The Dunamis Word unites with the rest of the country and even the world in prayer for all of the victims of the Boston Marathon bombing. May the grace of the Lord and continued strength be upon all.
One thing that President Obama can't be criticized for is the fact that when he says, "we will find you and bring you to justice", you can count on it! Yesterday, the FBI released the following video of the suspected Boston Marathon bombers (as they have become known)
Overnight, suspect 1(the one in front) was allegedly killed in a firefight with police that included handheld grenades and an extreme shoot out with certain "unknown" police. reported the following of the eventst:
"The suspect is Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev, 19, a government official told the Globe. The Associated Press reported this morning that the suspects came from the Russian region near Chechnya, which has been plagued by an Islamic insurgency.The Globe has also learned that the dead suspect is Tsarnaev’s brother.
An MIT police officer was killed and an MBTA Transit Police officer, Richard H. Donahue Jr., was wounded. Ten police officers were being evaluated at St. Elizabeth’s Medical Center in Brighton early this morning, according to a source, who said the officers said they were hurt from grenades being thrown from the window of a car during a car chase. The source did not have information about where the officers were from or the nature of their injuries"
So it seems that the terrorists responsible for this activity are cornered and will be brought to justice either by the government or God himself.
In cases such as this, rarely are things confined to one or two individuals. Although his 26 year old brother is dead, the 19 year old remains on the run (see below for additional info) Usually there is a network of persons and people who have provided input and assistance. I believe that a possible 3rd person is right before our eyes in the video as well. It appears to be a woman with a yellow jacket, with a backpack across both her shoulders, holding a cell phone and following the 2 alleged suspects from somewhat of a greater distance. Do you see her in all the frames of the video? I do. There even could possibly be 4 persons outlined. Until now, I have heard no one mention how 3 individuals following one another in such close company, who primarily have the same equipment, may all be suspect in this case. The focus has been on 2 men, who were initially thought to be Black or of Saudi Arabian descent.
City On Lockdown, Guns Drawn & Helicopters
Although the President has already made a visit to the city, some say way too prematurely (a sentiment to which I agree) officials in Boston have already told their residents to stay in their homes and that the city is basically closed for business. According to current reports, the younger of the two murderers is trapped in Watertown, MA and may have planted bombs and be ready to fight to the death. The police have responded as swiftly as they could. Yet, terror fills the streets of not only this city, but countless cities all over the country. Could this be a signal to others to step up their efforts? Or could it be a diversion? have you heard of North Korea since this began?
Since the actions of these individuals evidently passed the ramped up efforts of the Dept. Of Homeland Security and every other agency placed in charge of American overall domestic security and safety, I began to wonder is this was some sort of a "test run" for the new terrorists.
In a test run of domestic terror, I would believe that criminals such as this would simply test to see how far they can go and what they could get away with and to what point would their actions be stopped. In this case, creating the incident is one thing, watching how officials respond is another.
We have seen a President far to eager to come into a hot crime scene to personally encourage victims. This is a problem. Not one criminal had been apprehended when he arrived and nobody knew who was responsible for these events. What if there was a second "sleeper cell" ready to make a play and attempt to kill the President and officials? As stated, we have seen a Homeland Security Dept. that had no idea that a threat was eminent. So this establishes a pattern for other to follow. How did they do it? What devices and systems did they use to bypass all efforts to intercept terrorist activity? We have seen the public deliver misinformation initially claiming that the suspects were Black men or dark skinned Arabs. We have seen local police deliver conflicting and in some cases wrong information. We have seen a time frame of piecing together evidence so extended until any potential criminal could have long been gone from the scene and region IF they didn't want to get caught or reach more havoc.
There is suspicion that these individuals also laid low in small town USA. On the same day in Quincy, IL. there was a raid on a home in which pipe bombs were being manufactured and this was reportedly after someone had set a bomb off in an open area of town. Could terrorists be testing the method of delivery of their terror and a way to byass authority to deliver their evil directly to the public?
The Trust & Rising Faith Of The Saints
Ps. 91:5 ~ Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day;
Of a certainty, these are the times and days in which our soul is being tried. These are perilous times. However, as believers, our trust must remain in the Lord. He and he only he is our keeper and is a very present help even in the face of terror and terrorism. God and trust in HIM is the antidote to all fear. Yes, we may walk "the valley of the shadow of death" but HE is with us with a rod and a staff that comforts us.(Ps. 23).
Saints and believers around the country can unite with those in Boston in an even greater way. Unite in prayer, because in spite of what the critic thinks, prayer changes things. God yet responds to believing prayer and petition. Survivors must be comforted and encouraged that this life is not the end of things. That there will be an ultimate justice and ultimate price that every terrorist will pay to a just and upright God. In God's eyes, ever life is important and every one means something. If there is no God, then everything is all meaningless. but because HE lives, we can all face tomorrow.
Criminals will get caught, Boston will heal and we will get better in the name of the Lord and with the help of Christ. I know that to be truth!
CBS Boston
Terrorist Caught. Update 4/20/13:
Read more!