Showing posts with label ITOPL Offers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ITOPL Offers. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Free PDFs of Doronzo and Jesuit BAC Manuals!!!


Below are some links for you to download free ITOPL files of tremendously valuable manuals of dogmatic theology published in the 1940s and 50s.  These works (among others) represent the most advanced state of Catholic theology so far... i.e., the pinnacle of organic, traditional theological development before most theologians in the West lost their grip and decided to turn their focus elsewhere.  The Spanish Jesuit manual, published by the Madrid-based Biblioteca de Autores Cristianos (B.A.C.) is an impressive work done by different authors from the generation before Vatican II, each an expert in his field; it represents the peak of Jesuit theology before the order drank the cool-aid.  Doronzo was a professor of Dogma at Catholic University of America (Washington, D.C.), and his massive dogmatic work on the Sacraments remains unsurpassed.  I must say that although I tend to prefer Dominican Thomists (such as Garrigou-Lagrange, Hugon, Ramírez, etc.), true greatness must be recognized where it is really present.  

By the way, the B.A.C. manual was translated into English a few years ago by Fr. Kenneth Baker, S.J. and is available from Amazon.  The set is not cheap (8 vols., $35 USD apiece), but it is truly worth its weight in gold.  If anyone were to give it to me for my birthday or for Christmas, I totally wouldn't mind.

Also, the Mercaba website, a Catholic resource supersite based off of Spain, has both the philosophy and theology manuals of the Spanish Jesuits (both published by B.A.C.) available in html in Spanish translation.

But of course, if we want to do serious theology, we should rather be reading the original Latin.  So here it is below, for free!  Enjoy!!!

(For future convenience, I'm providing permanent links to these and lots more on the "Downloadable PDFs" tab above, so when you need them you can just visit us and download from here.)

-Patres S.J. in HispaniaSacrae Theologiae Summa (BAC), v. 1: Theologia Fundamentalis.
-Patres S.J. in HispaniaSacrae Theologiae Summa (BAC), v. 2: De Deo Uno, Trino, Creante, Elevante; De peccatis.
-Patres S.J. in HispaniaSacrae Theologiae Summa (BAC), v. 3: De Incarnatione; Mariologia; De gratia; De virtutibus.
-Patres S.J. in HispaniaSacrae Theologiae Summa (BAC), v. 4: De Sacramentis; De novissimis.
-Emmanuel Doronzo, O.M.IThe Science of Sacred Theology for TeachersBk. 1: Introduction to Theology.
-Emmanuel Doronzo, O.M.IThe Science of Sacred Theology for TeachersBk. 2: Revelation.
-Emmanuel Doronzo, O.M.IThe Science of Sacred Theology for TeachersBk. 3: Channels of Revelation.
-Emmanuel Doronzo, O.M.IThe Science of Sacred Theology for TeachersBk. 4: The Church.
-Emmanuel Doronzo, O.M.ITheologia Dogmaticav. 1: De Revelatione, De Locis Theologicis, De Deo Uno.
-Emmanuel Doronzo, O.M.ITheologia Dogmaticav. 2: De Deo Trino, De Deo Creante et Elevante, De Gratia.
-Emmanuel Doronzo, O.M.ITractatus dogmaticus de Sacramentis in genere.
-Emmanuel Doronzo, O.M.ITractatus dogmaticus de Baptismo et Confirmatione.
-Emmanuel Doronzo, O.M.ITractatus dogmaticus de Eucharistia, t. 1,.
-Emmanuel Doronzo, O.M.ITractatus dogmaticus de Eucharistia, t. 2.
-Emmanuel Doronzo, O.M.ITractatus dogmaticus de Poenitentia, t. 1.
-Emmanuel Doronzo, O.M.ITractatus dogmaticus de Poenitentia, t. 2.
-Emmanuel Doronzo, O.M.ITractatus dogmaticus de Poenitentia, t. 3.
-Emmanuel Doronzo, O.M.ITractatus dogmaticus de Ordine, t. 1.
-Emmanuel Doronzo, O.M.ITractatus dogmaticus de Ordine, t. 2.
-Emmanuel Doronzo, O.M.ITractatus dogmaticus de Ordine, t. 3.
-Emmanuel Doronzo, O.M.ITractatus dogmaticus de Extremaunctione, t. 1.
-Emmanuel Doronzo, O.M.ITractatus dogmaticus de Extremaunctione, t. 2.