Today (4/12/2018) I was fortunate to be able to watch is the Mike Pompeo Secretary Of State confirmation hearing, and arrived just in time to hear one Senator Corey Booker grill Mr. Pompeo, while eagerly telling the world what our new American values are if anyone seeks to serve in public office...
First, it seems that according to Booker, not only does a person have to believe in everything written in law, but also has to be one to promote and embrace the homosexual agenda, contending that because homosexuality is legal, that it is not a sexual perversion...In addition, another litmus test, according to Booker, would be the acceptance of Islam and tenets of Islamic belief and faith regardless of Sharia, or the ultimate theocratic state of Islamic belief...
In addition to all of this, Booker certainly implied that the potential Secretary Of State should have a new circle of friends that should not in any way honor or include persons such as Frank Gaffney or Brigitte Gabriel who is on the so called "Southern Poverty {IDEO-FASCIST} Law Center's" watch list....
To this, I simply say...GET A LIFE BOOKER...and that is why I cannot, and will not follow your agenda and will fight it as any American should...Why?...Because your agenda breeds INTOLERANCE!!!
While claiming to be some sort of champion of freedom and tolerance, you and those like you are the most intolerant people that can be seen. I mean according to you, if it's "law" then it should be accepted as moral...Now, should we go through all the things that were once law and were rejected by MORAL people and found to be immoral??? I mean slavery was once the LAW within the United States. Yet it was rejected on the basis and ground of immorality. While it was law, was it not a perversion? Or was it good because it was law?
Moral relativism fails on every hand as well it should...And before one gets started, don't even try the stale arguments of scriptural relativism...We've handled that and continue to handle and address such ridiculous sentiments with idiots like R Kelly (at least so is his handle on this blog) and other radicals that can't see the door.
We REJECT the new American so called "values" that encourage individuals to endorse evil and accept perversions as if there is nothing wrong. For them, accept that criteria and you can serve. Those sentiments themselves are UNAMERICAN and only prove a greater problem of neo-fascist ideology run amuck.
We say only them that are willing to STAND FOR RIGHT are worth following. Corey, with your beliefs, according to your own standards, YOU AIN'T THE ONE!!!! It is YOU sir who is unfit to serve!!!!
We say only them that are willing to STAND FOR RIGHT are worth following. Corey, with your beliefs, according to your own standards, YOU AIN'T THE ONE!!!! It is YOU sir who is unfit to serve!!!!
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