Are you still saying "Happy New Year" to some members of your church?
Well, I know the readers of this blog have been wondering where I have been and what has been going on...So Happy New year to you too!
I have taken on some new duties, responsibilities and the schedule has been heated up...I decided with all that is happening to take somewhat of a break from writing, but Oooooohhhhh my...don't think for a second that I have not been busy examining the changes within out community and nation with plenty of insight from the Lord on what is happening both in the church and within society...There is plenty to fight, advocate and stand up for and God and his people are certainly on the move.
So Much To Pray For...So Little Time
Since my last post in Nov. of 2013, much has happened...We have probably had the most extensive winter than we've seen in years, and in some cases American history...Our poor folk in Atlanta can't function with a couple of inches of snow on the ground and would probably go off the map if 4 to 6 inches of snow fell...Current expectation is that an inch of ice will continue to paralyze the South. We are certainly praying for all them that were injured and for the families of those who lost their lives in the most recent storm and for the safety of them that are preparing for another round of winter.
I know that there is a great deal of upheaval in the world. We have a civil war in Syria, the advancement of the Palestinians who have never had a nation or been a people, and all kinds of international uprisings and such the like.
Then, there is the advancement of the homosexual agenda in America both through the courts and by this President and the Democratic Party in general...
Is there ANY REASON that a believer in Christ should vote democratic in the next Presidential election?
I can't think of ONE THING that the Democrats have done and stand for that represent my interest or the interests of most Americans that I know....I actually can't think of anything that the democrats believe in that attracts me as a Black man with a family and the head of my household. Not ONE! Certainly the Republicans aren't exempt or just get a pass either...They have done and are doing their fair share of damage too...Well maybe that's just me....
Isn't it special that the only way that the homosexual agenda can advance is through the courts and by weak legislatures who overlook the will of the people? We all understand that the "will of the people" can be wrong and that "might" does not necessarily make right. People, through their "might" can choose a path that disenfranchises groups of people. I dare say that slavery is one of those kind of things. Noone understands this sort of sentiment better than those who have studied and lived through the Civil Rights era. However, what we are talking about is normalizing and ultimately endorsing "behavior" as opposed to inherently obvious diversities that cannot be worn off or changed through behavioral modification or by any other method.
Look at it this way, Black cannot be "silenced" nor suppressed and it is obvious for many to see who is Black and who is White...How a person has sex or who a person loves, cannot be known until a person acts upon their feelings or inclinations. This is a vast and marked difference which makes all the difference in the world. This is forever why the fight for sexual acceptance will never been in the same league as the fight for racial parity and acceptance.
Back to politics...Look at it, in almost every situation where gay normalization has been before the PEOPLE either by referendum or some other public vote, (not the sick legislatures who violate the will of the people whom they have been elected, commissioned and charged to represent,) gay normalization has been rejected. Yet, legislators continue to pass laws in favor of the homosexual agenda, for fear of being demonized and shamed publicly. In most cases, the demonization doesn't come from their elected comes from organizations that claim to stand for "human rights" such as the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) and Lambda Legal and such like who, from a distance, seeks to shame those who don't hold their values.
Standing for something, may cost popularity, but this is America and taking and making a stand is a courageous thing to do and something that should be done at all costs when that stand is for truth and righteousness.
This whole attempt to "shame" can be felt around the world. I believe that if we look close enough we will find that HOMOSEXUAL advocates proliferated the lie that Sochi would be the worst and most dangerous Winter Olympics filled with terrorism...I am not so enamoured that I look beyond the atrocities of Russian Communism, however, separated from that, I believe that homosexual advocates deliberately tried to instill fear and even sabotage the games in general. Why? Because Russia (as I said, criticize the Communists all you want) had enough NERVE to stand and condemn homosexuality as a lifestyle and as a human right in their country.... For that I say KUDOS RUSSIA!....As former KGB leader President Putin expressed, no one is trying to lock anyone out, no matter their sexual preference or practice, but the proclivity of a person doesn't change society and neither will it change their laws. Do what you do out of the public eye. I believe that after years of decline, Russia understands that whatever society is allowed to practice, so is society and so goes society. Although I can't say that the Church has had any influence on the governmental position on the issue, I do know that the Russian Christian church has been on an upswing. I can only pray that that upswing works according to God's word and brings liberation and peace to millions.
