Showing posts with label Eugene Moore. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Eugene Moore. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Cook County Recorder of Deeds: Moore on Smith; and Stroger Hospital Plan

Today's ST,

Moore is quick to claim that Smith is just another politician looking to pad his pension by jumping jobs.

"He just wants to get another salary -- that's all this is about," Moore said. "He's through in the 28th Ward, he knows it. I mean, the guy doesn't have a Walgreens in his ward."
Smith's office a stones-throw from what was once one the largest retail-powerhouses of Chicago: Madison and Pulaski. It's no more....

Also, the plan for an Independent board to govern Stroger Hospital,
• The board would comprise seven health care professionals nominated by Cook County Board President Todd Stroger, but approved by the county board. Suggestions for the board would be forwarded to Stroger by a county health care group assembled by U.S. Sen. Dick Durbin and led by RUSH University Medical Center President Larry Goodman.

• The new seven-member board would select its own CEO and president.

• The system's board would have taxing authority, but its budget would be subject to final approval by the Cook County Board.

• All hiring and contract authority would be transferred to the health system board.
Sounds more like a sole source bid to Rush. Maybe just sell Stroger and bid the care competitively instead?


Friday, December 21, 2007

Daley's endoresment of Ed Smith

From the Sun Times on Daley backs Council foe for county job,

Moore acknowledged that the mayor's endorsement of his opponent was a blow to his campaign. "The mayor probably wants to get rid of him from being an alderman."
I thought they made you a Congressman instead when they wanted you to leave.


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