
Showing posts with label National Conference Call. Show all posts
Showing posts with label National Conference Call. Show all posts

Saturday, April 5, 2014

What Really Makes The Church "Look Bad"?

Prov. 14:34 ~ Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.

In light of our national conference call dealing with COGIC sexual abuse, clergy sexual misconduct, and victim's advocacy, I have taken it upon myself to examine an issue in a much more indepth manner than I have previously. Of a certainty, some think that dealing with the issues which were dealt with during the call should not have been placed on "public display" and should have been dealt with privately and through various church councils and processes. Although we have been there and done that  with no or very little results, I thought that I should address that issue and those sentiments from a more specific biblical view. 

The Problem:

In many Christian circles the thought exists that those who are aware of certain sins in the church should not talk about and or expose those things because the church may "look bad" or be seen in the wrong light by the world. Some say that we should "just pray" and that things will "work out". Some rationalize their lack of response or failure to address serious topics by saying that no business airs its dirty laundry before its customers or clients, so why should it be a practice of people of God to expose the dirty laundry of the church? Others even say that speaking evil or negative of the church or exposing what is going on is a sign of hatred for the church and not a sign of love, because after all, "love covers the multitude of sin and fault". 

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