It seems as if no one was intimidated by America insulting the Russian's by sending Billie Jean Lesbian King as an American representative to a country that doesn't allow the open practice of homosexuality. This was a shameful and disrespectful act and only shows a lack of character that has seemed to embrace this country's elected leadership....Like they said on Fat Albert, the President's actions were like, school on Sunday...NO CLASS! This is and will continue to be an important issue I'm sure.
What Of Religion In America?
The religious front is filled with all sorts of action over the last few months. From folk eating grass "in the name of the lord" (their lord- NOTHING to do with the true and living God) to all sorts of new debates over the compatibility of religion and science one can expect that nothing has slowed down in this so called "scientific age of enlightenment"....
This debate is even commonplace on America's most watched TV shows. While watching a recent Cop show, a character stated an atheist theme song that "faith is believing in what is irrational while claiming rationality" I couldn't believe my ears at first. I said, wait a has nothing to do with irrational belief...(except for in the mind of a caveman). A simple proof of that is that we BELIEVE that folk have minds and can and will change or act or follow and outlined path of behavior that is set before them...we BELIEVE that prisons will cause criminals to reconsider therefore curbing crime, we BELIEVE that our friends will come to our rescue when we are really in need. Are any of those "beliefs" all of which remain to be proven, irrational? Simply put, faith has nothing to do with irrationality. Rather, rank and ultra skepticism displays itself to be irrational. Having or needing a proof for what already is, IS an irrational approach to nearly anything and everything.
Example, do we need a proof as to why a car engine starts when it is built properly? Then further, do we hold that because we can explain how the engine works, that it has not been built? To come to an understanding of how something functions, and then to believe that because we understand it, that there are no higher principles at work, is an irrational position and presumption. These sort of things are irrational belief systems in action, and sentiments of this sort exist among many of the modern atheists and God haters...Yes, they claim they don't hate God, because they "claim" he doesn't exist, but we KNOW the truth... They are HATERS! Sins have blinded their eyes and filled their hearts with hatred against the one that gives them both breath and life to display their hatred...So true!
Now, to be fair, there is still plenty of self inflicted damage that the church has done and is doing to itself...For example, my goodness...My church, the grand ole COGIC has yet failed to adequately deal with the healing of victims of sexual abuse. Although we are setting new procedures in order to collect money and secure the fees of credential holders, we have YET to produce a national plan or program that address the pain that victims have suffered as a result of the sins and perversion of some of those who have been entrusted to leadership. Here is the outline of my plan that I will continue to push as long as the Lord gives me strength to do so.
The Catholic church continues to experience the revelation of cover-up after much as they would like to "pretend" and see the world at "peace" I guess even the Seagulls and Crows know as long as
they ordain priests and leaders with suppressed gay and pedophile feelings, that there can be no peace....
Now, by revelations that are confounding congregations all across America, Bishops and Pastors yet continue to come up with "lust children"...They are those children born out of wedlock and due to adulterous affairs of these leaders years ago. Now, these children are suddenly suddenly showing up, demanding rights and attention....Oooh Yes, I am sick of it too, but don't be fooled, and don;t get it twisted. The women who in many of these cases, think that they are on a "righteous mission" by exposing these men, and even in some cases, used sex as a way to make money and a source of income from preachers and weak leaders, are just as bad as the preachers who fell into their arms...Don't think for a minute that a person "exposing" these bishops and leaders deserves any kind of pat on the back...Some of them were whores laying with whore-mongers. They get no reward for exposing the preachers, and as they do they expose themselves too! More on that in another writing....
So yes, much has happened and much more will happen. Glad to be back and for all the haters and debaters, there will be much more in this coming year to hate and debate over, but in the end...JESUS and them that follow HIM...WIN!
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