Showing posts with label Concealed Carry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Concealed Carry. Show all posts

Saturday, April 04, 2009

Support of Concealed Carry

Gimbu Kali in this video discusses the possibility of concealed carry in Illinois. It's a good discussion even with the typical cliche in support of concealed carry. That is gun control makes it easier for the criminal element to have guns and victimized those who aren't armed.

What do you think? Should citizens of Illinois be allowed to carry a gun for their own self-defense?


Wednesday, July 04, 2007

FOID Warning

Received my new Firearm Owner’s Identification Card and discovered something I don’t think I have seen before.

There’s a

CAUTION: This card does not permit bearer to UNLAWFULLY carry or use firearms.
But, there’s more:
This does not authorize the carrying of a concealed weapon.

As if most gun owners in Illinois don't know that Illinois is one of the few states in the Union that does not grant that privilege to its law abiding citizens.

The new card does have a nifty little hologram in the lower right hand corner. It is much more colorful in the photograph than when I look at it. It must be the flash.

First posted on McHenry County Blog.


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