Showing posts with label Scholasticism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Scholasticism. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Quaeritur: Are "Will" and "Free Will" Synonymous in St. Thomas?


Quaeritur:  What is the difference between "will" and "free will"?   Looking at the Latin text in the Summa I notice that where Thomas is translated as “free will” the original Latin uses the term liberum arbitrium in various cases and declensions. In contrast, when Thomas speaks of the faculty of the will, he uses the word voluntas in various cases and declensions. So it seems that there is some distinction in what is meant by “will” in the two translations. Stelten's Dictionary of Ecclesiastical Latin translates arbitrium as "free choice, free will, decision and opinion," whereas voluntas is translated as "will, wish, inclination, desire, will and testament." So it does seem that the former is related to decision-making or choices, where the latter is related to the spiritual faculty of the will.  Would you please help clarify and illustrate?

Respondeo: Great question!  Voluntas is not the same as liberum arbitrium. They are two different acts of the same power. Liberum arbitrium can correctly be translated as "free choice," volulntas is simply willing things in general, even if when do not specifically choose them.  Whenever we deliberate or choose between two different options, we are implicitly willing something more basic that we are not choosing.  For instance, when I deliberate whether I want to eat a burger or a pizza for lunch, I'm trying to make a choice between them, but implicit in that choice I am willing (without choosing) to nourish myself and satiate my hunger.  Similarly, when I come up to a fork in the road, I have to decide which path will take me to my destination, or which one will be a better route; yet in this process I am implicitly willing (without choosing) my destination.  Every choice involves a deeper act of willing that is not a choice, at least not at the moment.  In St. Thomas' own terms, choice is always about the means, and never about the end.  More generally, no one can choose happiness as their ultimate end.  We automatically will it.  All our choices are about the means to get there.  Once a soul enters heaven, there will be no more choices; but they will eternally love (will) God, His happiness, and the soul's own happiness.

Cf. Summa theologiae, Ia, qq. 83, a. 4:

I answer that, The appetitive powers must be proportionate to the apprehensive powers, as we have said above. Now, as on the part of the intellectual apprehension we have intellect and reason, so on the part of the intellectual appetite we have will, and free-will which is nothing else but the power of choice. And this is clear from their relations to their respective objects and acts. For the act of "understanding" implies the simple acceptation of something; whence we say that we understand first principles, which are known of themselves without any comparison. But to "reason," properly speaking, is to come from one thing to the knowledge of another: wherefore, properly speaking, we reason about conclusions, which are known from the principles. In like manner on the part of the appetite to "will" implies the simple appetite for something: wherefore the will is said to regard the end, which is desired for itself. But to "choose" is to desire something for the sake of obtaining something else: wherefore, properly speaking, it regards the means to the end. Now, in matters of knowledge, the principles are related to the conclusion to which we assent on account of the principles: just as, in appetitive matters, the end is related to the means, which is desired on account of the end. Wherefore it is evident that as the intellect is to reason, so is the will to the power of choice, which is free-will. But it has been shown above, that it belongs to the same power both to understand and to reason, even as it belongs to the same power to be at rest and to be in movement. Wherefore it belongs also to the same power to will and to choose: and on this account the will and the free-will are not two powers, but one.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

New Book: John of St. Thomas, The Gifts of the Holy Spirit (Cluny Media, 2016)


John of St. Thomas, O.P., The Gifts of the Holy Spiritwith an introduction by Cajetan Cuddy, O.P. (Tacoma, WA: Cluny Media, 2016), xiv + 403pp.

