass more restrictive laws that contribute to erode away our personal and private liberties. We do not need more restrictive laws. 
Eric and Dylan would not have been stopped by metal detectors. No amount of gun laws can stop someone who spends months planning this type of massacre. The real villain lies within our own hearts.

"As my son Craig lay under that table in the school library and saw his two friends murdered before his very eyes, he did not hesitate to pray in school. I defy any law or politician to deny him that right! I challenge every young person in America , and around the world, to realize that on April 20, 1999, at Columbine High School prayer was brought back to our schools. Do not let the many prayers offered by those students be in vain. Dare to move into the new millennium with a sacred disregard for legislation that violates your God-given right to communicate with Him.

To those of you who would point your finger at the NRA -- I give to you a sincere challenge.. Dare to examine your own heart before casting the first stone! My daughter's death will not be in vain! The young people of this country will not allow that to happen!" ~ Darrell Scott
Now I wonder did they really hear what he said? I wonder do the pastors and teachers all across the land hear what he said? May the Lord continue to bless him and the memory of his beloved daughter.   


Link: Dale Yancy blog

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Sunday, February 24, 2013

Hip-Hop, Idolatry & The Church Pt. 21 ~ Sex Toys & The Gospel

Ephesians 5:11-12 11-And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. 12-For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret

Like my friends on Sesame Street taught me a long time of these things belong here and one of these things do not...

The nations top selling gospel music artist, Dr. Marvin Sapp recently hooked up with business mogul and star of "The Real Housewives Of ATL", Kandi Burress to produce a song called "Prayed Up" which seems to have taken the I-tunes, gospel music world by storm. 

Well, if that were all there was to the story, that would be the end of it. However, the problem is that it seems that two individuals have come together to "praise the Lord" that have two diametrically opposing lifestyles and understandings of God and godly standards all together. 

One one hand there is this:
"I wanna thank @Kandi for sharing her heart through song in a different genre and asking me to be apart of that process..."(Dr. Marvin Sapp)
Dr. Marvin Sapp
Pastor Dr. Marvin(I guess a little gospel is better than no gospel) Sapp, pastor, gospel singer, formerly of the gospel group Commissioned, one that generally has a good reputation as it pertains to lifestyle and belief system. One could clearly call him a Christian by the fruit that he bears and his confession of faith and purity of lifestyle.

Then on the other hand there is this:
"I knew when I decided to do it that I would be criticized. That's to be expected,"..."I am honest about who I am. My great grandfather and my grandfather were Bishops in The Church of God Holiness. I believe in God but I have always struggled with the rules of the church, just like a lot of people." (Ms. Kandi Burress)
Kandi Burress, daughter of a bishop, entrepreneur, secular singer, secular record producer and secular song writer, formerly of the secular group Xscape, never been married, one child and currently lives with a man to whom she is not married ie: SHACKIN'-UP or what can be called "playin' house". One more thing, as you know, Kandi, also owns an internet company that sells, of all things, items geared to enhance one's sexual performance and or pleasure. These things are often called "sex toys".

Controversy & Criticism, Separating The Issues: 
"I took the saying that we say" ("stay prayed up") "and made my testimony with it"
In an impromptu interview on Am 1690, WVON Chicago on Thursday Feb. 21st, Ms. Burress explained her surprise at the recent criticism, primarily from the church, over the fact that she endorses prayer, and claims a spiritual life while she continues in her sins. In the interview Kandi endorsed writing and singing her new gospel single "Prayed Up" as expanding her influence by using her "worldliness" to give her the ability to "reach" more people than those who are less "worldly" or that just sing gospel. In other words her "worldliness" becomes the power of her witness, not the holiness or the power of God. 

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