Critical Illness is real. Often when a Pastoral leader receives an adverse diagnosis, or has a bout or life threatening ordeal, the first level of understanding is often denial. After all we're taught, and many of us believe, that God will "protect" his servants from all sickness, and certainly that he will "heal" his anointed.
But what happens when YOU must walk through the "valley of the shadow" of death and experience your own mortality?
In Philippians 2, Paul references Epaphroditus, who was a faithful ministerial servant along with himself, who suffered sickness "close to death"(v.27), along with himself. In other words, the will and service of God did not insulate this man of God nor Paul from suffering illness and serious sickness.
In light of that, why would we think that any of us are insulated or should be insulated from sickness and illness such as cancer, heart attack and stroke? Further, why do we think that our recitation of the scripture, in absolute terms, cures us by prayers and laying on of hands with 100% healing 100% of the time? Ooh yes, we have FAITH in God and sickness doesn't shake that, but we are human too and all of us will leave this Earth with some sort of scar (sickness and disease).
Questions: How many great leaders did we lose to covid? How many have we lost to stroke, cancer, or heart attack over the years?
For example, prostate cancer is the #2 killer of Black men and does not discriminate between sinners and church folk in general. Heart attack and stroke are similar. Heart disease is the #1 killer of both men and women. Women from ages 20 to 39 suffer heart attack at higher numbers and rates than men according to current statistics. Fact is, these illnesses and diseases happen equally to both church and non-church folk, and more and more evidence is arising that occurrence of these things are associated with diet and lifestyle.
Of course, in most cases, life insurance covers loss of life. But have you considered, how many people survived heart attack, stroke and cancer, but had to seek care that insurance did not cover? How about them with family histories of such chronic and critical illnesses, or genetic markers? This is why critical and chronic illness coverage is essential and could and should be obtained BEFORE these illnesses strike.
What time is it? TIME TO GET OUR HOUSES IN ORDER because although we have no right of demand on this life, we are not going anywhere until GOD is finished with us.
Dunamis Insurance has designed a Pastoral Critical Illness plan that will serve your need at nearly any age without regard to denomination nor church structure. Call DUNAMIS TODAY for a FREE and CONFIDENTIAL no obligation consultation at (800)730-2990 x801 or email at IMBKCAC@gmail.com
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