Showing posts with label Bridges. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bridges. Show all posts

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Watch this space...

Today I put a deposit on a new sewing machine!!!!!!!!!!  I'm so excited!!!!!  The only pain is that I have to wait till the end of the month for it to arrive.... :(   Ohhhh well.... that gives me till the end of the month to plan some new projects....

I have been working on a new 3D machine embroidered landscape but have hit a few snags... one being that my current machine can't cope with the thickness of my work, and the second being perspective.  With this piece (it's the bridges from several months ago, you can read about it here and here) I have 2 angles of perspective to deal with rather than single perspective of the previous pieces so I have to look and think about it differently... it's all about problem solving and thinking outside the square.

BTW it's a Bernina 430.

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

My 'bridges' idea is starting to come together...


I've found a couple of images that fit my original idea (I've explained before how I get a feeling for a project, but not exactly an image - this time I managed to find the images that matched the 'feeling' I was looking for) and have sketched and traced and layered and adjusted to create a design that will work - technically and visually.


I can't wait to get started but there are a couple of other projects that I need to finish first...  hopefully my enthusiasm won't fade before I get the chance to start sewing.  Actually I don't think that will happen because I've actually developed this idea to the point of starting, and not just in my head! so even if  it takes a couple of weeks to get to it, I still know where I'm headed.

This slow-growing scarf is one thing I must finish...  I love it - the way that it twists - but it's just a bit slow growing.  I've used one ball of the Noro Silk Garden so far and will definitely need 4 or maybe even 5 balls... I'd better keep knitting because I was planning on having this done by the weekend...

Something else that I was hoping to have finished by the weekend (and I haven't even started yet) is a Baguette Bag - a Nicole Mallalieu Design.  I have made this bag before and absolutely love it! but it takes a bit of concentration...

I think I may be a bit too ambitious here...


Friday, May 28, 2010



Today for the first time I have been inspired to do something creative...  I won't start it yet... the idea is still developing and I have a weekend of visiting ahead of me, but the ideas are flowing, the search for images is on and the sketches have started...

It came with the quote that I posted earlier in the week:

"The hardest thing in life is to learn which bridge to cross and which to burn" (David Russell)

I found it (on the internet of course!) when I was feeling pretty low.  I've been using quotes as a 'pick-me-up' or 'mantra'.  I re-wrote this quote onto a sticky-note (gotta love post-it-notes!) and it has been attached to my computer screen all week...and it really has helped to keep me focused on the "bigger picture".

This morning I made this rough journal entry using the quote - just as a reminder to myself of the quote...  and then I realised that this is my next project!!  Bridges...  There are heaps (and heaps) of bridge related quotes and sayings ... "build a bridge and get over it" and "it's water under the bridge" and "bridge the gap".  I don't intend to get too deep... it's simply that this quote has me thinking bridges and suddenly I can now see bridges 'working' in the type of images that I create.  It's one of those things where the image has meaning only to the creator...   I'm actually really excited about this one!