Showing posts with label Banner. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Banner. Show all posts

Monday, December 30, 2019

November Projects

Hello Friends!

I would like to say I didn't almost forget to post this-but I did!  My day worked out to where I could play with new goodies from Christmas and watch some crafty You Tube videos-so adulting was not on the schedule.  That's right no laundry was washed or dishes put away.  That will all be stuff for tomorrow! LOL!

So I have to tell you that in November there was not a lot of crafty stuff going on.  I had a chest cold in October that progressed to bronchitis.  Ugh!  It was not fun.  And then the first round of meds didn't quite get rid of it so then there was round two.

But I promised my boss that I would make a banner for our new Thanksgiving themed event called Pumpkin Pie Picnic.  And with the help of Pinterest and Hobby Lobby this is what happened:

Here is a close up of on of the letters.  I used my silhouette for the letters and zip dry glue.  Now let me tell you about zip dry glue--it doesn't leave indents on the paper letters that are adhered to glitter paper.  Glossy accents (and I love you!) does.  I don't know how but for this scenario it is definitely the go to glue.  I did a stitch through felt strips and got glued them on for the crust.  It took about two "felt crusts" each.  And the stitch was easy-just time consuming where you go in and out of the material and scrunch it all together at the end.

Here's a closer look at picnic.

There is this card that I made at the end of October or beginning of November.  A friend of ours, David Gremmels, is a now world famous cheese producer.  So I made him a card to celebrate this honor.  His cheese Rogue River Blue won the highest score-and I embossed stars and cut the crown out of gold glitter paper.  The earth is a metallic shimmery paper I had in my stash.

Thank you for stopping by!  I'm better now (lol otherwise I would be sleeping!)  There are a few things for December so I will see you soon! :)