Showing posts with label books. Show all posts
Showing posts with label books. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Quiet... to chaos... and back again...

Monday night's wine - what's left of it

My quiet world of evenings spent on the couch with my knitting or crochet was unexpectedly (and temporarily) bombarded by people, 2 super-hyper kids, pizza, wine and chatter - pleasantly I should say.

Needless to say I got nothing done but had a nice evening...  Back to normal tonight I believe...

Breach of TrustIn the meantime I'll leave you with what I've been reading...  Breach of  Trust by DiAnn Mills
It's an e-book that I'm reading using the Kindle Application for Ipod touch.  This is the first e-book I have read and so far I'm enjoying it... no heavy book to hold - easy to find your place and goes anywhere without weighing down my handbag...

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Natural dyeing, Leaf prints and India Flint

Leaf print sampler - not my work

I bought this piece of fabric at an exhibition some time last year as a reminder of a natural dye technique that really interested me. I don't recall the artists (terrible I know) but I do recall it was a group of 3 (I think) artists from the Wangaratta area of Victoria, who had worked together to create these amazing pieces of fabric using leaves placed on damp fabric that was then rolled up and steamed. It remember thinking that this is definitely something that I'd like to try (I know, add it to the list!).

The idea has been simmering in the back of my mind ever since and now that I've discovered this book by India Flint my interest has been rekindled.

Ecocolour is a fabulous book full of luscious pictures and dyeing recipes, but one that really gets you thinking. India's concept is to use ecologically and ethically responsible fabrics, dyes and mordants to create colourful garments and cloth.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

What I'm reading this week...

I'm still doing nothing creative. This lack of creativity is made even more difficult by the fact that I'm ready a good book - can't do both on the train at once (need audio books, which need a player...)

Whiteout, by Ken Follett is one of those books where you are so absorbed that the conversations happening around you on the train dissappear. Where you are so absorbed that suddenly you look up and notice that the train is pulling into your station and you're not at the end of the chapter and consider sitting there till you are. I started this one on Monday and thought I was only a little way into it, but now realise that I'm almost half-way through. Now I'm wondering if I should slow down so that I can enjoy it for longer.

Monday, August 06, 2007

Weekend Update!...

B and I spent the whole weekend at the snow - at Falls Creek. It was a fantastic weekend! Saturday was a bit miserable (weather-wise) with snow all day, clouds that kept foiling the views and the wind in the afternoon but Sunday was great. Sunday we got fresh snow to ride on and the sun graced us withits presence so that I could actually see where I was going and get my bearings.

Despite the number of people that seemed to be all over the mountain, the lines at the lifts were almost non-existent. We did learn something though - the restuarants seem to be booked at least a week in advance so we know that for next time. We did find somewhere to eat eventually and enjoyed yummy food and a warm cosy restuarant with some very nice mulled wine so it turned out well in the end - our back-up plan was a pizza delivered, which would have worked too!

OK - enough snow talk.

What's the reading for this week?... This week I'm reading Area 7 by Matthew Reilly . I've had this book for a while, and can't remember if I've read it or not (terrible huh!) I enjoy reading his books - they're fast paced and interesting - so I figure I'll read it again anyway.

I did finish Blood Ties and really enjoyed it - a great read.

I haven't picked up The Quilter's Book of Design again lately, but am hoping to have a chance this week.

Progress on the Bag... The bag is coming along slowly. I've set aside some time tonight to get some more done and hopefully to finish it soon. I will update you when It's done.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

What I'm reading now...

Beside my bed at home is...

"The Quilters Book of Design" by Ann Johnston.

Whilst I don't call myself a quilter, I picked up this book because I like Ann's way of looking at the principles of design. There are no 'projects' but there are 'challenges' which is the sort of thing that I'm looking for. I've decided to try and read from cover to cover (which I often don't do) and am finding that I am enjoying it. I do think that rather than just reading, that I should also be 'trying' as I go to really put it to the test.

Ann Johnston also wrote "Colour by Accident" which I have and "Colour by Design" which I want. You can find out more at her web site Ann Johnston

What I'm reading on the train...

A friend gave me this book last week "Blood Ties" by Sam Hayes. In her words "once you start you won't be able to put it down". She was right. I started reading it on Monday and I reckon I'll have it finished by tomorrow. An easy read but very absorbing.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

A Day in the City

Yesterday I met up with Maureen of Tangled Threads and had a wonderful day. We spent the day wandering Melbourne and chatting non-stop as though we'd known each other for ages - it was great!! Oh and she brought me some fabulous threads that she'd hand-dyed threads and another beauty - what a gem!

Gifted Threads

Thanks Maureen for a wonderful day.

Afterwards I dropped by my favourite bookshop and picked up this beauty. It is an amazing book with lots of scrumptious pictures. What I really liked is it has lots of samples of textures and ways to interpret with stitch (both hand and machine). Very inspirational!