Showing posts with label Open your door. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Open your door. Show all posts

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Stash Diving....

I'd discovered KiwiCaroles journal workshop Open your Door a couple of weeks ago and have been deciding whether to join in or not... my indecision was based solely on the fact that this is the sort of workshop that is great for someone with a good collection of 'stuff' stashed away for the 'perfect project'.  This explains me to a tee... however with my stash temporarily stashed into boxes and storage, I was concerned that I wouldn't be able to find what I know I have...

Yesterday I bit the bullet and joined up!  I figured that I could make do with what I have access to.  I can learn the skills and techniques and then, when my stash is un-stashed I can have another go.

Having paid my money and logged into the dedicated blog I started reading through the materials lists and the first preliminary posts (the workshop officially starts Monday) about covers and papers and the dreaded happened... I KNOW I have a roll of wonderful-perfect-for-the-task papers hidden somewhere in the stored stash!!! No longer content with 'making-do' I ventured to the shed and the neatly stacked boxes and started digging...


Low and behold, after searching only 4 boxes I'd managed to find the tool-boxes containing my paints, pencils, brushes, stamps and other mark-making tools as well as the aforementioned roll of special papers!!!  Now I just need to go op-shopping to find an old book to repurpose...


Bring on Monday as I'm now equiped and doubly excited!!! (and with Monday being a Public Holiday in Oz it makes it even better!!!)
