
Showing posts with label flava-flav. Show all posts
Showing posts with label flava-flav. Show all posts

Friday, October 17, 2008

Holy Hook ----- What?

Special thanks to my East Coast Ministry Coordinator Sister Alicia aka Surokoda. Good lookin' out for this brother as always!

Saints, I know this is the last days, and over the last couple of years it seems that we've seen much of what there is to see so far as the worst of men and mankind. Now, we all speculated that our dear Juanita Bynum-Weeks would come out with a new leading lady roll in Hollywood, which she tried to no avail. But for the most part, and to my shame, at least I thought that the Bishop Thomas Weeks III would slowly and surely fade to the background and reconstitute himself with the help of the Lord.

Well I guess that I was a little right and a little wrong as it pertains to our dear Bishop.

Ever since Flava-Flav and the "The Flavor of Love" and psychotic spin-off of Tiffany Pollard's show "I Love New York" have we not seen such degradation, filth and just plain old stupidity as people, (men and women) lined up to fulfill their lust for fame and attention on public stage while simultaneously calling and associating what they are doing and feeling with love.

One would make the statement, "Pastor Burnett, that's the world...what does that have to do with the church?"

To what am I referring? I am referring to the new soon to be hit/gospel/reality/dating show "Holy Hook Up" where the felony laden Bishop Thomas Weeks III seeks love from a list of wanting, needing and desperately seeking church ladies that want to be the bishop's NEXT wife? Well, if you don't know, now ya know!

The Bishops NEXT Wife?????

Yes, you read it right. The Atlanta Journal Constitution has reported that Bishop Weeks III will try his hand in the ever popular reality TV market place, only this time it will be done "In The Name Of The Lord"...............WHAT?

Believe me...I see a Geico sign and and I ain't happy. In fact, I quit!

This is from the AJC article: "Bishop Thomas W. Weeks IIII has resurrected his new reality show and this time he will search for a God-fearing wife on TV instead of the Internet. Weeks said the Christian dating series, now called “The Holy Hook Up: Who Will Be The Next Mrs. Weeks?” will document his search for a new love as he performs his daily duties as leader of an international ministry" ~AJC 10/07/2008

This has got to be a comedy show. There seems to be no way possible that we're dealing with a spiritual and serious venture.

The article goes on to say this of the Bishop: "The twice-divorced Pentecostal pastor will dole out relationship advice drawing on his experience as an author, minister and a first-time felon who pleaded guilty to aggravated assault on his ex-wife, national evangelist Juanita Bynum" ~AJC 10/07/2008

So now we have a BISHOP, advertising himself to the world, and women (I suppose church women) that will parade on national TV vieing for the twice warmed over and twice removed affection of a church felon, who received his felony for spousal abuse???? Is this REALITY or fantasy? If this is the truth it is stranger than fiction.

What will a person do for fame, popularity and notoriety? Further what will they do in the name of the Lord for fame, popularity and notoriety?

The Weeks-Bynum fiasco's were among some of the reasons that I began this blog over 13 to 14 months ago. At that time I set forth what I knew God was telling me to deliver and I haven't failed in that duty, but as time goes on I wonder, what will it take to stem the tide of filth that has entered the body of Christ? Is there a remnant that delights in the word and ways of God more than the lusts and sins of the flesh?

Celebrity, fame and self-serving at the expense of God and his people has taken center stage. Then yet, there is a following of people that go on as if nothings wrong. What is that? Witchcraft, divination, or just flat out rebellion?
Listen we know the scriptures. the bishop was supposed to have ONE least I thought. He was supposed to be even tempered, at least so far as I was under the impression. Then I thought that the method of the Saint's was unique and different from the world.
I'll end this without a theological tirade because this garbage is just plain BENEATH the pearls of the sweet and powerful word of God. However I will end with a scripture reading for your spare time:
II Chronicles 7:14

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