Read: The WEF & The Pandemic
Revelation 13: 16- 18 ~ 16-And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17-And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18-Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
The Great ResetThe Word Economic Forum (WEF) headed by its founder Klaus Schwab, the author of "The Great Reset: Resetting The World" claims that it has a goal of "improving the state of the world" and a mission of "shaping global, regional and industry agendas". From individual consumerism, employee health and mental wellbeing, to farming and how individuals purchase goods and services, the WEF is feverishly seeking to expand its global influence now more than ever in light of the covid pandemic.
Mr. Schwab has outlined that it is essential for its global corporate stakeholders (a term fashioned through this forum) be committed to reaching "Net Zero" (emissions), integrating concepts of globalization, regionalization and localization to create "meaningful perspectives" for world outlook. The agenda is strongly centered around religiously and systematically reverting the world's demand for fossil fuels to renewable sources at nearly any cost.One would say, what does the world economic wellbeing have to do with individual identity? I'll show you here in a minute, just bear with me...
The Great Reset Agenda
According to Schwab there are 3 primary components to this Great Reset Agenda. Amazingly we can see the complete WEF agenda rife through President Biden's economic policy and agenda. Through this we can also see why President Donald Trump had to go or be removed from office one way or another, simply because he was not playing by WEF rules. Biden's policies and things that we see in the news just happens to be a variation of WEF policy and goals, including his "Build Back Better" slogan, which is also hailed by the WEF before Biden announced it as his campaign slogan.
Here are the 3 foundations of the WEF agenda:
1- Improve coordination of tax, regulatory and fiscal policy to produce "fairer" outcomes which include changes to wealth taxes, encourage reduction of fossil fuel subsidies and proliferation, change rules regarding intellectual property and trade regulations with the objective of creating a more free and open society and global community.
2- Insure that investments and stimulus center around shared goals of equality and sustainability and focus on "green Infrastructure", "human infrastructure", and incentivizing industries to improve their track record on environmental, social and governance (ESG) metrics
3- Harness all resources of the 4th Industrial revolution to support the public good by addressing health and social challenges. (Which ultimately includes the coordination of verifiable health information)
In conservative news media there have been many questions raised concerning President Biden's "infrastructure" plan and why it includes the new "human infrastructure" at such high levels of contribution. Many have been questioning how infrastructure, which has traditionally focused on roads, highways and other non personal means of helping and making society run, now include payments for daycare, a "living wage", advance tax credits, a resultant discouragement to marry, more money for social services and other forms of human and individually centered needs. The complete agenda is not an American inspired agenda. It is a globalist agenda inline with WEF goals and objectives.
Digital Identity: Covid Credential Initiative
The notion of medical freedom and privacy has disintegrated before our very eyes. No matter the innumerable reports of failure, injury and death associated with the EUA vaccines, or multiple reported incidents and adverse reactions through the VAERS system, the push to encourage vaccination of everyone, even children and pregnant women exist.
In as early as 2018 the WEF was leading the charge for VACCINE ASSOCIATED IDENTITY through the recognition that "VACCINES ARE AN ENTRY POINT FOR DIGITAL ID" and that children were a valid target to bring about a change in the world vaccination and individual ID status. Through their ID2020 program (remember this was in 2018) the WEF envisioned expansive vaccination for kids and outlined many valid reasons for doing so. So to say that Covid ID is a new or novel idea, is certainly not true. This is simply an opportunist move and a move possibly planned when the partners of the Rockefeller Foundation and Gates Foundation (or entities associated with Bill Gates) are considered.
The WEF is a part of the development and promotion of the Covid Credentials Initiative (CCI). What is the CCI? Let's refer to their website and let the creators of the CCI tell us:
The COVID Credentials Initiative (“CCI”) is an open global community collaborating to enable the interoperable use of open-standard-based privacy-preserving credentials and other related technologies for public health purposes.
The community currently focuses on the application of Verifiable Credentials (VCs), an open standard and emerging technology, which could provide a close experience to physical credentials while offering additional benefits, the most important being privacy-preserving and temper-evident.
We joined Linux Foundation Public Health (LFPH) in Dec 2020 to work together on an open-standard-based open-source approach to COVID credentials. At CCI, we develop specifications (including governance frameworks and other documents), organizing activities and incubating ideas/projects for LFPH and other related communities.
What is a Verifiable Credential (VC)? Once again let's refer to their website for clarification:
Much like a physical credential (e.g. the cards in one’s wallet), a Verifiable Credential (VC) is an issued assertion containing a set of claims about an individual or organization. The unique value of VCs is that they are digitally native and cryptographically secure, making them a great privacy-preserving alternative to other types of credentials, if used responsibly.
As shown in the illustration, after accepting a VC (e.g. a driver’s license) from a trusted issuer (e.g. a government body), holders can generate a proof with minimum information (e.g. over 18) needed to prove to a verifier (e.g. a liquor store) that they possess VCs with specific characteristics (e.g. age), qualifying them for certain types of access defined by the verifier. And there is no need for direct contact between the issuer and verifier throughout the process. This opens doors to a wide range of solutions to the social and economic challenges incurred as a result of COVID-19.
That is a lot of speak to simply say that this is a PERSONAL & INDIVIDUAL IDENTITY initiative that may begin by sorting out medical information but will ultimately include ALL of an individual's personal and private information which will be updated regularly by and obtained BY THE STATE!
In other words, this is THE END of personal privacy, personal health information and individual determinism. It is the end of the 4th Amendment of the United States which is a hedge against "unreasonable" searches and seizures. According to WEF goals and objective, everyone will now be a member of the GLOBAL COMMUNITY by which the common language is a universal identity authorized, issued and maintained by a global alliance of government and ultimately and eventually eliminating all rights of privacy.
