
Showing posts with label Christian martyrdom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christian martyrdom. Show all posts

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Islam, Submission With No Peace Pt. 7

Pastor Youcef & Wife Tina
What Will You Give For The Sake Of The Gospel?

Heb. 12:4 ~ "Ye have not yet resisted unto blood, striving against sin."
When asked to repent of his "apostasy" of becoming a Christian, this was the Pastor's response:
"Repent means to return. What should I return to? To the blasphemy that I had before my faith in Christ?" ~ Pastor Youcef
This was followed by him saying that he could NOT return to the religion of his "ancestors" (Islam). Here's a little more of the story.

Sharia Law In Action & United States Silence In The Face Of Oppression!

Now, the Iranian Supreme (Mullah Clerics) Court which is a court of ISLAMIC Law, not a court of democratic process law, has said that Youcef has been convicted for Christianity and his religious beliefs.
"During court trials, he denied the prophecy of Mohammad and the authority of Islam. He has stated that he is a Christian and no longer Muslim. During many sessions in court with the presence of his attorney and a judge, he has been sentenced to execution by hanging according to article 8 of Tahrir–olvasileh."
However, more recently, since the international attention has increased on the violation of human rights (which is legitimate in this case) and imprisonment, the Iranian leaders have switched the claims and trumped up a LIE charging rape and extortion.
“This individual is guilty and his crime is not attempting to convert others to Christianity, rather his crimes are of a security nature,” ~Ali Rezvani, Deputy Governor of Gilan Province.
The "death penalty" according to leading Iranian spokespersons, has been suspended however. Under Islamic
Law, that would be an impossibility IF the charges are true. To further show how great of a FARCE this is,

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