Showing posts with label bags. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bags. Show all posts

Thursday, February 05, 2009

First day at school

No, not me...

See Jeana's post here about Eowyn's first day at school - complete with new bag!!

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Eowyn's Bag

So here it is, the finished article... Spick and span and ready for delivery - and it was well received.


Adjustable straps - padded for comfort
Internal zipper pocket for special stuff

Drink bottle pockets on each side (well one drink bottle - one for other special stuff)


I think that I might give this bag another go....

Monday, February 02, 2009

Almost there...


The bag is now finished and ready for delivery to Jeana and Eowyn. I want them to see it first so I'm only posting this cryptic picture of the straps. More photos to come. I must say I am very please with how it turned out.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Bags of fun..

I've had a very productive day of sewing making Eowyn's bag. I've really enjoyed it despite my initial uncertainty about not having a pattern.

I started with a rough (very rough) sample to get an idea of size and then took a quick trip to the op-shop with my tape measure in my pocket to find a child's backpack so I could compare my measurements - mine were pretty similar so I was set to go ahead.

I think the bit that I've enjoyed most is the problem solving. The bit where I've had to work out what order I need to work in to ensure that I don't have to back-track or unpick - so far so good and I've been able to work forward all the way.

What I've discovered is that I've had to work in a slightly different order to what I'm used to. Normally I make up the body of the bag and then make straps and pockets etc and then the lining and then assemble it all. For this bag I've had to make up most of the straps and pockets first before I could sew the first seam on the body of the bag. I've even worked out how to include a couple of neat pockets that worked a treat.

All that's left for tomorrow is to finish the straps, the flap and the lining and join it all together. Finally I'll add a magnetic closure and then sit back and admire my work.

Oh and I should add that todays temperature was MUCH more comfortable...

Thursday, December 11, 2008

slow progress...

I've neglected my blog of late... Most of my thoughts are taken up with thoughts of our house that is in it's very early stages and all that goes with it (colour choices, loans, deposits, conveyancing, where we want power points....)

I am slowing getting the hand-stitching done on Sue's Japanese Quilt and only have 2 and 3/4 blocks to go. That's about the equivalent of 3 movies worth of stitching (as long as the movie doesn't have sub-titles as last nights choice did...)

I've also cut out fabric for 2 handbags and 2 zippered purses which I've been working on bit-by-bit. I'm currently up to ironing on the interfacing and have been grabbing time whilst I take a lunch break to do a bit. (I'm struggling between wanting to sew bags and wanting/needing to get the handsewing of the quilt finished). I also have a few other bags planned but thought I'd better not get too far ahead of myself!

So as nothing's finished and you've seen enough of the quilt, I'll leave you with a pic of Tyler - the Supervisor in her new and very UPSIZED bed!!


Thursday, November 20, 2008

Finished... at last...

I actually managed to finish my bag last weekend, with 10 minutes to spare before I was due to catch a train into Melbourne for the weekend (actually I missed the first train because I was too busy sewing and forgot to watch the time).

I'm very pleased with it. It's got an adjustable handle attached with o-rings, two zips, one with this neat little placket to hold onto, pockets with pleats so that they expand and a magnet (shhhh, don't tell Nikki that I mucked that up - I was in a bit of a rush and didn't check properly that the right sides together, and so they don't join up like they should - you know how when you put two magnets together and they repell rather than stick?.... well mine do that and stick when they are off centre so I'll have to unpick a bit of the lining so that I can get in and fix it - no big deal)

BTW I did the workshop with Nikki of Nicole Mallalieu Design. Nikki also blogs at You SEW Girl. It was a fabulous workshop and I can't wait to do another. We (another lady Jane who was at the workshop) are already saving up to do A Sharper Edge - Finishing techniques for intermediate and experienced sewers and then Patternmaking for Bags I - Learn to turn your creative ideas into reality without the need to ever buy another bag pattern!

Sorry, the pictures aren't great... it's hard to photograph without a model :)



Inset Zip




Friday, August 24, 2007

The felted purse in finished and felted.... Successfully!!!!

Felted bag - note the loooong handle I Couldn't wait to get home an throw the bag into the washing machine after having put the finishing touches to it on the train ride home. Yes, I did remeber the before pictures - I even thought to put a ruler into the picture as a comparison. I didn't bothe with measuring though... that would have taken too much time!

Felted purse - before felting

Felted purse - after

Inside the felted bag

I think it looks a bit liek a strawberry - both in colour and shape!

