Showing posts with label Bill Gentes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bill Gentes. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Bill Gentes Reacts to Loss with Humor

Here's the good-natured, after midnight reaction of Bill Gentes, who lost the 26th state senate district race to Dan Duffy:


As you may or may not heard, I lost the election last night quite soundly! I ended up with 39% of the vote, which was surprising however its nearly the exact same result as 4 years ago when this seat was last contested so maybe I should not be that surprised.

I was gratified to see that I carried the Round Lake area precincts quite handily with roughly 57% of the vote, so it does take away some of the sting, that the people who know me best, thought that much of me!

Over the months on this campaign I have met and befriended so many wonderful people who have supported me and been there for me when I needed it, that I am truly richer for the experience!

Thanks to all of you!

This was a major loss for the pro-abortion Personal PAC, against whom winner Dan Duffy promises legal action.

Posted first on McHenry County Blog, where you can read about the two new Democrats elected to the McHenry County Board, Paula Yensen and Kathy Bergan Schmidt.


Saturday, October 18, 2008

More on Gentes-Duffy State Senate Race

In the furiously fought 26th state senate race to replace Bill Peterson, Republican Dan Duffy has reported receiving an additional $8,117.

Considering the bad publicity in both the Daily Herald and the Northwest Herald that his opponent Round Lake Mayor Bill Gentes has gotten for not telling the truth about having been let go by the Realtor Association of NorthWest Chicagoland, seeing $5,000 from the Illinois Association of Realtors go to his opponent must have galled Gentes.

Gentes did write a letter of apology.

In addition, Chris Reyes of Rosemont donated $2,500 and the Health Care Council of Illinois Politic paid Joe Cook of Wauconda $717 for consulting services and mileage.

The story with Bill Gentes' big eyes comes from Round Lake Area School Board member Guy Finley's blog, Stay the Course. Finley had a different "big eyes"-illustrated story yesterday.

Posted first at McHenry County Blog.


Thursday, October 09, 2008

Cullterton and Clayborne Contribute to Gentes

Bill Gentes must be smiling today.

In fact, he may still be dancing the Snoopy happy dance.

Late yesterday afternoon, he reported receiving $75,000.

$50,000 came from The Senate Democratic Victory Fund, run by Chicago State Senator John Cullerton. Cullerton, generally considered an ally of House Speaker Mike Madigan on whose leadership team he used to serve, hopes to succeed retiring Senate President Emil Jones. Cullerton's PAC's web site announces an October 2nd fund raiser with sponsorships going to $5,000.

James Clayborne, of St. Clair County, another of the state senators who hopes to replace Emil Jones as Senate President, transferred $25,000 from his campaign fund.

It is intriguing that both would contribute to Gentes, considering, if elected, he can only vote for one person for Senate President.

Gentes is running against Dan Duffy, who cut his political teeth with the NFIB. Duffy's $500+ contributions can be found here.

Posted first on McHenry County Blog.


Tuesday, October 07, 2008

A Sign of Things to Come?

“Obama-Gentes” is what the new yard sign says.

Have to wonder if signs like this will start showing up in all the state legislative districts where money seems to me no object.

And, what will be the impact?

Back in 1996 when my colleague State Rep. Al Salvi was running against Lt. Gov. Bob Kustra for the GOP nomination for United State Senate, we had joint yard signs in my district.

They started out as issue signs.


on one side and


on the other.

The campaign got hassled by the folks in Crystal Lake, but when my campaign manager Orville Brettman (Carpentersville Village President before he moved to rural Huntley) pointed out the the city legal eagles a U.S. Supreme Court decision out of Missouri where a woman was told she could, indeed, have a sheet of paper opposing the first Iraq War, the city let our signs stay up.

When the time period arrived when candidate signs could go up, we slapped on color coordinated bumper stickers promoting both of our candidacies.

So, we were running a coordinated campaign. He against Kustra and I against John Brehmer, McHenry County Republican Chairman Al Jourdan's pick.

Until about a third of the votes were counted, we were both getting 55% in McHenry County.

Then, a funny thing happened.

Al stayed at 55% and my percentage kept dropping, and dropping, and dropping until it ended up just under 50%.

Now, how could that have happened?

One of my supporters later compared the number of votes cast for state representative with the number who voted for Republican precinct committeeman at the bottom of the ticket. Very few of these positions were even contested. And, lots of people don't vote for uncontested positions.

You know he found?

More people had cast votes for GOP precinct committeeman than in the hotly contested state rep. race.

As the Church Lady used to say,
"Isn't that special?"
When the Daily Herald called to ask about my close victory, my comment was something like this:
"They forgot about Barrington Township."
I had about 13 precincts therein Cook County where the ballots were counted in each precinct rather than taken to a central counting location, as they were in McHenry County. I carried Barrington Township as well as I was carrying McHenry County for the counting of the first third of its precincts.

Strange how the first third of the ballots counted were a representative sample for Al Salvi, but not for me, isn't it?

Posted first on McHenry County Blog.


Friday, August 03, 2007

Democrat Bill Gentes Announces Run for Senate Seat Bill Peterson Is Vacating in East Central McHenry County District

During the 2006 election, Democrats in Hoffman Estates adopted a strategy of backing a candidate attractive to those who speak Spanish. Combined with the fervent opposition to long-term incumbent State Rep. Terry Parke by abortion supporters, Parke lost his office.

Now, Bill Gentes, a Democratic Party candidate who is fluent in Spanish by reason of having spent 8 years in Mexico, has announced his candidacy for the state senate that State Senator Bill Peterson (R-Long Grove).

The district comes into McHenry County north of Crystal Lake and has much of McHenry in it, plus parts of Cary and Fox River Grove.

The challenger to Parke was a Republican village trustee in Hoffman Estates before he was recruited by the Democrats.

Gentes is the two-term mayor of Round lake, which the press release below points out is “one of the fastest growing…communities in Illinois.”

The issues he has staked out are transportation, jobs, real estate tax relief and education reform.

The mayor is a real estate agent now and has a blog.

His press release is posted on McHenry County Blog, as are ones from State Rep. Jack Franks and Mike Tryon.


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