To my joy and amazement, Cluny Media just recently reprinted a translation of a section of John of St. Thomas' Cursus Theologicus, dedicated to the Gifts of the Holy Ghost. The translation by Dominic Hughes, O.P., was originally published in 1951 by Sheed & Ward under the title, The Gifts of the Holy Ghost.  But it had been long out of print and hard to find.  It is now available from the Cluny Media website for the affordable price of $24.95.  I have been working on a review of this book to submit it for publication in a scholarly journal.  Before I do so I would like to share with you some of my thoughts in draft form.
John of St. Thomas (1589-1644) is not only an exceptionally faithful commentator of St. Thomas' Summa; his Cursus Theologicus is also historically monumental insofar as it is in itself an original Thomistic synthesis, a theological masterpiece in its own right that goes beyond merely commenting on the text of St. Thomas.  For example, whereas St. Thomas treats of the Gifts in many different questions spread throughout the Secunda Pars (Ia-IIae, qq. 68-70; IIa-IIae, qq. 8-9, 19, 45, 52, 121, and 139), John of St. Thomas gathers together the entire discussion of the Gifts into a single Disputatio.  In a sense, the Cursus is the first of the theological manuals, that is, the predecessor to the many Thomistic treatises ad mentem Sancti Thomae of later centuries.  It is historically a turning point between the earlier commentatorial tradition and the later manualist tradition. 
Hughes’ English translation does tone down a bit the scholastic format of the Latin original.  'Articles' are translated into 'chapters', and the questions that John asks in each are rendered as statements or headings. Thus the original scholastic sense of a quest for an answer to a question is lost a bit in translation.  Also lost in translation is John’s constant and explicit reference to the logical structure of the arguments to which he is replying: expressions such as ad primam, major probaturminor constatcontra estare either missing, or glossed over in such a way that their logical precision is lost; for instance, ad minorem is paraphrased as "in response to the latter part of this argument."  But these tendencies seem to be almost inescapable among mid-20th century English translations of scholastic works; compare, for example, Garrigou-Lagrange's Beatitude, translated by Patrick Cummins, O.S.B., with Garrigou's original De beatitudine.  For a purist such as myself, this toning-down of the scholastic method is obviously a drawback.  But the relatively free-flowing English text of these translations is designed to appeal to a non-expert audience, and thus opens up a masterpiece from the heart of the Thomistic tradition to a wider readership.  This is surely something positive in its own way (perhaps a mixed blessing of sorts) and, realistically, it is necessitated by the financial imperative of selling more books.  If you want to be a strict 'purist', read the Latin text itself.  For, as the Italians say: "traduttore, traditore."  That said, Hughes' translation includes, over and above the original, very helpful outlines at the beginning of each of his chapters (articles), which are a great aid to the careful student of John’s text.  
            One minor aspect in the reprint that I do find entirely unnecessary and in a way regrettable is the change in title, and together with it the "minor editorial revisions to the original text, including the changing of ‘Holy Ghost’ to ‘Holy Spirit’ throughout."  Not that it is theologically erroneous to say 'Holy Spirit' instead of 'Holy Ghost'. Rather, I just think that the deliberate suppression of traditional Catholic expressions such as this one tends to promote a disconnect with tradition in subsequent generations of Catholics.  This suppression furthers yet a little more the linguistic distance between us and our ancestors in the faith.  It is not so much an issue of preserving a tiny feature of our Catholic language; rather what is at stake is promoting continuity between generations of Catholics.  English-speaking Catholics need to become more familiar with the faith, writings, and modes of expression of their forefathers, not less.  That said, the consistent replacement of the expression ‘Holy Ghost’ throughout the book was to me personally at most only a bit distracting, and did not detract from the sheer joy of holding and reading John of St. Thomas’s commentary on St. Thomas in translation.
         The reprint also includes a brand new introduction by Fr. Cajetan Cuddy, O.P., which aims to show to the average reader the relevance of John of St. Thomas’ work on the Holy Ghost.  Fr. Cuddy here offers a brief apologia of the Thomistic Commentatorial Tradition.  He argues that "truth did not die with Saint Thomas Aquinas in 1274" (p. v), and that this tradition is "a living tradition" because the men who represent it received the "essential first principles of doctrinal purity and cultural engagement from Saint Thomas" and then went on "expeditions through the cultural and intellectual jungles of their own periods" (pp. v-vi).  And John of St. Thomas, whom his contemporaries called ‘another Thomas’, excels among Thomists in that he had a "unique ability to adjudicate difficult questions amidst great confusion without deviating from the truth.  Speculative complexity did not deter or suffocate this Iberian priest" (p. vii).  The translator's introduction to the 1951 edition, also contained in the reprint, includes a rather valuable "historical introduction" to John of St. Thomas, which will prove very helpful to readers seeking to deepen their understanding of the life, work, and times of this great Thomist.
        All in all, Fr. Cajetan Cuddy and Cluny Media have done a great service to English-speaking readers of Thomism and Theology in general by making available again this gem of the Thomistic tradition in translation.  The volume is a great joy to have and to study. I sure hope to see more volumes of this kind in years to come. 

Be sure to look also at Cluny Media's other Thomistic titles, such as Brennan's Thomistic Psychology, as well as several other volumes published in their Thomistic Institute Series.