Without doubt, NO ONE will be able to BUY/SELL unless one has this MARK, this NAME or NUMBER OF HIS NAME (sequence of numbers associated with personal identity)!
So Far As "The Mark" Or Number
I am not caught up in guessing the personal or individual identity of the "Anti-Christ". In my opinion, while this may be spearheaded and recognized by an individual, it certainly is a system or a method of operation by which the new state runs or conducts itself. However, for those who would like to be more technical biblically centered, I will point you towards and an article at entitled "What Is The Meaning Of 666" by Hank Hanegraaff from his book "Apocalypse Code (2007). Hank states this regarding 666 and 616 and who and what the passage may have been referring to:
"Furthermore, unlike today, transforming names into numbers (gematria) was common in antiquity. For example, in the Lives of the Twelve Caesars Roman historian Suetonius identifies Nero by a numerical designation equal to a nefarious deed. This numerical equality (isopsephism) is encapsulated in the phrase: “Count the numerical values of the letters in Nero’s name, and in ‘murdered his own mother’ and you will find their sum is the same.” In Greek the numerical value of the letters in Nero’s name (Greek: Nevrwn, English transliteration: Neron) totaled 1,005, as did the numbers in the phrase murdered his own mother. This ancient numerical cryptogram reflected the widespread knowledge that Nero had killed his own mother.
Finally, while “Nero” in Greek totaled 1,005, the reader of John’s letter familiar with the Hebrew language could recognize that the Greek spelling of “Nero Caesar” transliterated into Hebrew equals 666. Moreover, the presence in some ancient manuscripts of a variation in which 666 is rendered 616 lends further credence to Nero as the intended referent. The Hebrew transliteration of the Latin spelling of “Nero Caesar” totals 616, just as the Hebrew transliteration of the Greek, which includes an additional letter (Greek: “n”=50, English transliteration: “n”=50), renders 666. Thus, two seemingly unrelated numbers lead you to the same doorstep—that of a beast named Nero Caesar. Twenty-first-century believers, like their first-century counterparts, can be absolutely certain that 666 is the number of Nero’s name and that Nero is the beast who ravaged the bride of Christ in a historical milieu that included three and a half years of persecution. In the end, Peter and Paul themselves were persecuted and put to death at the hands of this Beast. Indeed this was the only epoch in human history in which the Beast could directly assail the foundation of the Christian Church of which Christ himself was the cornerstone."
If who John was referring to was Caesar Nero, it certainly WAS NOT confined to or restricted to concluding with the person of Caesar Nero. This was a double entendre and SPIRITUALLY defined vision as opposed to solely naturally defined one. What we are dealing with and what the bible is pointing to is a principality, a "spiritual wickedness" or reigning idea, that has existed since the early church was founded, with an effort or purpose of diminishing the Church and Christ. The world's system is designed to weaken the church's influence, foundation and overtake it as an entity.
Let me be clear...the FACT is that HIS CHURCH will not fail! We are overcomers and will overcome the world and the enemy of the church and our souls is ALREADY DEFEATED!
Has anyone wondered why, since the beginning of the alleged pandemic, all over the world, the FIRST restrictions were placed on the Church and Churches? In fact in the United States, in nearly all venues, whether they were overseen by Republican conservatives or liberal Democrats, the CHURCH was not mentioned or declared to be "essential". Bars and liquor stores were given rights to operate without restriction, while churches were driven to online operation and function and told they could not assemble. Church leaders further cowered down to health department regulations and in many cases health officials who redefined how churches should worship Christ. Many churches have not opened up yet, and are afraid to go against the political narrative even though God and the right of religious freedom is on their side.
The alleged covid 19 pandemic, was a complete DISTRACTION and an entry point for satan to deceive and subjugate the church and alleged believers. If you will put down your FAITH because people said so, or because you are fearful of a disease, that you perceive that even God cannot control, you will PICK UP ANYTHING and ACCEPT anything, thinking that your life is in danger. No, we are to walk in WISDOM, not tempting the Lord, but NOT live in FEAR!
Faith is under attack and is set to be driven out of world affairs as people are stripped of individual freedoms and rights. Jesus recognizes this asking with he find "faith in the earth" when he returns. (LK. 18:8)
Political expediency and societal collectivism rooted in socialist values have replaced values of individualism and notions of personal and individual freedom that religion inspires. This new redefined set of collectivist/capitalistic values attempts to retain words such as "capitalism" but actually promote actions in the interest of the collective. In other words, what it means to be a free society is being redefined. A brief look at Australia and the atrocities that are occurring there in the name of "public safety" is proof of this. In my opinion, much of what is happening around the world in response to covid 19 are human rights violations and must be addressed.
Digital Identity is real and free people are the target and the only prohibitor of this new universal invasion of freedom. Is the idea a bad one. No, it is pleasing to the eyes and DESIREABLE for gaining wisdom. (Gen. 3:6) However, like in Eve's case what is actually being presented is something different. Do I believe that people associated with these ideas are evil? NO! Not all of them. However I do believe that there are evil people at the wheel in many cases. I believe we have others that are under the influence, whether wittingly or not, of powers and ideas that are not their own.
In my next article I will address the recent statements of world renown Psychiatrist Peter Breggin who calls the individuals involved in the covid 19 mitigations strategy that has been embraced by the world, EVIL and produces receipts to that effect. STAY TUNED
Until then, my only question...Where is the CHURCH and REAL church leadership?
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