There are solutions to gun violence in schools but we must take a TEAM approach to address the issues and solve the problem. This is a social, emotional and SPIRITUAL problem which cannot continue to be overlooked.
In this video, I share what I have seen based on my over 17 years of experience as both a public school parent, volunteer, employee, and CSO (Campus Security Officer). We need an intervention, but not the one you may think. Listen and I hope you will see!
The schools are governed by FERPA which is the federal guideline for informational sharing of education and medical records, and HIPAA. Some have said that information cannot be shared regarding students. That is NOT the case. The guidance issued regarding these issue says the following:
"Parents have a right under FERPA to inspect and review these health and medical records because they are “education records” under FERPA. See 34 CFR §§ 99.10 – 99.12. In addition, these records may not be shared with third parties without written parental consent unless the disclosure meets one of the exceptions to FERPA’s general consent requirement. For instance, one of these exceptions allows schools to disclose a student’s health and medical information and other “education records” to teachers and other school officials, without written consent, if these school officials have “legitimate educational interests” in accordance with school policy. See 34 CFR § 99.31(a)(1). Another exception permits the disclosure of education records, without consent, to appropriate parties in connection with an emergency, if knowledge of the information is necessary to protect the health or safety of the student or other individuals. See 34 CFR §§ 99.31(a)(10) and 99.36." ~ Pg.4
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