Showing posts with label Horses. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Horses. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

More Horsies

photo credit : blossomboy

One of my dearest friends, Sam is an amazing photographer (and fellow interior design enthusiast plus horse lover). In reponse to my last post, he sent me these beautiful photo's of horses that he has taken. I'm thinking these ones will take pride of place on my walls, I love them.

Thanks Sammy xx

Horsing around...

photo credits: sketch42

I LOVE these 2 images I found of these horses that I can't wait to frame and put up in my house.

I love horses and they do remind me of being a little girl. When I was little I had a Barbie horse which I galloped around so much, one of it's legs broke off :( It was a beautiful Palamino. My grandpa promised me when I was younger that when I pass year 12, he would buy me a horse (he had a farm see) Yes it was many moons ago since year 12 but I am still waiting for my horse! One day when I live in the country in my dream house and with my own family, I will get my horse.

So long since I've gone riding, maybe that's on my to do list for 2010.

I don't know where yet, but I can't wait to find a place for them and you can see why I want to put them up.