Energy Psychology & The New Healing Movement
EFT's & Meditation
"The cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body’s energy system"
~ Gary Craig
What eliminates, guilt, weight, fears, depression, phobias, headaches, pains, trauma, stress, emotional scars and just about all physical illnesses in less time than it takes to tie a shoe? According to many EFT does the trick every time.
Gary Craig, an ordained minister, and a Certified Master Practitioner of Neuro-linguistic programming, is the founder of EFT or Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) also known as needleless acupuncture. This self-healing method is a member of the growing field of "energy psychology". It involves finding pressure points on the body discovered and mapped out by eastern religions over 5,000 years ago upon which acupuncture was formerly the leading treatment. It is said that these are the points where "negative feelings" are housed. They (the negative feelings) can be purged by first bringing them to the surface, speaking to them (making friends with them) and purging them from the body by tapping particular points on the body over and over and reciting certain phrases such as, "Even though I have this (whatever the illness, negative emotion or feeling), I deeply and completely accept myself." or "I love and accept myself even though I have this(whatever the illness, negative emotion or feeling)."
The claim is that not only does EFT relieve bad feelings and emotional bondage, but when properly applied, also heals the physical body and should be hailed as the new instrument of miraculous healing. Mr. Craig downplays this aspect in his manual outlining why his materials don't focus more on the physical healing aspect of EFT:
"This EFT Manual was written before I realized the profound and widespread nature of the physical healings. Accordingly, it stresses the emotional healings and doesn’t cover the physical healings in nearly as dramatic a fashion as they actually occur. Because it has proven to be such an effective teaching manual, however, I have decided to leave it as is rather than modify it to emphasize physical healings. It is the emotional and energetic causes that we need to understand and those are profusely illustrated in these pages." [EFT Manual 6th Edition pg. 3 PDF]
I remember Richard Pryor in the movie 'Which Way Is Up' writing Annabell (his wife) saying something like, "I would have sent you some money, but I already sealed the envelope."
Dr. Craig would have included a lot more on physical healing in his manual if it weren't for the fact that the manual was already finished and that he didn't feel like modifying it to reflect the abundance and wealth of information on physical healings that had come in after he wrote his nearly 85 page booklet. Yea Right!
Who Uses & Promotes EFT?
As stated EFT comes with its own instruction booklet, videos and manual. The program is readily accessible to anyone and certainly promoted as being for everyone. According to the EFT Manual many individuals in the following professions use this method:
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