I do love this process though. You put it into the washing machine and hey presto - felted bag!

And as promised here are a few more pics of the bag I finished last week....

Bag packed and in use

Inside - all packed (fits the crochet and a book)
More inside the bag

Alternative use for teh phone pocket - perfect size for scizzors and a packet of needles
Bag pockets

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Crocheted bag

The crocheted bag is coming along very nicely. I think I've worked out the various stitches. Besides, felting is very forgiving and will hide most mistakes.

At this rate I should be able to put it in the washing machine and felt it by tomorrow. I must remember to take a BEFORE picture as a record. (Hopefully it felts OK as I didn't do an tests before I started...)

Monday, August 20, 2007

Weekend update

Ok - I have to admit - I do like the bag. I put the dowel rod in the top and it gives it enough structure to carry well. It looks good and carries everything I need, including my crochet.

Yes crochet. This is another project that I have been plugging away at lately but not told you of. It's a felted bag (handbag - 'cause I girl can never have tooooo many bags!!). I haven't crocheted for some time and so I have had a few false starts. First I made the back/flap but what I thought was treble crochet, turned out to be 1/2 treble and therefore the whole thing needed to be discarded. Now I'm on the front piece and that too has been ripped out (in frustration I might add) at least 5 times!! and several more partial rips. Finally, after drawing it several times, starting again, ripping it out, redrawing and starting again (again!) I have the gist of it and have been going great-guns! It's actually quite a quick pattern when you get the hang of it (and after I had adjusted a few numbers to make it work).

I should get a fair bit of the front done on the train trip home (I did well on the train ride into work). Then it's onto the struggle of working out the rest of the pattern (the eyelets).

Next time I think I should look at the difficulty level AS WELL as a pattern I like!!!!

Friday, August 17, 2007

It's finished... but....

I've finished the bag, but I'm not sure I like it....

Well - not quite finished - it needs a bit of dowel in the top for support but it's been too dark and cold outside to venture out to the shed for the saw to cut it to size (I know - what a wimp!!)

In some ways I think I like the act of creating, more than the finished products. I get excited about a project, I work on it and get more excited as it grows and takes shape, and then I finish and think well.... ummm.... it's not what I expected.... (you get the picture)

I'm not sure what it is that I don't like. I'm not sure that it's anything specific. Maybe it's just that the buzz has gone now that it's finished!

I figured that maybe a test drive would help me to decide. So this morning I packed it with my book (still Area 7 by Matthew Reilly) and my magazine (the latest Textile Fibre Forum). They both fit perfectly - with room for a bit more. It sits well on my shoulder and ran well (when I do the bolt across the road from the train station to the tram stop). I think that it would do even better with the dowel in the top to give it some more shape.

I also think that the top flaps need a bit of definition. Maybe a line stitched along the fold to help it fold and sit better would help. Maybe a bit of quilting to join the two layers (inside and outside) a bit better. I don't want it to look like a "home-made-quilted-bag) but I think that there are a few adjustments required to make it 'work'.

Anyway... I think it will work and it will grow on me. I must say that I do love the colours and the look of it - it's just the design stuff that I'm not sooo happy with.

I promise I will still give you a tour - on the weekend when I have time!

Monday, August 13, 2007

A sneak peak at "the bag"...

As promised, here's a quick look at the bag.

A sneak peak at my new handbag I've been making...

It's still not finished but the end is definitely in sight. I haven't unpicked that wretched binding yet, but adjusted the width of the binding for the other pocket and it worked a treat so I've dug out the unpicker and will set to it tomorrow.

A sneak peak at my new handbag I've been making...

I'll give you a tour later - it's full of pockets and nooks...

I Tried!!!!!!

I really tried to get the bag finished yesterday but alas....

I have it assembled and only need to do the binding on the edges and the strap (and then add some decorations if I feel so inclined at the end of all this).

The problem at the moment is the thickness!! I have two sides to sew together, each with 2 layers of fabric and a thin wadding, plus seam allowances for each so double that, and the binding. That's 12 layers that I'm trying to sew through - plus more in some place!. Now if I'd designed this bag, and if I make it again, I would change that - it's not necessary to have all that!

