Showing posts with label landscape. Show all posts
Showing posts with label landscape. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Where we live

B and I went walking on the weekend - we decided we should start exploring the place where we live. This weekend we walked the Jarosite Waling track (near Torquay - Great Ocean Road, Victoria) Our walk took us from Ironbark Basin (named because the area is full of iron-bark trees) along the ridge to the top of a point from where we could see Southside Beach and Bells Beach and back to Point Addis.

Ironbark trees are Eucalypts with deeply furrowed bark as in the picture below.

This a picture that B took after our walk. He is on he beach at Point Addis looking back up towards where we've just walked (along the ridge at the top of the photo).

Looking back towards Bells Beach from Point Addis

I love the texture of the rocks along the front. I can see textiles - couched treads, machine stitched down...

And lastly this is a picture hat I took - again I loved the texture and figured it'd be a good picture for the photo-bank - good for inspiration.

Grass Tree Remains - a cool texture

It is the remains of a Grasstree (Xanthorrhoea johnsonii) - all those little curls make up the trunk/stump. Here are some Grasstrees as they usually stand... (the one on the right has been burnt in a burshfire and the shows the bright green regrowth). I've wanted to stitch grasstrees but so far my attempts haven't been too successfull.