Showing posts with label HB0466. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HB0466. Show all posts

Saturday, March 24, 2007

HB0466 on limiting Charter Schools

State Rep. Monique Davis (D-Chicago) makes the case for the exact opposite of what she wants HB0466 to do. From yesterday's Trib.

The rise in applications to charter schools "is a sad commentary on our existing public schools," said State Rep. Monique Davis (D-Chicago), who has filed legislation to stop the proliferation of charter schools.

If parents are turning away from the traditional public schools in their neighborhoods, she said, teachers and administrators should figure out why and fix the problems.

"Instead of opening charter schools, we need to go in there and see what the hell is going on in our schools," Davis said.
Best way to get people out there asking what's going on, is to open more of them.

via Collin Hitt at Spontaneous Solutions.

Besides Rep Davis just seems she's making it harder for parents to find out what's going on anyways with HB1890.
Amends the Open Meetings Act and the School Code. Provides that the term "public body" under the Open Meetings Act does not include a teacher peer assistance board or peer evaluation governing board established by a school district and the exclusive representative of its teachers under the Chicago School District Article of the School Code or a professional personnel leadership committee organized under the Chicago School District Article of the School Code.

xp Praire State Blue


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