Showing posts with label projects. Show all posts
Showing posts with label projects. Show all posts

Friday, September 12, 2008

How many projects do I have?...

Again I;m responding to a question posed by Nicky Perryman at Creative Force Online "How many projects do you have right now?..."

OK. I've thought about it. I was going to put it off along with all the rest but figured that if I put it on here it might be the push I need to get them (some of them) done.

Japanese inspired quilt for a friend. It's pieced and needs to be quilted - I hate this part so it's sitting in a pillowslip waiting for the 'right time'

Japanese inspired quilt that I started for myself (this is what my friend saw and wanted something similar for herself). I've started to quilt it, but have mucked it up and need to unpick (arghhhh!) some of it because it's soooooo bad.

(note: I love quilts, and I like putting the bits together, but as for the quilting - I really think that it's not my cup of tea. I'll draw with my machine to create my landscapes but quilting on a great big quilt is something else)

Butterfly quilt that I started about ummm.... 8 years ago? This has appliqued butterflies with blanket stitch around them and then pieced pinwheel blocks (I think that's what they're called). I've blanket stitched just over half of the butterflies and have made umpteen pinwheel blocks and have millions left to do. I get this one out occassionally and sew a few more bits, but the hard part is that it's really not my style anymore. I think that this is the first quilt that I started. Since then I've finished 1 other quilt, 1 quilted wallhanging (in the current exhibition) and started 2.

A pair of knitted (to be felted) slippers that I started for Bryan and which I picked up recently but can't find where I am in the pattern and fear that I'll have to rippit back until I can find a place I know. I am also unsure about whether I have enough wool. Perhaps I should rippit all the way back....

A knitted (to be felted) handbag that I've lost interest in. Not really in colours that I like and I'm not sure that it's going to work - maybe I'll rippit too!

Oh and there's another quilt(let?) from a kit that a friend bought for me. I've peiced it and don't know what to do next. I should put a back on it and quilt it as practice but I don't know what to do with it next (again not my style to have hanging on the wall). Perhaps I could re-gift it? (would that be wrong?)

Cross stitch. Another something started a long time ago that's nearly finished but not quite. I've tried to finish it a couple of times but again I don't know what to do with it when I do. Another gift?...

Lastly there is a bag of un-named samples, starts and tests that needs attention. I probably should look into this bag sometime and repossess some things and throw out others.... sometime...

Looking back over this list it seems that the unfinished things are either things started a long time ago and aren't my 'thing' anymore or something that I struggle with (the quilting).

Yes I will work on reducing this list (perhaps I'll stick it over there on the sidebar as a reminder) but at the moment I need to start something new... I know finish before you start! but these are just loose ends. I have discovered my direction and that's where I want to focus my time. I'll choose one project and work on it, but I will also work on something that I WANT to be doing as well.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

What’s my next project?....

I don’t really have one at the moment. No strike that… I haven’t settled on one yet.

I’m making some cushion covers for a friend that need to be done before I start anything else. I made one last night and have 2 more which I should be able to do tonight.

Then I’m going to do a tidy-up of the work-room before I start on anything else. And then what I do start will be something already underway. I have a number of projects at various stages laid out on the table but buried under a whole pile of other stuff that has accumulated on top.

From memory there is the butterfly quilt which I am determined to finish before the year is out. There’s also the Kimono quilt which needs to be unpicked (I mucked up my first attempt at quilting it) and quilted properly with a walking foot. I need to get some things finished before I start on anything new!!

THEN I’m going to work on the Japanese quilt for S.