Showing posts with label Peoria Pundit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Peoria Pundit. Show all posts

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Con-con pro and cons on tonight's Peoria Pundit Radio

peoriapunditradio.jpgI'm sure Rich will forgive me for using Illinoize to plug my BlogtalkRadio show, set to begin tonight at 6 p.m. John Bambenek of the Illinois Citizen's Coalition, a proponent of a Con-Con, will be my first guest on the hour-long show. I'll interview him, then open the phones up for questions. I'm hoping to get a ton of callers telling me what they would like to see in the state's Constitution. It's a long-distance call from Illinois, so use cell phones or VoiP if you've got it.

If there IS a con-con, I'd like to see this change: Term limits for Illinois House and Senate leadership positions. If voters in a district want to keep sending the same hack to Springfield, that's their business. But I don't think the whole state should suffer because some corrupt b*stard managed to to get and hold onto power until he dies.


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