Anyway, I did manage to stitch it without breaking a needle, but now the binding itself is not wide enough to wrap around all of those layers in some places (at the top and bottom where there are other seam allowances in the mix). So, I have it all pinned in place and am deciding on whether to hand sew it and bodgy up the awkward ends as best I can, or do I unpick it an cut a wider binding that will fit over. I hate unpicking, but the rest of it looks so good that I don't want this to muck it up - I think I'm going to have to unpick and cut new binding.

We'll see how I go tonight.... I'm not promising anything as the New Geelong Spotlight is opening today and I'm going to head over. I know, so will hundreds of others but I have a voucher to spend so why not! Perhaps I'll at least try to post a sneak peak picture...

Saturday, August 11, 2007

A bit more progress...

I managed to get a bit more done on the bag last night! I've been trying to push myself to do a bit of sewing (or something) a few nights a week. I'm hoping that soon enough it will become a habit (a good one) and I'll manage to get a whole lot more done and be a lot more creative!!

I find that in this house I sit at the dining table a lot more in the evenings and watch TV. Not very comfy but that's the point. It's a great place to sit and sew and means I don't settle down on the couch for the night.

Yes, I'm a snatch and grab TV watching sewer!!!. I pin and assemble and cut threads during the show, and run to the sewing machine and/or iron in the ad breaks. But hey! it works for me!!

Back to the bag - I now have the lining finished and am up to the assembly. Tomorrow, being Sunday and my day off (I worked saturday), I hope to get it finished so I can put it into action on Monday.

BTW Yesterday's mail brought the latest edition of Textile Fibre Forum:

Today I also picked up the latest Quilting Arts magazine.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Bag progress...

You didn't really think I'd get it finished did you?...

I made some progress on the bag last night. I have the outside piece assembled (a long strip with pockets attached) and am ready to do the lining. I know - slow progress and no pictures but I think it will come together quickly when the lining is done.

And look what arrived last night! This bag of goodies came from my Mum and Dad - my bootie that they brought back from their overseas trip.

Dyes from South America

A cute little embroidered bag

Belt loom weaving

Close up of weaving

Thanks!!! I love it all!!!!!!!!

Monday, August 06, 2007

Weekend Update!...

B and I spent the whole weekend at the snow - at Falls Creek. It was a fantastic weekend! Saturday was a bit miserable (weather-wise) with snow all day, clouds that kept foiling the views and the wind in the afternoon but Sunday was great. Sunday we got fresh snow to ride on and the sun graced us withits presence so that I could actually see where I was going and get my bearings.

Despite the number of people that seemed to be all over the mountain, the lines at the lifts were almost non-existent. We did learn something though - the restuarants seem to be booked at least a week in advance so we know that for next time. We did find somewhere to eat eventually and enjoyed yummy food and a warm cosy restuarant with some very nice mulled wine so it turned out well in the end - our back-up plan was a pizza delivered, which would have worked too!

OK - enough snow talk.

What's the reading for this week?... This week I'm reading Area 7 by Matthew Reilly . I've had this book for a while, and can't remember if I've read it or not (terrible huh!) I enjoy reading his books - they're fast paced and interesting - so I figure I'll read it again anyway.

I did finish Blood Ties and really enjoyed it - a great read.

I haven't picked up The Quilter's Book of Design again lately, but am hoping to have a chance this week.

Progress on the Bag... The bag is coming along slowly. I've set aside some time tonight to get some more done and hopefully to finish it soon. I will update you when It's done.

Friday, March 02, 2007

Mum's Bag - FINISHED

I did manage to finish Mum's bag this week and it's in the mail, winging its way up to Central Queensland. Hope you like the real thing Mum - otherwise Shirley in NZ said she'd gladly take it off your hands...

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Sunday update

Sunday's nearly over and it's back to work tomorrow which means very little (if any) art till next weekend.
So what did I manage to acheive?....

Well I have rediscovered the dining room, and the kitchen and B worked his magic on the lounge. Looks so good - why doesn't it stay that way...

The handbag I mentioned is for my Mum and is very nearly finished - everything except the hand-stitching to close the lining up, and a few stitches in the base to join outside to the inside (which is really fiddly and a pain in the bum but worth it cause it sits better when it's done).

Here's a bad pic of the whole bag. The fabric is actually black with flowers embroidered over it - a suede feel.
Mum's bag
Here's a closer pic - the fabric looks grey but trust me it is black

Close-up of Mum's bag

and here's a sneak peak at the inside (not too close as it's yet to be finished)
Inside Mum's bag

No time for journal quilts but I do plan to work on some ideas over the coming week.