Here is a Nov. 2009 Interview with Pastor Joel Osteen on The View.
Here is a Nov. 2010 interview with Pastor Joel Osteen on The View
As you can see a pastor, described by Barbra Walters as one who "tries to stay away from controversy", has done it again. Pastor Joel Osteen has proven once again that he can cower down better than most, to the liberal and social elite. What Barbara meant to say is that Pastor Joel stays away from "certain controversial subjects that would damage his public perception". What is amazing is that the controversy that ignites the church doesn't seem to bother Pastor Osteen. It would seem that any controversy that that would damage book sales, diminish church attendance or otherwise cause cause individuals to question his smile, are the only types of controversies that he will avoid.
Does making note that homosexuality as a sexual practice and lifestyle is wrong create an hysteria and backlash against homosexuality? ABSOLUTELY NOT. What about preaching against adulterers? There are certainly some of them in church and out of church. Is there a "backlash" against them because of the church's stance on the issue? Tying abuse, mental stress, and bullying to the sin of homosexuality may be novel and may sound like a valid reason to accept homosexuality as a practice, but in reality is one of the greatest deceptions perpetrated by the homosexual rights proponent today. The problem is that one can insert any sexual practice for homosexuality and make the same argument. tying the argument to issues of civil rights is yet another cop out. It is a cop out partially because homosexuals can stop being homosexuals and all sex is a choice, whether one knows it, realizes it or not, whereas race and ethnicity is permanent, cannot be changed, genetically inspired and is not in the same category.
Sin causes us to like things that we shouldn't and the sin of homosexuality is no different. It is not modern thinking to pretend that something damaging to both the body, mind and spirit is valuable or good. To do so is the ultimate fantasy and far from reality. The word "homophobic" is a made up word that does not apply to anyone who denounces homosexuality as a valid sexual and relationship practice. We also deny pedophilia, murder, rape and incest...are we "phobic" against them? NO...we simply pronounce and stand for the TRUTH of nature and creation.
Here is a Nov. 2010 interview with Pastor Joel Osteen on The View
As you can see a pastor, described by Barbra Walters as one who "tries to stay away from controversy", has done it again. Pastor Joel Osteen has proven once again that he can cower down better than most, to the liberal and social elite. What Barbara meant to say is that Pastor Joel stays away from "certain controversial subjects that would damage his public perception". What is amazing is that the controversy that ignites the church doesn't seem to bother Pastor Osteen. It would seem that any controversy that that would damage book sales, diminish church attendance or otherwise cause cause individuals to question his smile, are the only types of controversies that he will avoid.
Pastor Osteen declares that he doesn't think that homosexuality is "God's best for 'your' life" that is not to say that "it's not God's best making us" and goes on to suggest that Pastor Swilley, who recently announced his homosexuality after years of ministry, may have had an excuse and or reason to become a homosexual...This is certainly a CAVEMAN moment!
I would like to ask Joy Behar, where is her evidence that homosexuality is not a choice? Where is any evidence that individuals were born homosexuals? Where is her evidence that sexuality in general is not a choice? All sex is a choice and inclinations that we now call "orientation" are meant to be handled, dealt with and controlled. They are not intended to control us as individuals. One thing we know for certain is that the human race would not exist without heterosexual sexual activity. This by nature is normal and in line with the existence of life itself. Out of control "orientations" not only produce homosexuals, it also produces rapists, pedophiles, polygamists, masochists, swingers and a host of other types of sexual deviations and deviants.
Is the realization that what a person likes is wrong or unacceptable something that individuals should apologize for? I think not, otherwise we owe every prisoner in prison a pardon and a do-over no matter how heinous the crime. No criminal liked the judgement of their sentencing judge and or jury, but should society apologize? This is a ridiculous notion.
On Civil Rights And "Backlash"
Does making note that homosexuality as a sexual practice and lifestyle is wrong create an hysteria and backlash against homosexuality? ABSOLUTELY NOT. What about preaching against adulterers? There are certainly some of them in church and out of church. Is there a "backlash" against them because of the church's stance on the issue? Tying abuse, mental stress, and bullying to the sin of homosexuality may be novel and may sound like a valid reason to accept homosexuality as a practice, but in reality is one of the greatest deceptions perpetrated by the homosexual rights proponent today. The problem is that one can insert any sexual practice for homosexuality and make the same argument. tying the argument to issues of civil rights is yet another cop out. It is a cop out partially because homosexuals can stop being homosexuals and all sex is a choice, whether one knows it, realizes it or not, whereas race and ethnicity is permanent, cannot be changed, genetically inspired and is not in the same category.
On "Homophobia"
Sin causes us to like things that we shouldn't and the sin of homosexuality is no different. It is not modern thinking to pretend that something damaging to both the body, mind and spirit is valuable or good. To do so is the ultimate fantasy and far from reality. The word "homophobic" is a made up word that does not apply to anyone who denounces homosexuality as a valid sexual and relationship practice. We also deny pedophilia, murder, rape and incest...are we "phobic" against them? NO...we simply pronounce and stand for the TRUTH of nature and creation.
The Cost Of Ministry
It may cost associations, political aspirations and our life to stand up for and pronounce the truth of the gospel clearly and every preacher that focuses on crowds, attention and manages popularity and public perception is simply not ready to be used by God.
John 6:59-69~"59-These things said he in the synagogue, as he taught in Capernaum. 60-Many therefore of his disciples, when they had heard this, said, This is an hard saying; who can hear it? 61-When Jesus knew in himself that his disciples murmured at it, he said unto them, Doth this offend you? 62-What and if ye shall see the Son of man ascend up where he was before? 63-It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life. 64-But there are some of you that believe not. For Jesus knew from the beginning who they were that believed not, and who should betray him. 65-And he said, Therefore said I unto you, that no man can come unto me, except it were given unto him of my Father. 66-From that time many of his disciples went back, and walked no more with him. 67-Then said Jesus unto the twelve, Will ye also go away? 68-Then Simon Peter answered him, Lord, to whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal life. 69-And we believe and are sure that thou art that Christ, the Son of the living God."
Real Ministry is not pretty and cute as the deceivers have made it out to be. Real ministry is about facing ugly situations, standing against the wind, placing one's self in the way for the sake of God, right and the community that needs direction of truth. Unlike the part bible that Woopie reads, the bible actually teaches that God is NOT the only one we answer to here on earth. We answer to one another as we are accountable to one another. then, the preacher, the god sent and God inspired preacher is a key part to the plan. The bible still says:
Rom. 10:14- 15 ~ "14-How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? 15-And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!"
The God sent preacher and minister is essential to the growth of a healthy and blessed community. That minister may not be popular as other count popularity, but to do the will of Christ is the goal and must be the aim. Don't cower down to the enemy, the life of the community may be in your stand!
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