Wednesday, March 01, 2017

New Downloadable PDF Collection (External Links)


Downloadable PDFs

(External Links)

As of late, I have been searching the internet for downloadable PDFs of works relevant to Thomism and to pretty much anything else related to traditional Catholic thought.  Below is what I've found so far.  

Highlights include much of St. Thomas' Leonine Edition and lots and lots of works by Fr. Réginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.P. and Santiago Ramírez, O.P. in various languages.  And I'm just getting started; there's lots more out there.

Many of the files I've found were originally scanned by us at Ite ad Thomam, and form part of the Ite ad Thomam Out-of-Print Library (ITOPL).  Most of the volumes were scanned between 2001 and 2009 from the libraries of FSSP's Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary, near Lincoln, Nebraska, and of Mount Angel Abbey and Seminary in Oregon.  They have been shared and shared and by now made public on the internet.  As I find more of our files across the internet I will provide links to them.  Just remember you got them first from us!

will keep a list of links handy here on the Ite ad Thomam Institute website. Look for the 'tab' above labelled "Downloadable PDFs"; there, I will be adding links as I find them.

-Sertillanges, O.P. La philosophie morale de Saint Thomas d'Aquin.
-Sertillanges, O.P. Saint Thomas d'Aquin, v. 1.
-Sertillanges, O.P. Saint Thomas d'Aquin, v. 2.
-H. D. Gardeil, O.PIntroduction to the Philosophy of St. Thomas. Vol. 2: Cosmology.
-Réginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.PGod: His Existence and His Nature, vol. 1.
-Réginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.PGod: His Existence and His Nature, vol. 2.
-Réginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.PDieu: Son existence et sa nature.
-Réginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.PDios: Su Existencia.
-Réginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.PDios: Su Naturaleza.
-Réginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.PLe Réalisme du principe finalité.
-Réginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.PEl realismo del principio de finalidad.
-Réginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.P"Natural Object of the Intellect and First Object Understood".
-Réginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.P"Non potest esse genuina sensatio sine sensato".
-Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.P. "Saint Thomas Commentateur d'Aristote"
-Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.PLes XXIV theses thomistes.
-Santiago Ramírez, O.PDe analogia, vol. 1.
-Santiago Ramírez, O.PDe analogia, vol. 2.
-Santiago Ramírez, O.PDe analogia, vol. 3.
-Santiago Ramírez, O.PDe ordine.
-Hirschberger. History of Philosophy
-Copleston. A History of Philosophy, Vol. 1 (Ancient)
-Copleston. A History of Philosophy, Vol. 2 (Medieval)
-Copleston. A History of Philosophy, Vol. 3 (Medieval)
-Copleston. A History of Philosophy, Vol. 7 (Modern)
-Douay-Rheims Bible (Challoner edition).

-De JournelEnchiridion Patristicum.


-Isidore of SevilleEtymologies.


