Showing posts with label gas prices. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gas prices. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

As Gas Prices Skyrocket, Will the Consumer Mindset Change?

We asked Illinois residents how gas prices were impacting their driving habits.

59.8% said they were driving less
38.2% said they were driving the same
0.5% said they were driving more

So while gas prices are skyrocketing, 4 in 10 Illinois residents still haven't changed their driving behavior.

We then asked residents if rising gas prices had caused them to postpone spending for other purchases they wanted to make. This is where it gets really interesting.

52% of Illinois resident said they had to postpone spending on other purchases they wanted to make, while 46% said they did not. More than half of Illinois residents have changed their spending patterns based on this latest surge in gas prices. Hardest hit appear to be minority communities with 76% of Hispanic residents altering their spending habits and 61% of African American resident altering their spending habits.

What impact will high gas prices have on summer travel?We asked residents if they would be driving more or less this summer than they had driven in past summers.

60% of residents said they would be driving less while 35% said they would be driving the same amount.

Again, at this point 35% of Illinois residents will keep doing what they've been doing for their summers despite high gas prices. It seems that if you have the means, gas prices are simply a nuisance. But if you're strapped for cash, you are changing both your summer travel plans and your spending habits to keep up.


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