Showing posts with label NOW. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NOW. Show all posts

Monday, April 02, 2007

NOW pulls endorsement from Chicago 2nd Ward candidate for second time

As I blogged last week, the National Organization of Women embarrassed itself in 2004 by endorsing the pathetic presidential campaign of former Illinois senator Carol Moseley Braun.

Here's another endorsement that NOW would like to sweep under a rug. Make that two endorsements.

Bob Fioretti, an amiable Chicago lawyer who always says "Hi" to me when I run past his Jackson Boulevard home during my annual Chicago Marathon run, received NOW's endorsement in his challenge to unseat incumbent Alderman Madeline Haithcock

In 2003, a court reporter got an order of protection from Fioretti. NOW pulled its endorsement just a few days before the first round of voting.

Fioretti is facing that incumbent in a runoff on April 17, and because NOW believes it was misled by him when explaining that order of protection--the court reporter turned out to be his girlfriend--it has once again pulled its endorsement of Fioretti.

Of course NOW's biggest embarrassment was its ridiculous defense of Bill Clinton during Monica-gate.

Perhaps NOW should stay out of politics.

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