This challenge is designed to help us lessen the amount of hot water we are wasting, simply by installing low flow shower heads. It's money down the drain:
- If each member of a family of four takes a daily five-minute shower, the family will use more than 700 gallons of water every week, a three-year supply of drinking water for one person. (source: Seattle City Light,
- The Department of Energy says heating water is the second-largest residential energy user.
- To complete this challenge, you simply have to go to your local hardware store and buy the low flow shower heads. This will cost you between $25-30. Then, go home and install them. This should take you no more than 30 minutes per shower.
For that little effort and money, you will be saving around $20 a year and about 30 pounds of carbon dioxide a month! Not bad!!! By simply installing low flow shower heads, you'll be using less water and saving energy!