-S. Thomae Opera ed. Leonina, t. 1: In Aristotelis libros Peri hermeneias et Posteriorum analyticorum, Ed. 1a.
-S. Thomae Opera ed. Leonina, t. 2: In Aristotelis libros Physicorum.
-S. Thomae Opera ed. Leonina, t. 3: In Aristotelis libros De caelo, De generatione et Meteorologicorum.
-S. Thomae Opera ed. Leonina, t. 4: Summa Theologiae I.1-49 (cum Cajetani commentario).
-S. Thomae Opera ed. Leonina, t. 5: Summa Theologiae I.50-119 (cum Cajetani commentario).
-S. Thomae Opera ed. Leonina, t. 6: Summa Theologiae I-II.1-70 (cum Cajetani commentario).
-S. Thomae Opera ed. Leonina, t. 7: Summa Theologiae I-II.71-114 (cum Cajetani commentario).
-S. Thomae Opera ed. Leonina, t. 8: Summa Theologiae II-II.1-56 (cum Cajetani commentario).
-S. Thomae Opera ed. Leonina, t. 9: Summa Theologiae II-II.57-122 (cum Cajetani commentario).
-S. Thomae Opera ed. Leonina, t. 10: Summa Theologiae II-II.123-189 (cum Cajetani commentario).
-S. Thomae Opera ed. Leonina, t. 11: Summa Theologiae III.1-59 (cum Cajetani commentario).
-S. Thomae Opera ed. Leonina, t. 12: Summa Theologiae III.60-90 (cum Cajetani commentario).
-S. Thomae Opera ed. Leonina, t. 13: Summa Contra Gentiles 1 et 2 (cum Ferrarensis commentario).
-S. Thomae Opera ed. Leonina, t. 14: Summa Contra Gentiles 3 (cum Ferrarensis commentario).
-S. Thomae Opera ed. Leonina, t. 15: Summa Contra Gentiles 4 (cum Ferrarensis commentario).
-S. Thomae Opera ed. Leonina, t. 16: Summa Theologiae et Summa Contra Gentiles, Indices.
-S. Thomae Opera ed. Leonina, t. 22.1: De veritate 1-7.
-S. Thomae Opera ed. Leonina, t. 22.2: De veritate 8-12.
-S. Thomae Opera ed. Leonina, t. 22.3: De veritate, 13-20.
-S. Thomae Opera ed. Leonina, t. 22.3: De veritate, 21-29.
-S. Thomae Opera ed. Leonina, t. 22.3: De veritate, indices.
-S. Thomae Opera ed. Leonina, t. 23: De malo.
-S. Thomae Opera ed. Leonina, t. 24.1: Quaestiones disputatae de anima.
-S. Thomae Opera ed. Leonina, t. 26: Super Job.
-S. Thomae Opera ed. Leonina, t. 28: Super Isaiam.
-S. Thomae Opera ed. Leonina, t. 40a: Contra errores graecorum.
-S. Thomae Opera ed. Leonina, t. 40de, De substantiis separatis, Super Decretales.
-S. Thomae Opera ed. Leonina, t. 41bc: De perfectione, Contra retrahentium.
-S. Thomae Opera ed. Leonina, t. 42: Opuscula varia.
-S. Thomae Opera ed. Leonina, t. 43, Opuscula varia.
-S. Thomae Opera ed. Leonina, t. 45-1, Sentencia libri De anima.
-S. Thomae Opera ed. Leonina, t. 45-1, Sentencia libri De sensu et De memoria.
-S. Thomae Opera ed. Leonina, t. 47.1: Sententia libri Ethicorum, 1-3.
-S. Thomae Opera ed. Leonina, t. 47.2: Sententia libri Ethicorum, 4-10.
-S. Thomas AquinasLiteral Commentary on the Book of Job.
-S. Thomas AquinasThe Academic Sermons.
-Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.PDe methodo S. Thomae.
-Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.PDe Deo Uno.
-Réginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.PDe Deo Trino et Creatore.
-Réginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.PThe Trinity and God the Creator.
-Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.PDe beatitudine.
-Réginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.PBeatitude.
-Réginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.PDe gratia.
-Réginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.PGrace.
-Réginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.PDe virtutibus theologicis.
-Réginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.PDe Christo Salvatore.
-Réginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.PChrist the Saviour (Word format).
-Réginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.PDe Eucharistia et Poenitentia.
-Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.PLa síntesis tomista.
-Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.PThe Essence and Topicality of Thomism.
-Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.PEssenza e attualita del tomismo.
-Santiago Ramírez, O.PDe hominis beatitudine, vol. 1.
-Santiago Ramírez, O.PDe hominis beatitudine, vol. 2.
-Santiago Ramírez, O.PDe hominis beatitudine, vol. 3.
-Santiago Ramírez, O.PDe passionibus animae.
-Santiago Ramírez, O.PDe habitibus in communi, vol. 1.
-Santiago Ramírez, O.PDe habitibus in communi, vol. 2.
-Santiago Ramírez, O.PDe gratia Dei, vol. 1.
-Santiago Ramírez, O.PDe gratia Dei, vol. 2.
-Santiago Ramírez, O.P¿Qué es un tomista?
-Santiago Ramírez, O.PIntroducción a Tomás de Aquino.
-Santiago Ramírez, O.PDe Auctoritate Doctrinali S. Thomae Aquinatis.
-Santiago Ramírez, O.PThe Authority of St. Thomas Aquinas.


