Showing posts with label Felt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Felt. Show all posts

Monday, December 30, 2019

November Projects

Hello Friends!

I would like to say I didn't almost forget to post this-but I did!  My day worked out to where I could play with new goodies from Christmas and watch some crafty You Tube videos-so adulting was not on the schedule.  That's right no laundry was washed or dishes put away.  That will all be stuff for tomorrow! LOL!

So I have to tell you that in November there was not a lot of crafty stuff going on.  I had a chest cold in October that progressed to bronchitis.  Ugh!  It was not fun.  And then the first round of meds didn't quite get rid of it so then there was round two.

But I promised my boss that I would make a banner for our new Thanksgiving themed event called Pumpkin Pie Picnic.  And with the help of Pinterest and Hobby Lobby this is what happened:

Here is a close up of on of the letters.  I used my silhouette for the letters and zip dry glue.  Now let me tell you about zip dry glue--it doesn't leave indents on the paper letters that are adhered to glitter paper.  Glossy accents (and I love you!) does.  I don't know how but for this scenario it is definitely the go to glue.  I did a stitch through felt strips and got glued them on for the crust.  It took about two "felt crusts" each.  And the stitch was easy-just time consuming where you go in and out of the material and scrunch it all together at the end.

Here's a closer look at picnic.

There is this card that I made at the end of October or beginning of November.  A friend of ours, David Gremmels, is a now world famous cheese producer.  So I made him a card to celebrate this honor.  His cheese Rogue River Blue won the highest score-and I embossed stars and cut the crown out of gold glitter paper.  The earth is a metallic shimmery paper I had in my stash.

Thank you for stopping by!  I'm better now (lol otherwise I would be sleeping!)  There are a few things for December so I will see you soon! :)

Sunday, December 29, 2019

October Projects

Hello Friends!

October is one of my favorite months of the year.  I love Halloween and Fall!

And as I am looking at these pictures-I was a little busy.

I made this Edgar Allan Poe card for a friend of mine who loves him.  That is the great thing about card making-is how you can taylor a card to a specific like or interest.  I am also glad that Tim Holtz like Poe and has his pictures in the halloween papers I have bought. LOL!

I love vignettes or diaramas-whatever you want to call them.  I saw these two happy little ghosts at Hobby Lobby and then this came together.  

A couple of little spiders are hiding on top!

A birthday card for a wonderful friend of mine!  The butterfly is a Martha Stewart Stamp.  Some Tim Holtz goodies are in the cluster and some Queen and Company and maybe Recollection flowers.

This cute birthday card is stamped with Jane's Doodles flamingos and leaves.  The starts are from a Paige Evans stencil.  Distress ink fossilized amber and spiced marmalade.  I colored the images with Copics. 

Every now and then-I totally loose my mind and must make something for a holiday.  I don't know when it will happen-it just does.  I had borrowed some Halloween books from the library.  I had no idea they would be so full of inspiration and projects that were in my skill level.  LOL  So I bought canvas materia, cut pieces and hand sewn bags.  And I still have foam stamps from the times of Making Memories.  I am so glad I have them-because with some craft paint they were perfect for these bags!  The book that inspired this project was Artful Halloween by Susan Wasinger.  

I was totally obsessed with making these bags.  And you must see the next thing.

In a totally different book from the library called Felt-O-Ween I had to make these water bottle covers.  Then you toss a hoop-so it's a fun game for kids.

I hand sewed the pieces together.  And loved making them!  It took a while-I'm not going to lie.  But it was fun and worth it to make something different.

Thank you for stopping by.  I will create the November post tomorrow!  See you then! :)

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Easter Layout

Hello Everybody!

This is a layout I made for the weekly challenge at Let's Scrap.  I love this layout becuase 1. it's very recent (which doesn't normally happen in my world!), 2. lot's of pictures, 3. I got to use up stuff I have had for awhile.  That I think might be the most exciting (kinda sad huh?) LOL.

The flowers on the side are from Fancy Pants-they are the felt ones that I just had to have back in the day.  Do you have any of these?  The egg paper is from Paper Pizzazz.  The pink flowers are from a ribbon I bought a Michael's a little while back.  The rick rac is from of those $1 spools (or they used to be $1).  The Easter drawings and journal cards are from We R Memory Keepers and I think those are pretty new, like I bought them last year.  I used my Cricut for the title.  And the 2013 are some green glitter stickers.

Thanks for stopping by!  Until next time my friends...time to craft some more! :)

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Blue and Yellow Thank you Card

Hello Everybody!

Hope all is going well mid-week.  :)  Tonight I finished a card for 2 challenges:

Freshly Made Sketches #18 -The sketch for my card.

CAS-ual Fridays CFC #35-scallops (and not the kind from the seafood counter!) ;)

Here's my card.  Scroll on down, and I'll show you what I did.

This is where my paper came from.  This mat stack is from Making Memories, and I bought it at an uber good price at a Scrapbook Expo 1 or 2 years ago.  Love it!

My scallop scissors that made the the two boxes on my card.

This DCWV stack is where I found letters that matched exactly the blue paper I had. 

Then there are 2 blue and 1 yellow pieces of Ric Rac.  And the felt flower and button center are from Fancy Pants.  Until next time my friends...stay coordinated!  :)

Friday, November 11, 2011

Turkey Day Cards!

Hello Everybody!

How did this week just fly by?  Is it because there is SOOO much stuff to do?  I think so! 

And getting those Thanksgiving cards ready is on the list!  Now here is a funny story.  2 years ago I was very pregnant and was gluing googly eyes to these little turkeys I bought at Joanne's (for $1!).  My son was due in December...he came early--a month early!  So I didn't send Thanksgiving cards out that year.  Last year he turned 1 but I was so busy between Halloween and his first birthday that I worked on Thanksgiving cards, but it was too late to send them out.  But this year they are done!  And they are going out this year!  LOL!

The turkeys are felt turkeys from Joanne's 2 years ago.  I think I bought them in October though.  It's one of those things that you have to buy right then, because if you go back later they will be all gone.  Same way with those cute G Studio stamps for a $1.  Those are some great stamps I think for the price!

These are basically the same.  Background + turkey (with or without matting) + a decoration

I had some canvas ribbon that I stamped gobble on which was fun to do.  Also, I inked around the edges of some of the mats and backgrounds.  Patterned paper and solid cardstock both worked well for these cards.  

I used a felt pumpkin border for one card.  And leaf stickers were a fun accent to use, also.

If you look there is a turkey with 3 eyes.  My husband suggest that---a little radio active turkey joke ;)

Until next time my friends--get those Thanksgiving cards done and in the mail!