Showing posts with label image making. Show all posts
Showing posts with label image making. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

My 'bridges' idea is starting to come together...


I've found a couple of images that fit my original idea (I've explained before how I get a feeling for a project, but not exactly an image - this time I managed to find the images that matched the 'feeling' I was looking for) and have sketched and traced and layered and adjusted to create a design that will work - technically and visually.


I can't wait to get started but there are a couple of other projects that I need to finish first...  hopefully my enthusiasm won't fade before I get the chance to start sewing.  Actually I don't think that will happen because I've actually developed this idea to the point of starting, and not just in my head! so even if  it takes a couple of weeks to get to it, I still know where I'm headed.

This slow-growing scarf is one thing I must finish...  I love it - the way that it twists - but it's just a bit slow growing.  I've used one ball of the Noro Silk Garden so far and will definitely need 4 or maybe even 5 balls... I'd better keep knitting because I was planning on having this done by the weekend...

Something else that I was hoping to have finished by the weekend (and I haven't even started yet) is a Baguette Bag - a Nicole Mallalieu Design.  I have made this bag before and absolutely love it! but it takes a bit of concentration...

I think I may be a bit too ambitious here...


Wednesday, October 01, 2008

A rose by another name...

Nikki commented that the bok choy looked a bit like a stylised rose, and I think that she's right - the print especially has a rose look to it.

Bok choy print2

OK so here's my quick attempt to manipulate my Bok choy image in Paint Shop (not Photo Shop as I said yesterday - see I don't even know what program I have, let alone know how to use it!). I cropped the page to focus on one of the prints and then used a newspaper affect and then some sort of coloured edge effect (I think!).

I'm not wrapped in the image, but there are features that I like and things that I can see 'textile potential' in. I kinda like the soft greenish coloured squares that ended up around the outsides (I think that this is probably shaddow from the scanned image) - I'm seeing layered squares of sheers and other fabrics as a ground with stitching over-top...

Where to now?... I'm not sure yet, but I'd like to continue to see where this takes me. Stay tuned for further developments.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Bok Choy Printing

Bok Choy stem

This is the bok choy stem from dinner the other night's dinner - isn't the shape interesting. I tried printing with it and got some nice 'light' prints - probably because of the moisture in the stems.

Bok Choy Print

I'm going to try manipulating the image with photoshop (using my limited knowledge of photoshop) and see what happens. I'll keep you posted.