(Potentia et actus ita dividunt ens, ut quidquid est, vel sit actus purus, vel ex potentia et actu tamquam primis atque intrinsecis principiis necessario coalescat.)
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Notes on The 24 Thomistic Theses (Hugon's Commentary): Thesis One
(Potentia et actus ita dividunt ens, ut quidquid est, vel sit actus purus, vel ex potentia et actu tamquam primis atque intrinsecis principiis necessario coalescat.)
Friday, July 13, 2012
Should Classrooms Be Coed? (TFP Article)
Should Classrooms Be Coed? (TFP Article)
Thursday, July 12, 2012
"Aristocracy and Sanctity," Exerpt from Nobility, by Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira
"Aristocracy and Sanctity," Exerpt from Nobility, by Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira
Link to Nobility.org.
'via Blog this'
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Quaeritur: Does Every Heart Transplant Involve Murder?
Quaeritur: Does Every Heart Transplant Involve Murder?
The 'Heart', A Third Rational Power in the Human Soul?
The 'Heart', A Third Rational Power in the Human Soul?
Monday, July 09, 2012
Is Theology a Science or is it Dialectical? St. Thomas' Nuanced Position
Is Theology a Science or is it Dialectical? St. Thomas' Nuanced Position
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Announcing a New Master's Program in Scholastic Philosophy (Institute Catholique de Toulouse)
Announcing a New Master's Program in Scholastic Philosophy (Institute Catholique de Toulouse)
Année A - 1er Semestre
La substance, l’acte et la puissance dans la Métaphysique d’Aristote
de la nature
Création & Évolution 1 : le problème des créationnismes
de l’homme
La vocation de la femme
La primauté du Bien commun
La dialectique aristotélicienne 1
Histoire de la philosophie
- S. Thomas d’Aquin et la Somme de théologie.
- La Foi et la raison
- 1 cours bloc de l’ISTA
cours du Master Éthique, cultures et humanité
Année A - 2e Semestre
Dieu, acte pur et pensée de la pensée,
le livre XII de la Métaphysique d’Aristote
de la nature
Création & Évolution 2 : le problème des matérialismes
de l’homme
Philosophie de l'homme et psychologie contemporaine
Anthropologie et théorie politique chez Suárez
La dialectique aristotélicienne 2
Histoire de la philosophie
Aux sources de la phénoménologie, « la controverse idéalisme-réalisme »
1 cours bloc de l’ISTA
cours du Master Éthique, cultures et humanité
[N.B. : choix du sujet du mémoire et du directeur de recherche]
Année B - 1er Semestre
Les purs esprits, le traité De Substantiis separatis de S. Thomas d’Aquin
de la nature
L’univers et le temps, le traité De Æternitate mundi de S. Thomas d’Aquin
de l’homme
La bioéthique et le statut ontologique de l’embryon humain
Le concept de « droits de l’homme »
L’art de tromper, Réfutations sophistiques et désinformation
Histoire de la philosophie
Les thomismes
- 1 cours bloc de l’ISTA
Travail de recherche et éditions critiques, le cas de l’édition léonine
Année B - 2e Semestre
« Dieu sans l’être » ? S. Thomas d’Aquin et l’onto-théologie
de la nature
La crise des sciences modernes et contemporaines
de l’homme
La spiritualité de l’âme humaine, les expériences de mort imminente
Laïcité ou laïcisme : la religion dans la cité
Les langages totalitaires (langue de bois et langue du Troisième Reich)
Histoire de la philosophie
1 cours bloc de l’ISTA
Mémoire de recherche
B.P. 7012
31068 TOULOUSE Cedex 7
Fax :
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Quaeritur: Are Secondary Substances the Same as First Intentions?
Quaeritur: Are Secondary Substances the Same as First Intentions?
Friday, May 11, 2012
Why We Must Reject All Postconciliar Claims to a "New Understanding" of Dogma
Why We Must Reject All Postconciliar Claims to a "New Understanding" of Dogma
The Vatican Council's Condemnation of the Evolution of Dogmas:
From the Vatican Council's Dei Filius, Ch. 4:
Thursday, May 10, 2012
The Polemical Correspondence Between Msgr. Fellay and the SSPX Bishops
The Polemical Correspondence Between Msgr. Fellay and the SSPX Bishops
Original French from Riposte Catholique: "Lettre de Mgr Fellay aux évêques de la Fraternité Saint-Pie X" | Riposte-catholique.
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Monday, May 07, 2012
1st International Congress on Thomistic Philosophy (University of St. Thomas, Santiago, Chile)
1st International Congress on Thomistic Philosophy (University of St. Thomas, Santiago, Chile)
Tuesday, May 01, 2012
Announcing S.T.A.G.S.
Announcing S.T.A.G.S.
Announcing the St. Thomas Aquinas Guild of Scholars (S.T.A.G.S.)
"As the stag panteth after the fountains water, so panteth my soul after thee, O God." (Ps. 41:2)
Each member strives for holiness from his own state in life and place in the world. STAGS is open to men and women, to laymen, clergy, and members of religious orders and congregations. The core of their identity as members of the guild is the fact that they have chosen an academic profession and they live the norms as as a means to attain holiness.
- Morning offering.
- Recitation of Memorare.
- Recitation of Angelus (at least once, at 6am, noon, or 6pm; genuflect at “et Verbum caro factum est”).
- Reading the Gospel of the day (traditional Missal).
- Mental prayer, accompanied by spiritual reading (traditional sources, 15-30 mins. minimum).
- Prayerful reading of formative text (traditional/traditionalist sources, 15-30 mins. minimum).
- A third of the Rosary (according to the traditional arrangement).
- Small daily mortification (to be determined by spiritual director).
- Examination of conscience (both general and particular).
- Three Hail Marys for purity before bed, preferably in Latin, with holy water.
- Traditional Latin Mass, Communion, and Thanksgiving.
- Visit to the Blessed Sacrament and Spiritual Communion.
- Psalm 2 in honor of Christ the King (Tuesdays).
- Adoro Te devote (Thursdays).
- Follow traditional fasting/abstinence rules (Fridays, Lent, and Ember Days).
- Marian antiphon (Saturdays).
- Athanasian Creed (Sundays).
- Confession and spiritual direction.
- Turn in monthly control (fulfilled norms sheet), provided by tutor.
- Contribution to the website.
- Recitation of the Oath Against Modernism upon joining guild and on anniversary.
- Pray the stations of the Cross at least once during Lent.
Monday, March 26, 2012
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Conference Announcement: "Aquinas and the Arabs" (Paris & Leuven, May 31 - June 5)
Conference Announcement: "Aquinas and the Arabs" (Paris & Leuven, May 31 - June 5)
- 1.Thomas d’Aquin et ses souces arabes / Aquinas and ‘the Arabs’
- 2. Translation and Transformation in Philosophy:
Don Paco's Abstract: