Showing posts with label scarves. Show all posts
Showing posts with label scarves. Show all posts

Monday, June 07, 2010



I got quite a lot of work done on the baguette on the weekend... I might even have finished it if I hadn't broken two needles.  I can't believe I didn't have any more spares!!!  I have a whole stash packed away in a box somewhere... in storage... but none with me! Anyway... here are some pics of my progress so far....

Front of flap...

Underneath flap...

Lining - in place but no attached...



And the twisty scarf was well received (as expected) so unfortunately I didn't get to keep it. *grin*  I'll just have to make another one!

Friday, June 04, 2010

Twisty scarf... finished...

Twisty Knitted Scarf

Twisty scarf: 3 balls of Noro Silk Garden knitted on 5.00mm needles. It was slow to start with but I definitely got quicker... and yes I did buy the extra ball but after trying it on, and seeing the scarf displayed in the shop, I decided against using it - I think that this is a perfect length and if the new recipient doesn't like it then I'll gladly keep it and wear it myself.  *grin*  Of course whilst I was at the wool shop I found another gorgeous sample of this scarf knit in a really fine wool and love it too - and so I came away with 1 ball of that yarn as well (the sample said 1 ball so I figured I'd give it a try). 

My next project is the Baguette... all cut out and ready to sew... I'm just not sure if I'll get this done... (I'm heading out for dinner tonight, and was hoping to have it done before I pick my brother and his girlfriend up from the airport at lunchtime on Saturday)  Wishful thinking....


Tuesday, June 01, 2010

My 'bridges' idea is starting to come together...


I've found a couple of images that fit my original idea (I've explained before how I get a feeling for a project, but not exactly an image - this time I managed to find the images that matched the 'feeling' I was looking for) and have sketched and traced and layered and adjusted to create a design that will work - technically and visually.


I can't wait to get started but there are a couple of other projects that I need to finish first...  hopefully my enthusiasm won't fade before I get the chance to start sewing.  Actually I don't think that will happen because I've actually developed this idea to the point of starting, and not just in my head! so even if  it takes a couple of weeks to get to it, I still know where I'm headed.

This slow-growing scarf is one thing I must finish...  I love it - the way that it twists - but it's just a bit slow growing.  I've used one ball of the Noro Silk Garden so far and will definitely need 4 or maybe even 5 balls... I'd better keep knitting because I was planning on having this done by the weekend...

Something else that I was hoping to have finished by the weekend (and I haven't even started yet) is a Baguette Bag - a Nicole Mallalieu Design.  I have made this bag before and absolutely love it! but it takes a bit of concentration...

I think I may be a bit too ambitious here...


Friday, May 14, 2010



My noro silk garden scarf is finished and already snuggly employed around my neck. Even though the yarn is composed of 45% Silk 45% Kid Mohair and 10% Lambwool it isn't as soft as I would have thought. To be honest I bought it for the colour and the scarf pattern (available for $1 with purchase of this yarn) and I'm very happy with both.


Now I can get back to something else... maybe the granny squares... maybe something else... I want to be creative but my head is just not in the right space so perhaps I'll stick with patterns for now.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

It's growing!!!


This is one ball of  Noro Silk Garden so I am now halfway through. I haven't measured it but the finished scarf will be a good length - not too long, not too short... just right!!


I'm really enjoying how quick this is to knit and have decided to use this same pattern for some Alpaca Wool that I picked up from my Auntie at Sunline Alpaca's.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Knitting and crotchet fever...

Finally, pictures of my Granny squares. These were just to get me started... I'm not sure if they're too small, or if I want to mix up the colours or if I'll even go with some plain and some mixed colours - lots more decisions to make (and lots lots more squares to make).



In the mean-time I've gotten a bit distracted - not at all unusual I hear you say (particularly you Mum!). I found this wool and pattern at the stitches and craft show on Sunday and needed to give it a go. It grows quickly so I reckon I'll have this knocked over in no time and will be back to granny squares before you know it.



I also found a part-made crotchet rug (started more than 8 years ago - probably more like 9) when I went home to Mum and Dad's place in Queensland last week. It started out being one of those tartan crotchet rugs - from this book here - of course I don't know where the book is now... and for some reason I've chosen to use white, royal blue, yellow, black (and a bit of red I think). I'm not sure if the colours were from a specific pattern or my choice, but I thought i might try and finish it as well. I might have to see if I can get my hands on another copy of the book.

It's definitely knitting/crotchet weather in Melbourne...