Showing posts with label felt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label felt. Show all posts

Monday, February 08, 2010

More felting...

Hand carding alpaca fleece

Yesterday I dug out the bag of alpaca fleece, the hand carders, the bubble wrap, detergent and some silk and set to work...

Felting - laying out the fibres

I layed the fibres in a grid pattern onto a piece of tissue silk.

Alpaca felt on tissue silk

Alpaca felt on tissue silk

Alpaca felt on tissue silk

The results were small - I can't believe how much it has shrunk - but I was happy with how it had turned out. Next time I might not take the felting so far, to keep the fibres softer, but all in all a successful day...


I left my felted piece hanging on the line overnight. No problem there, except that I got up this morning and let "The Supervisor" out (AKA our dog Tyler). Turns out she wasn't so impressed with my efforts and tore a hole in the silk as she pulled it off the line with her teeth...


Maybe she smelt the alpaca and thought... well she is a hunting breed afterall...

It's my fault - I left it there and I know she's partial to the fluffly stuff because while I was working yesterday, she'd pick up bits of fleece and start eating them... it was the funniest sight to see her with a big white beard... I just wasn't thinking straight first thing this-morning.

I guess I should be glad that there's only a hole in one section and that after pulling it off the line that she didn't proceed to play with and chew it. Anyway, I now need to work out if this is "repairable" or make "good" of it, or if I throw it back into the cupboard and call it a sample...