-Ambroise Gardeil, O.P. Le donné révelé et la théologie.
-WalsheThe Principles of Catholic Apologetics. (Summary of Garrigou-Lagrange's De Revelatione.)
-Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.PDe Revelatione per Ecclesiam Catholicam Proposita, v. 1.
-Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.PDe Revelatione per Ecclesiam Catholicam Proposita, v. 2.
-Réginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.PArticles on the Nouvelle Théologie (Angelicum).
-Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.P. "La nouvelle théologie: Ou va-t-elle?"
-Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.P. "La notion pragmatiste de la vérité et ses conséquences en théologie"
-Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.P. "On the Principle of Idealism ‘Whatever is Outside of the Mind is Unknowable’"
-Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.P. "Where is the New Theology Leading Us
-Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.P. "The structure of the encyclical Humani Generis"
-Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.P. "La struttura dell'Enciclica Humani generis"
-Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.PEl sentido común.
-Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.P. "Prémotion Physique"
-Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.P. "Providence selon la théologie"
-Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.PLe sens du mystere et le Clair-Obscur Intellectuel- Nature et Surnature.
-Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.PEl sentido del misterio.
-Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.PPredestination (English).
-Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.PLa predestination de los santos y la gracia.
-Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.PLa Royauté universelle de Notre-Seigneur Jésus-Christ"
-Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.PLife Everlasting.
-Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.PLa vida eterna y la profundidad del alma.
-Pesch, S.JPraelectiones dogmaticaet. 1: Institutiones propedeuticae.
-Pesch, S.JPraelectiones dogmaticaet. 2: De Deo Uno et Trino.
-Pesch, S.JPraelectiones dogmaticaet. 3: De Deo Creante et Fine Ultimo.
-Pesch, S.JPraelectiones dogmaticaet. 4: De Verbo Incarnato; De Sanctis.
-Pesch, S.JPraelectiones dogmaticaet. 5: De gratia; De lege.
-Pesch, S.JPraelectiones dogmaticaet. 6: De Sacramentis I.
-Pesch, S.JPraelectiones dogmaticaet. 7: De Sacramentis II.
-Pesch, S.JPraelectiones dogmaticaet. 8: De virtutibus theologicis.
-Pesch, S.JPraelectiones dogmaticaet. 9: De virtutibus moralibus; De novissimis.
-HervéManuale Theologiae Dogmaticaev. 1: De revelatione, De Ecclesia, De fontibus.
-GibbonsThe Faith of Our Fathers.


-Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.PMother of the Saviour.
-Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.PLa Madre del Salvador y nuestra vida interior.
-Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.PProvidence (Word format).
-Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.PLa providencia y la confianza en Dios.
-Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.PChristian Perfection and Contemplation.
-Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.POur Saviour and His Love for Us.
-Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.PEl Salvador y su amor por nosotros.
-Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.PThe Love of God and the Cross of Jesus, vol. 1.
-Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.PThe Love of God and the Cross of Jesus, vol. 2.
-Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.PPriest in Union with Christ.
-Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.PLa unión del sacerdote con Cristo sacerdote y víctima.
-Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.PPriesthood and Perfection.
-Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.PLa santificación del sacerdote.
-Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.PLe virtù eroiche nei bambini.
-Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.PThree Ages of the Interior Life, vol. 1.
-Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.PThree Ages of the Interior Life, vol. 2.
-Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.PLas tres edades de la vida interior.
-Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.PThe Last Writings.
-Royo Marín, O.P. Teología de la perfección cristiana.


-FortescueThe Mass: A Study of the Roman Liturgy.

Friday, January 13, 2017

Quaeritur: Difference Between Formal and Total Abstraction


Quaeritur: What is the difference between so-called ‘total abstraction’ and ‘formal abstraction?  If total abstraction consists in abstracting the universal from the particular (e.g., abstracting from a concrete man the universal ‘man’), and formal abstraction consists in abstracting the form from the matter-form composite (e.g., I suppose that from a concrete man, we could abstract his formal ontological structure, that is, his substantial form ‘man’), which places a given being in its species, and which would be similar to the universal---or am I mistaken?  Aren’t they ultimately the same thing?

Respondeo: The difference between these lies in that total abstraction consists, as you say, in abstracting the complete nature of the individual in question (e.g., if we look at a particular tree and abstract the nature of ‘treeness’, or the tree’s proximate genus ‘plant’, or its ultimate genus ‘substance’), whereas formal abstraction consists in isolating, not the whole nature, but merely some partial aspect of the individual, prescinding from its sensible qualities that depend on matter for their definition (as for example, taking the same tree, we can abstractly conceive its geometric shape or figure).  These two types of abstraction, according to modern scholasticism, correspond to natural science and to mathematics, respectively.

Here is a nice explanation from Klubertanz’s Introduction to the Philosophy of Being (2nd Ed.):