Showing posts with label NIU. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NIU. Show all posts

Thursday, March 06, 2008

In Remembrance

Part 1 of this article can be found here.

The Wednesday before last, when I was computer-impaired because of Microsoft's Vista, Governor Rod Blagojevich agreed to the suggestion of the NIU president to use $40 million to tear down and replace Cole Hall, where the massacre took place, and build another lecture hall and an on-campus memorial in its place.

Maybe it is because I was on the House Appropriations Committee through which big capital expenditures flowed in the 1990's, but I immediately thought of how much $40 million would buy.

It would have been bought 40 right-turn lanes back at the turn of the century.

It would go a long way toward re-building and widening Route 31 between Crystal Lake and McHenry, surely the most needed road improvement in McHenry County. (And, yes, leaves have been on the trees sometime in the distant past before Narnia's White Witch turned our area into what seems like a perpetual winter.)

Then, Sunday morning, I woke up thinking of how $40 million (or, maybe it was only $20 million in the late 1990's) would have paid for an underpass in Fox River Grove. Fox River Grove is the only town on the Union Pacific main northwest line without any underpasses or overpasses.

Even though the state managed to come up with money for an overpass for Cary in the 1990's when Route 14 was widened, as you can see above, and Metra officials discussed an overpass in Fox River Grove, it was apparently too much money.

Despite the tragedy.

That would have been an appropriate memorial, it seemed to me.

Instead Fox River Grove residents did what they always do. They did what they could with what they had.

There is a rock with bronze plaques on two sides at the accident site that this little girl is looking at with her mother watching her.

There is also a small plaza in front of the library a block away built with donations and some legislative initiative money, otherwise, known as “pork,” from my allotment.

Five innocents died in DeKalb.

Seven died as a result of the Fox River Grove school bus-Metra train crash.

I think most of the $40 million the NIU president and Governor Blagojevich propose spending tearing down and replacing Cole Hall and building a memorial could be spent better elsewhere.

Instead, in addition to a memorial on campus, why doesn't the legislature pass a law replacing Governor Blagojevich's name on the open road sign with an appropriate memorial message before the NIU exit (built on land I have been was owned by former Republican State Senator Dennis “Denny” Collins)?

One something like the one you can see to the left of the photograph at the O'Hare Oasis above or at the top of this story.

Each Blagojevich sign cost about $15,000.

Then people off campus could be reminded of the tragedy, too.

= = = = =
All photos can be enlarged by clicking on them. Posted first on McHenry County Blog.


Monday, March 03, 2008

Barack Obama Presidential Library - Why Not at NIU?

What an idea!

The Chicago Tribune's prominent placement of Dennis Byrne's column on Governor Rod Blagojevich's plan to memorialize the Northern Illinois massacre by tearing down Cole Hall and spending $40 million to replace it and build an on-campus memorial inspires another idea.

Why not put the Barack Obama
Presidential Library there?

After all, Senator Obama went to the NIU massacre memorial service.

His presidential library doesn't have to be in Chicago. DeKalb is pretty close. The senator represents all of Illinois.

At least private donors would be picking up most of the cost.

And putting his presidential library in DeKalb would help change the image of the campus.

I'll have some thoughts about the NIU massacre memorial on McHenry County Blog on Wednesday and Thursday.


Monday, February 18, 2008

Another Whack at NIU Pres' and Police Chief's Friday Statements

Saturday I repeated a bit of what NIU's president and police chief said at their morning after the massacre press conference:

The president of Northern Illinois University is “pleased at the professionalism of the response.”

“We did everything we could.”

The campus police chief said, “...was not anything we could have done differently...”
I caught some heat for my criticism of these NIU officials praising themselves for succeeding in process (notifying students quickly, getting to the murder room quickly), while ignoring that they failed in their goal to prevent their students from being killed by a satanically tattooed former student, off his Prozac, it turns out.

Finally reading Sunday's Chicago Sun-Times Monday, I see columnist Neil Steinberg and I are in least on the “crowing about how competent they are.”
”...watching a parade of officials over and over praise their own response, emphasizing how extremely proud they are of themselves and their organizations, cite what a good job everybody did—there's something unseemly about it.

“With six dead students and more gravely injured, perhaps they should save the infomercial for another day....”
The Steinberg column may be enlarged by clicking on it.

Posted first at McHenry County Blog, where you know what my answer would be.


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